Science P5-2

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Science Course Outline

for Spring 2021 Competition

No. Themes Objectives
1 Observe day and night Understanding that a day can be divided into 2 periods of time: day and night
2 Weather Knowing that we have some kinds of weathers: sunny day, rainy day and cloudy day
3 Light Understanding that everything puts under the light can make a shadow
4 Human Senses To be able to differentiate our 5 senses and their functions
5 Heat Understanding the function of heat in our daily life and knowing the sources of heat
6 Sound To understand that sound comes from vibration and needs to vibrate in our eardrum to hear the sound
7 Push and pull force To know that push and pull force will make things move


No. Themes Objectives
1 Simple electricity To understand that electircity is the source of power
2 Observing nature To realize what nature has for human life
3 Growth of seeds To understand how to grow plants from seeds
4 Observing a butterfly To understand the life cycle of butterfly and the characteristic of each stage
5 Air To predict what will happen when we use properties of air
6 How shadow and sunlight work To understand how and where shadows will be formed under the sunlight and to know the use of sunlight
7 Properties of light To learn how to get heat from sunlight by using tools
8 Electricity and small light bulb To understand about conductor and insulator and how they work in the circuit
9 Magnet To understand that what sticks to magnet is made of iron


No. Themes Objectives
1 Electricity and small light bulb To understand about conductor and insulator and how they work in the circuit (2)
2 Magnet To understand use of magnet
3 Object and weight To learn how to weigh objects with a simple balance scale
4 How electricity works To understand what battery can be made of
5 Changes of temperature in a day To understand how temperature change in a day and night
6 The moon and stars To learn the phases of the moon and the position of stars in the satellite
7 Compressibility of air and water To understand that air and water have pressure that is strong enough to push things
8 Human body To understand that our body is built by bone system and the body movement is caused by muscle system (1)


No. Themes Objectives
1 Human body To understand that our body is built by bone system and the body movement is caused by muscle system (2)
2 Propagation of heat through matter To understand that heat can be transferred through solid, liquid, and gas
3 Warming of objects To understand that when things gets warmer or cooler, the volume will change
4 Shape of water To know how that water can be solid or liquid and the properties of water in each stage
5 Water cycle To know how water goes from ocean and comes back to ocean again
6 Germination and growth of plants To understand that plants grow from seeds and how the plants make their own food through photosynthesis
7 Birth of tadpoles To understand the life cycle of frog and to know the environment where they live
8 Forming of fruits from flowers To understand the process of forming fruits, starring from pollination
9 Changes in temperature and shapes of clouds To know several kinds of clouds during rainy days and fine days
10 Flow of water To understand the charactereistic of water in upstream and downstream and how it flows
11 Solubility of objects To learn how things dissolve in water and the temperature of the solution


No. Themes Objectives
1 Electromagnets To understand how to form the electromagnet with electric current
2 Working with pendulums To understand how it works with pendulum and balance them
3 Birth of humans To learn about human reproduction and conception
4 Combustion To know what kind of things that are combustible and the needs for combustion
5 Formation and systems of plants To understand the plant parts in detail and their functions in the system
6 Systems of humans and animals To learn about organs in human and animals and their function in their body systems
7 Relationship betwwen living things To learn that in life, the living things need another living things to survive
8 Properties of solutions To understand how we separate things from water through filtration and crystallization
9 The moon and the sun To learn about moon in more detail terminology and to learn about eclipse
JISMO S-5 (Science Primary 5) | Online September 2020 a JISMO 2015

Fill the circle on the answer sheet with the right answer.

1. There were two test tubes connected by a delivery tube containing a drop of ink. Those test
tubes were placed inside two beakers as illustrated below. One of the beakers was filled
with hot water while the other one with iced water. Then, the ink in the delivery tube moved
towards the right. Which of the following options correctly explains what water was in
beaker A and why the drop of ink moved towards the right?

A. Beaker A was filled with iced water. When air inside the test tube in beaker A got
cooler, it expanded and became less dense. On the other hand, when air inside the test
tube in beaker B got hotter, it contracted and became denser. That is why the drop of
ink moved towards the right.

