Market Research

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Event Managment Application

Sessions 12 to 15
Task: Create a presentation in groups containing a market research about a
Sport s event management application.

The presentation much cover the following topics:

1. Setting Objectives:
 Before starting, clearly define your objectives for the market
research. Examples of objectives could be:
 Evaluate market demand to determine interest in the
 Understand the needs and challenges of sports event
 Analyze the competition and differentiate yourself from
 Determine the financial viability of the project.
 Identify opportunities for geographic expansion.
 Define the desired brand positioning.
 Set user acquisition goals for the first year.
 Assess price acceptance in the market.
 Measure customer satisfaction and long-term retention.
 Identify potential strategic partners.
2. Identifying the Target Market:
 Define who your sports event management platform is
aimed at, such as athletes, event organizers, sports clubs,
leagues, sponsors, etc.
3. Secondary Research:
 Conduct online research and consult secondary sources
such as industry reports, sports statistics, and existing market
4. Primary Research:
 Conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups with
individuals from your target market to obtain direct information
about their needs and preferences.
5. Competitor Analysis:
 Identify your direct and indirect competitors in the sports
event management space and analyze their strategies.
6. Evaluation of Trends and Opportunities:
 Research emerging trends in the sports industry and related
7. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, Threats):
 Perform an internal and external analysis to assess the
situation of your platform.
8. Market Segmentation:
 Divide your market into smaller segments based on relevant
criteria, such as geographical location or type of sport.
9. Development of an Ideal Customer Profile:
 Create a detailed profile of the ideal customer based on the
collected data.
10. Final Report: - Summarize your findings in a final report that includes data,
conclusions, and recommendations.
11. Action Plan: - Develop a plan based on the research results for the
development and launch of your platform.
12. Ongoing Iteration: - Be willing to adjust your strategy as you receive
feedback and continue to monitor the market.

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