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Nirma University Institute of Technology Semester End Examination (IR/RPR), May - 2019 M. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (INS), Semester-II / M. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (NT), Semester-IL 3CS1E13 Cloud Computing Roll/ Supervisor's initial J ExamNo | with date —_— Time : 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Instructions : 1. Attempt all questions 2. Figures to right indicate full marks, 3. Use section-wise separate answer book. 4. Draw neat sketches wherever necessary. 5. Assume necessary data wherever required. SECTION-1 Marks 50 Q1 Doas directed. [16] A Match the followin; & Cloud services to their respective service- (8) COIBL1 content. i) Saas a) Programming Languages, Mashups editors, Structured data, ii) PaaS b) Compute Servers, Firewall, Load balancer, Data storage. il) Iaas ©) Social Network, CRM, Office Suite Also, mention the usages of the hypervisor in cloud environs, Big Why there is a need for resource management and energy efficiency (8) COSBLA in a cloud computing environment? Justify your answer with two should be ane associated with resource management and the othe. should be associated with energy efficiency, Q2 Doas directed. [20] Architecture) is related to the SaaS (06) puting? Describe the same with a cloud A How SOA (Service Oriented CO2BL2 service of cloud com computing scenario, Fog luslify the need for migration of Virtual Machines (VMs) in a Cloud (06) COSBL3 environment and also identify the stages of Ine migration with the hypervisor as XEN OR Page I of 3 3CS1E13:Cloud Computing B 3 Why integration is required to connect two different application (06) COSBL3_ running in the cloud? Mention the characteristics of the integrator. (08) € __ State True or False with proper justification:- COIBLS i) Cloud environments can introduce distinct security challenges, some of which pertain to overlapping trust boundaries imposed by a cloud provider sharing IT resources with multiple cloud consumer's. ii) A cloud consumer's operational governance can be unlimited within cloud environments due to the control exercised by a cloud provider over its platform. ili) The elastic characteristic represents the ability of a cloud to transparently and automatically scale IT resources out or in. iv) A private cloud is owned by an individual organization and resides outside the organization's premises. Q.3 Answer the following. 114] Ao What is live migration? And how come it is related to high availability (08) CO2BL2 in the cloud computing environment? Mention the various steps associated to live migration. B ig ANEKA is essentially an implementation of the PaaS model, and it (06) CO2BL6 provides a runtime environment for executing applications by leveraging the underlying infrastructure of the Cloud. Mention how the Services; such as the Execution Services, Foundation Services and Fabric Services of ANEKA will characterize the ANEKA’s container. _ OR Big Tow, MapReduce programming model will solve the large scale (06) CO2BL6 computing problems? Hlustrate the same using wordcount problem, SECTION-IT Marks 50 Q4 Doas directed. [18] A, Mentify any 2 performance metrics for the following services (10) CO3BL6 Network Capacity Metrics Storage device capacity Metrics Web application capacity metrics Server capacity metrics Response time metrics How these metrics can be Capacity Management? used with the operational policies for Page? of 3 B CO4BLS as CO2BL3 B CO3BL2 CO3BL2 CO4BL3 Q6 COSBL6 CO4BLS CO4BLS 3CS1B13:Cloud Computing Identify the cases/scenarios were the cloud resources can be (08) classified as i) Under-provisioning ii) Over-provisioning Discuss different types of SLAs along with their Key components, Answer the following. [20] Comment how cloud technology supports Geoscience: satellite Image (08) processing and data management, Mlustrate the same by using a pictorial representation. Briefly answer the following questions on virtualization levels. (06) i) Highlight the key points and identify the distinctions in different approaches. ii) Explain the differences between hypervisor and para- hypervisor. OR Identify which Cloud deployment model is well suited to the following (06) Cloud scenarios. Also justify your answer Scenariol: Third party, multitenant Cloud infrastructure, and services; which is available on a subscription basis(pay as you go] Scenario 2: Cloud computing model run within a company’s own data center infrastructure for internal and partners use. Scenario 3: Mixed usage of private and public Clouds; just as leasing public Cloud services when private Cloud capacity is insufficient Justify the importance of rule engine and monitoring systems in (06) automated policy-based management systems Do as directed, [12] How capacity management is associated with SLA commitments? (05) Describe with an example. justify the statement: Admission control algorithms play an (07) important role in deciding the set of requests that should be admitted into the application server when the server experiences “very” heavy load. Mention various types of algorithms that are useful in the said scenario, oR Discuss the legal issues that arise in cloud computing environments, (07) List the key features of the USA PATRIOT Act. and the European Union Data Privacy Directive. SennnnEeneenenete Page 3 of 3

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