B. Beaker A was filled with iced water. When air inside the test tube in beaker A got
cooler, it expanded and became denser. On the other hand, when air inside the test
tube in beaker B got hotter, it contracted and became less dense. That is why the drop
of ink moved towards the right.

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C. Beaker A was filled with hot water. When air inside the test tube in beaker A got
warmer, it expanded and became less dense. On the other hand, when air inside the
test tube in beaker B got cooler, it contracted and became denser. That is why the drop
of ink moved towards the right.

D. Beaker A was filled with hot water. When air inside the test tube in beaker A got
warmer, it expanded and became denser. On the other hand, when air inside the test
tube in beaker B got cooler, it contracted and became less dense. That is why the drop
of ink moved towards the right.

2. Emma planted 2 green bean plants in her yard. To see how plant A and B grew in 2 weeks,
she covered plant B with a box as illustrated below. She gave the same amount of water and
fertilizer to the plants and put them in the yard at the same temperature. What was the
purpose of the experiment? Explain how the leaves and stem of plant A and B looked like
after 2 weeks? Choose the right option.

Purpose of the Experiment Apparance of the Plant

To see whether appropriate temperature Both plant A and B grew tall in healthy
A. is important for the green bean plants green color as the soil condition was the
to grow or not. same.
To see whether water is necessary for Plant A had a thick and healthy green-
B. the green bean plants to grow or not. colored stem while plant B had a tall, thin,
and a bit yellowish-colored stem.
To see whether sunlight is necessary for Plant A had big and green-colored leaves
C. the green bean plants to grow or not. while plant B had small and yellowish-
colored leaves.
To see whether fertilizer is necessary for The number of leaves in plant A was few
the green bean plants to grow or not. while that of plant B was more.

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Refer to the following story to answer question 3 and 4.

Anna observed a mung bean germination.

She put a mung bean on damp cottons and
exposed it to the Sun. In 3 days, the mung
bean sprouted with seed root that went
down into the damp cotton.

3. Why did the seed root appear faster than the other parts of the seed?

A. Because the seed root needs to suck up water and send out to its leaves so that mung
bean can start photosynthesizing.
B. Because the seed root needs to absorb food and store it so that mung bean can use
it as energy.
C. Because the seed root needs to protect the seed from cracking so that mung bean will
grow in a good condition.
D. Because the seed root needs to absorb oxygen for photosynthesis so that mung
bean can produce carbon dioxide.

4. Anna wanted the sprouted mung bean to grow better, so she thought of transplanting it into
her garden. Then, she did the following 2 experiments to understand about the roles of soil
for the growth of the plant.

In experiment 1, she put the soil from her garden in the plastic bag, tightened up the
opening, and left it under the sunlight. She saw many water droplets inside the plastic after
a while.

In experiment 2, she transplanted the mung bean in a pot with the same soil as in
experiment 1. Then, the plant pot was put in the water and there were some bubbles as
illustrated below.

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Experiment 1 Experiment 2

Plastic bag Bubbles

Water droplet

Water Water tank


What did she learn through the results of the 2 experiments above? Choose the most
appropriate option.

Purpose of the Experiment Apparance of the Plant

The soil keeps appropriate temperature, The soil is warm, so it makes the water
A. so the plant grows well. temperature rise. The air in the water
The soil contains water and the root of The water in the tank dissolves air.
B. the plant absorbs it.

The water in the soil evaporates; therefore, The soil contains air.
C. there are a lot of water droplets in the
The soil makes the air inside the plastic The plant breathes in the water.
warm and humid.

5. In a clear night sky, we can see stars in different colors. The stars can be blue, red, orange,
or white. Why do they have different colors?

A. It is because stars reflect the sunlight in different wavelength.

B. It is because stars color is based on time whether it is day or night.
C. It is because stars color depends on the stars’ position from the Sun.
D. It is because stars have different temperature.

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6. Certain edible parts of plant are known as fruits and vegetables. The following sentences
describe fruits and vegetables based on their part of the plant.
i. Fruits : Developing from flowers and contain seeds.
ii. Vegetables : Developing from other parts of plant such as leaves, stems, and roots.

Based on the description above, find the correct matching fruit and vegetable.

Fruit Vegetable

A. Apple Cucumber

B. Orange Tomato

C. Banana Eggplant

D. Pear Carrot

7. Skydiving is an extreme sport which is performed very high in the sky as shown in the
picture below. After skydivers jump from the airplane, they will fall with accelerating high
speed. At a certain altitude, parachute opens and the speed stops increasing. Choose the
correct answer why skydivers fall at a constant speed instead of continuously falling down in
an increasing speed until they reach the ground?

A. It is because the wind speed is getting slower, so

their bodies adjust the balance in the air.
B. It is because the drag from air resistance is balanced
with the pull of gravity, so they will not fall very fast
like in the beginning. C. It is because the air resistance is bigger than the
gravity, so their bodies are pushed up in the air.
D. It is because the gravity becomes smaller when they
are reaching the ground, so they will land in slow

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8. Olivia did an experiment in laboratory to observe the environmental factor affecting the
reproduction rate of bacteria. She used 2 agar plates with the same volume and nutrients.
She cultured the same number of bacteria for each plate, A and B, as illustrated below. Plate
A was placed in a dark incubator at a temperature of 35°C while plate B was placed in a
refrigerator at a temperature of 5°C without any light source.

Olivia observed the 2 plates after 4 days of incubation and saw the results as shown in the
illustration below. Which of the following options correctly explains the environmental
factor affecting the reproduction rate of bacteria?

A. Bacteria reproduce faster when there is more oxygen in plate.

B. Bacteria reproduce faster without light.
C. Bacteria reproduce faster at warmer temperature.
D. Bacteria reproduce faster at high humidity.

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9. An airplane has 4 forces which are lift, weight, thrust, and drag as described in illustration A
below. Wings are the parts of airplane that generate lift. As shown in illustration B, wing is
shaped like a teardrop with a thick and rounded front part, while thin and pointed at the
back. How does a wing generate lift in a teardrop shape?


A. Faster air moving in the lower side of the wing creates higher air pressure.
B. Slower air moving in the upper side of the wing creates higher air pressure.
C. Faster air moving in the upper side of the wing creates lower air pressure.
D. Slower air moving in the lower side of the wing creates lower air pressure.

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10. Refer to following diagram to answer the question

Plant reproduction is the production of new individuals from parent plants. Above is the
diagram of plant classification based on its reproduction. Which of the following option has
all correct examples for replacing a, b, and c?

a b c
A. Rice Ferns Corn
B. Ferns Ginkgo Rice
C. Ginkgo Ferns Rice
D. Rice Ginkgo Corn

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Refer to the following story to answer question 11 and 12.

Kenzo did an experiment using a candle and a copper plate with a slit to observe how candle
burns. He lighted the candle then put the copper plate onto the candle without touching the
wick. When the slit was positioned as illustrated below, the flame went out even though the
wick of the candle was not pinched.

11. Why did the flame go out? Choose the most appropriate reason.

A. There was not enough oxygen for the wick

to burn.
B. The heat transferred to the copper plate, so
the temperature was not high enough to
keep the flame.
C. Melted candle could not go through the
wick so it could not transform into gas.
D. Gas of the candle was blown completely by
the copper plate, so there was no more
candle to keep the flame.

12. Which one of the following things burns differently from how candle burns?

A. Methanol C. Steel wool

B. Sugar D. Petroleum

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13. The following illustrations show simple electric circuits with light bulb(s). Each electric circuit
uses 2 batteries and 2 or 3 light bulbs. The example shows a circuit using a battery and a
light bulb. On the following options, find all the light bulbs among ‘a’ to ‘m’ which brightness
is the same as the example.

A. a, b, c, d, e, f, l, and m
B. a, b, e, f, and k
C. g, h, i, j, l, and m
D. c, d, g, and k

14. Anna did an experiment using an aluminum can containing a little amount of water which
was heated on a Bunsen burner as illustrated below. After the water boiled, she immediately
picked up the can with tongs and put it upside down into cold water in the bowl. Which one
of the following descriptions correctly states the result of the experiment?

A. The can expanded because we heated

it first and then shocked it by putting it
into the cold water.
B. The can expanded because the
temperature inside it was higher;
therefore, the air pressure inside the
can was higher than the outside.
C. The can shrunk because it became
vacuum inside and was hit by
atmospheric pressure from outside.
D. The can shrunk because the cold water
made the air inside the can
compressed; therefore, the air
pressure inside became lower than the

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Study the diagram and answer question 15 and 16.

15. Which organ(s) is/are not digestive organ(s)?

A. a only
B. a and b only
C. b and c only
D. a, b, and c only

16. Which of the following descriptions is the function of organ e?

A. To absorb the nutrients and minerals from food.

B. To separate the food waste into solids and liquids.
C. To digest food through its lining.
D. To create bile and help digest and absorb fat.

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17. A water cycle is a continuous circulation of water on the Earth and atmosphere. Many
processes are involved in water cycle which keep the water phase changing. Some of them
are evaporation, condensation, transpiration, precipitation, and so on. Which of the
following descriptions is incorrect about the process of water cycle?

A. Water evaporates from the oceans into water vapor due to heat from the Sun.
B. Invisible vapor rises into the atmosphere where the air is colder than on the ground.
C. The cold air in the atmosphere causes water vapor to condense into water droplets
and create clouds.
D. In the atmosphere, air resistance moves clouds carrying water vapor.

18. Zara takes swimming training to enter international competition. Her first lesson is to control
breathing while swimming. Which one of the following statements is related to Zara’s
swimming activity? Choose the most appropriate answer.

A. Zara’s bones protect her lungs so she can breathe easily.

B. Zara’s muscles keep her bones in place and increase the capacity of her lungs.
C. Zara’s bones provide stability to the body so she can hold her breath longer.
D. Zara’s muscles help her head turn aside while she breathes.

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19. Fireworks lit up the sky by dazzling arrays of colors, patterns, and sounds. The diagram
below shows the parts of a firework. Many small parts work together in the sky to create an
explosion followed by a show of colors. One of the parts is fuse. Fuse is a paper-like fabric
string which is located in a core of gunpowder. What is the main function of the fuse?

A. Launching the firework to the sky

B. Initiating stars to create the firework pattern
C. Delaying ignition until the firework reaches certain altitude
D. Igniting the charge to unleash cracking sounds

20. Sound is a fast vibration that travels as a wave through media such as air, liquids, and solid
objects. Sound waves travel through each type of objects at different speeds and this
process affects the sound pitch. The effect is explained as follows:

1) When sound travels quickly through an object, it will produce a high-pitched sound.
2) When sound travels slowly through an object, it will produce a tlow-pitched sound.

Based on the explanation above, which of the following things produces a high-pitched

A. Plastic
B. Rubber
C. Wood
D. Iron

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Subject Code: S-5
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Fill the circle on the answer sheet with the right answer.

1. There are some factors which increase the solubility of a substance. Illustrations below show
4 different experiments and each experiment has two conditions. Which of the following
options describes the condition of each experiment that allows salt to dissolve easier?

A. 1: 75°C – 2: in alcohol – 3: stirring – 4: big salt particle

B. 1: 75°C – 2: in water – 3: stirring – 4: small salt particle
C. 1: 5°C – 2: in alcohol – 3: without stirring – 4: big salt particle
D. 1: 5°C – 2: in water – 3: without stirring – 4: small salt particle

Refer to the following story to answer question 2 and 3.

A minus 20oC ice was put in a beaker and heated with fire. The fire was kept constant.
The following graph shows the changes in temperature. When the water temperature
reached around 40oC, there were (1) some small bubbles started appearing and then after
95oC, there were (2) many big bubbles coming out continuously.

2. In the graph, the inclination from A to B is greater than that of C to D. What is the reason?

A. Ice receives more heat compared to water because ice is the solid form of water.
B. Ice absorbs more heat compared to water because its molecule is denser than water.
C. Ice gets warm faster when it is heated with fire because the temperature difference is big.
D. Ice releases heat faster when it is heated with fire because the temperature
difference is big.

3. What were the bubbles of (1) and (2)? Which one of the following options is the most
appropriate answer?

A. (1) air, (2) vapor
B. (1) oxygen, (2) vapor
C. (1) air, (2) carbon dioxide
D. (1) oxygen, (2) air
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4. Ice is a solid phase of water which has different properties from water. During winter, ice
sheet is often formed on the lake surface and covers the water as shown in the picture
below. This natural phenomenon shows that ice is floating on the water. What is the
correct explanation behind this?

A. Ice is less dense than water because low temperature

creates more stable hydrogen bonds inside the ice.
B. Ice is less dense than water because low temperature
creates less stable hydrogen bonds inside the ice.
C. Ice is denser than water because low temperature creates
more stable hydrogen bonds inside the water. D. Ice is denser than water because low temperature creates
less stable hydrogen bonds inside the water.

5 Roller coaster is a fun ride that allows us to experience various tracks during riding time. It
was designed to be very high in sharp turns and often 360-degree inversions. When
designing a roller coaster ride, engineers already calculated many forces using physics in
order to build a fun yet safe ride. There is a kinetic force applied to this ride. Kinetic force is
a force that occurs when a thing moves around. Based on the picture below, in which point
will the kinetic force be the greatest?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

6. Julian and Phat went to Japan and played snowboarding during winter holiday. Their parents
said that they would go faster if they applied wax to the bottom part of their snowboards.
What was the purpose of adding the wax?

A. To increase the pressure between the board and snow.

B. To increase the balance of the board and body.
C. To decrease the friction between the board and snow.
D. To decrease the sliding force between the board and body.

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7. Muscle controls the movement in our body by receiving signal from the brain. However,
some muscle movements cannot be controlled by us. They are still working even when we
are sleeping. What is the name of that muscle, and where is that muscle located?

A. Involuntary muscle; digestive system

B. Involuntary muscle; skeletal system
C. Voluntary muscle; respiratory system
D. Voluntary muscle; eye system

8. Locomotion or the ability to move is one of the characteristics of living things. In animals,
the locomotion is basically important to get the foods and shelter, and every animal has a
special feature to move its body. Human has limbs as a locomotive organ, while fish has
many types of fins to help them swim in the water. Which of the following animals uses
muscular foot as the locomotive organ?

A. Eel
B. Caterpillar
C. Octopus
D. Mosquito larvae

9. Fish take oxygen from the water that they breathe in using special organs called gills. How
does the process of taking oxygen from the water happen in the fish’s body?

A. Water goes into the fish’s gills and exits through their mouth. Oxygen is extracted
when the water passes through the mouth.
B. Water goes into the fish’s gills and exits through their mouth. Oxygen is extracted
when the water passes through the gills.
C. Water goes into the fish’s mouth and exits through their gills. Oxygen is extracted
when the water passes through the mouth.
D. Water goes into the fish’s mouth and exits through their gills. Oxygen is extracted
when the water passes through the gills.

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10. Plant absorbs nutrients from soil through its roots. Those nutrients are used for the plant to
grow, develop, and finally produce seed. A plant that is lacking essential nutrients cannot
complete its life cycle. Which ones of the following nutrients are not necessary for plant?

A. Nitrogen and magnesium

B. Magnesium and calcium
C. Calcium and urea
D. Protein and sodium

11. Filtration is one of physical methods which is used to separate solid from liquid or gas using
a medium. There are a lot of filtration processes happening in our daily life including in our
body. One of the examples happens in our lungs when the gases exchange in alveoli. Which
of the following options is not the example of filtration tool in our daily life?

A. Vacuum cleaner
B. Air conditioner
C. Water purifier
D. Blender

12. Nowadays, magnet plays an important role in a wide range of devices used by human.
One of them is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a scanning technology which
produces detailed pictures of internal body structure. Which one of the following options
is not the function of magnet in our daily life?

A. As a part inside an electric motor

B. As a part inside a speaker
C. As a part inside a hard disk
D. As a part inside a light bulb

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13. One of many ways to generate electricity is by using coal which is called coal-fired power
plant. Even though the use of coal creates pollution for our environment, most countries
still use it a lot. Which of the following options is not the correct reason of coal usage?

A. It is the cheapest source of energy.

B. Coal is conveniently used for a broad range of applications from household to
industrial level.
C. Coal is one of the most current energy available.
D. Coal is one of the sustainable energies.

Refer to the following story to answer question 14 and 15.

In water cycle, precipitation occurs because of many natural phenomena. One of the phenomena
is when the atmosphere is full of water vapor, the water molecules are accumulated and then
finally precipitate.

14. Which one of the following options is having all the correct phenomena of precipitation?

A. Rain, vapor, and snow

B. Rain, snow, and drizzle
C. Cloud, drizzle, and fog
D. Vapor, fog, and cloud

15. Below are the types of clouds that can be seen in the above-mentioned phenomena. Which
one is the odd one out?

A. Stratus B. Cirrus C. Nimbostratus D. Cumulonimbus

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16. Fresh water can be found above and below the Earth’s surface. Glaciers, lakes, and rivers
are the sources of fresh water above the Earth’s surface, whereas fresh water located
below the Earth’s surface is known as groundwater. Groundwater is found in the cracks and
spaces in soil, sand, and rock. It is the water that soaked into the soil from rain and other
precipitations. In the dry season, most of fresh water on the Earth’s surface evaporates and
causes drought in some places. How does the dry season affect the amount of

A. It does not affect the amount of groundwater because the groundwater is covered by a
thick layer of soil and rocks.
B. It only gives a small effect because groundwater gets supply from the sea.
C. It does not affect the amount of groundwater due to its abundance.
D. It affects the amount of groundwater because in the dry season, the rainfall is very low.

17. Heavy rain can cause some disasters, for example flooding, landslide, and so on. It gives
bad effect not only to humans but also to ecosystems. When heavy rain occurs with strong
winds, there is also a risk of fallen trees. These following options describe the ways to
prevent the disasters caused by heavy rain. Which one is the false statement?

A. Planting more trees to absorb more water and reduce landslide.

B. Turning off electricity devices to keep away from flood.
C. Not throwing away garbage to the river.
D. Cleaning waterways in order to have a good drainage of roads.

18. Convection is the process of heat transfer through a gas or a liquid from high to low
temperature. This process can be found in our daily lives. Which one in these following
options is the example of convection principle in our daily activities?

A. Frying an egg on a frying pan

B. Using air conditioner in a room
C. Ironing clothes with steam iron
D. Lying down in the Sun to get warm

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19. Abi did an experiment using a glass flask which was arranged as shown in the illustration below.
He lowered the glass flask until it touched the ice water. He waited for 3 minutes and saw
something happen with the ink inside the glass tube. What did happen with the ink and why?

A. The ink went up because the air contracted.

B. The ink went down because the air contracted.
C. The ink fell to the bottom of the glass flask
because the air expanded.
D. The ink disappeared by evaporation because the
air expanded.

20. There are 4 gases, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. The descriptions of these 4
gases are written in the following cards. Read the descriptions in each card carefully and find
the right matching of gas O, P, Q, and R in the options.

Gas O Gas P Gas Q Gas R

A. Hydrogen Nitrogen Carbon dioxide Oxygen

B. Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide
C. Nitrogen Hydrogen Carbon dioxide Oxygen
D. Nitrogen Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide

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Question 1

Light travels from one transparent medium to another transparent one. The following
illustrations show the experiment of light using beakers and glass rods. The beakers are
filled with water. Which one of the followings shows the most appropriate result?
Explain the scientific phenomenon that happens inside the beaker.

Question 2

The following picture shows a natural cliff in a mountain. Some areas have layer deformation.
The X shows a layer of sand with small pieces of corals and shells. What can you tell about
the land by looking at the picture? Explain your thoughts.

Question 3

Kellen did an experiment to learn about density. She used tap water and oil to make two
stories of liquid in a glass, then she put an ice cube in. Where will the ice cube stay?
Choose the position among A, B, and C, and explain the theory behind your answer.

8 JISMO 2020
JISMO S-5 (Science Primary 5) | March 2020

Subject Code: S-5



1. Duration of the test is 60 minutes. There are 20

multiple choices and 3 short answers on the
question paper.

2. Use only pencils and erasers during the test. Calculators,

rulers, and pens are not allowed.

3. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom until

the test ends.

4. Shade your full name as shown by the example below.



5. Shade your choice as shown by the

example below.


Honour Code:
I pledge that I will not copy or Signature
take help from other students
or instructors while answering


 JISMO 2015
JISMO S-5 (Science Primary 5) | March 2020

Short Answer (S-5)

Please use the following spaces for short answer question 1 to 3.

Question 1.

The appropriate result: A

Explanation: When the light passes different mediums, in this case, from
air to water, the direction of light changes on an angle. This causes slightly
bending of glass rod in the water. It is called refraction.

Question 2.

Corals and shells are living in the shallow ocean, therefore the land used
to be under ocean where water temperature was warm. The stratum
deformation shows that the land was created by volcano activity or
earthquake on the seabed that will trigger plate moving.

Question 3.

Position: B

Explanation: Ice is less dense than water which makes the ice lighter than
water. However, ice is denser than oil. Thus, the ice stays between
oil & water.

 JISMO 2015
Invitation Letter for Simulation of The Competition

Dear paticipants,

Thank you for joining JISMO Spring 2021 online competition.

The Spring 2021 Olympiads will be held via online.

If you want to understand how the competition will be conducted or how to
use Zoom and Google Form simultaneously, you can join the simulation of JISMO
Spring 2021. It will only take 20 - 30 minutes. You can even join it several times to
gain more confidence and experience.

* Note: During the simulation, there will only be a fun mock test provided. It is not
related to maths/science questions for the Olympiads. We starts admitting
participants at 15:30 and hold the simulation from 15:40. Be punctual with the
scheduled time. We will start the simulation timely and will not admit anyone who
joins late.

We close the registration at 18:00 1 day prior to the simulation date. (e.x., if you
choose 2 March '21, the registration due is at 18:00 on 1 March '21). We will
email you the Zoom link and Password in the morning on the simulation day you

Please see the schedule of the simulation through the following link and register

If you need any further assistance for the above-mentioned issue, please contact us

We wish all of you the best luck on the competition day.

Very best regards,

JISMO Committee

JISMO Comittee
As of 7 Dec 2020

Online Competition Guidance and Rules

for JISMO Spring 2021

Dear Teachers and Parents,

Thank you for joining JISMO Online Spring 2020.

In order for participants to join the competition without anxiety, please read the following
competition guidance and rules carefully and explain to them prior to the competition. We
also need your support to provide a quiet and comfortable environment for participants to
concentrate on the exam during the competition.
We wish your children the best on the competition day.
Best regards,

JISMO Committee

Competition Dates

6, 13, 20, and 27 March 2021

3 and 10 April 2021
(Choose the most convenient Saturday for your children.)

Requirements to Join JISMO Spring 2021

* Own a PC or laptop at home

* Create a Zoom account with your full name
* Have a stabilized and strong internet connection
* Able to operate Zoom and Google Form independently

JISMO Comittee
Competition Time Schedule


9:00 | 8:00 : JISMO resends Zoom meeting link, ID, and password to participants
9:20 | 8:20 : All participants access JISMO Zoom meeting
9:30 | 8:30 : Re-registration by participants
10:00 | 09:00 : Competition starts
11:00 | 10:00 : Competition ends


9:00 | 8:00 : JISMO resends Zoom meeting link, ID, and password to participants
11:20 | 10:20 : All participants access JISMO Zoom meeting
11:30 | 10:30 : Re-registration by participants
12:00 | 11:00 : Competition starts
13:00 | 12:00 : Competition ends

Before the Competition Day

1. JISMO Committee will send Zoom link, ID, and password to participants’ registered
email addresses 1 day prior to the competition date.
2. Join simulation of JISMO Spring 2020 if you want to understand how the competition
will be conducted or how to use Zoom and Google Form simultaneously, For
registering, visit our Google link, to get
time schedule.
3. Participants must ensure the camera setting to show their upper body via Zoom on
the competition day.

JISMO Comittee
On the Competition Day

1. JISMO Committee will invite participants by resending Zoom meeting link, ID and
password to participants’ registered email addresses at 9:00 (Singapore and
Philippines time) and 8:00 (Thailand and Indonesia time) on the competition day.

2. Participants must access Zoom at least 40 minutes before exam.

3. JISMO invigilators will explain about competition rules to participants.

4. Participants use Google Form for the exam questions. JISMO invigilators will inform
them the link through Zoom Chat 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam.

5. Participants will do re-registration by filling up their names, registration number, etc.

in Google Form. Participants shall open Zoom and Google Form simultaneously
during the competition. Participants can minimize Zoom screen and maximize Google
Form screen by following the instruction below. Go to JISMO invigilator’s screen and
click “Pin Video” then click “Minimize”.

JISMO Comittee

6. Participants must share screen in Zoom after opening Google Form. In case of not
sharing the screen during the competition, participants will be disqualified without
warning. -->


7. Participants must go to the toilet before the exam.

8. Participants shall not switch off video during the competition. This will result in
9. Participants must be punctual with the exam time schedule. JISMO will start the exam
timely and will not admit anyone who joins late.

During The Competition

1. Participants should use only pencils and eraser. It is recommended that they use at
least 2 pencils. The rest of the things such as calculator, handphone, dictionary,
protractor, ruler, pen, etc. are not allowed to use during the exam. Only participants
for maths competition are allowed to use 1 sheet of A4 blank paper for calculation.
2. The duration of the competition is 60 minutes per subject. Participants are allowed to
leave the competition at any time after submitting the complete answers and switching
off Zoom. Make sure to click “Submit” button and see closing page appears. Once
participants left the competition, they are not allowed to re-access the Google Form
link or re-join the Zoom meeting.

JISMO Comittee
3. In case of lost WIFI connection, if the cause is from JISMO side, JISMO shall secure
60 minutes for participants. If the cause is from participants side, participants shall be
back to the competition within 5 minutes. While losing WIFI connection, participants
participants shall be back to the competition within 5 minutes.
4. Participants are allowed to drink water during the exam. However, foods are not


Participants may be disqualified in case of the following acts:

1. Not sharing screen, not turning mute on, using Zoom background feature, turning off
video, or switching off Zoom during the exam.

2. Using calculator, handphone, dictionary, protractor, or ruler during the exam.

3. Leaving participants’ computers for more than 5 minutes during the exam. In case of
leaving the computer, Participants shall finish the competition by submitting the
answers and switching off Zoom. This rule is applied for toilet break and WIFI
connection trouble in participants’ place.
4. Making strange movements such as hiding from the screen, making eye contact to
somebody in their places, making noise, etc.
5. Getting help from participants’ family members or friends to answer the questions
during the exam.
6. Closing Google Form both subconsciously and intentionally and loosing WIFI
connection for more than 5 minutes.

Questions and Scores

In both Maths and Science paper, there will be 22 multiple choice questions which carry a
total of 100 marks. No mark will be given or no deduction for wrong answers and/or
unanswered questions.

Announcement forfor
. Announcement Test

School, Individual, and Legend awards winners will be announced on Tuesday, 27 April 2021

JISMO Comittee
• Certificates and medals delivery schedule: 20 May ’21 – 5 Jun ‘21

We wish your children the best on the competition day.

Sincerely yours,

JISMO Committee

LINE QR Code Viber QR Code

Whatsapp QR Code

JISMO Comittee

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