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Mens rea + Actus rea =…………………

2. …………………observed a crime is violation of right considered in reference to the evil tendency
of such violation as regards the community at large.(stephen)
3. ……………….defined crime as n act committed or omitted in violation of public law either
forbidding or commanding it.(blockstone)
4. …………….is the first stage of any offences and known as mental stage. (intention)
5. Which of the following sections have been inserted in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 by the Criminal
Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, namely………………. (A. Section 376A B. Section 376B C. Sections 166A,
166B, 354C )
6. According to Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, the right of private defence of the body
extends to the voluntary causing of death or of any other harm to the assistant if the offence which occasions
the exercise of the right is the act of………….(Acid Attack)
7. Voluntarily throwing or attempting to throw acid is an offence punishable under Indian Penal Code,
1860, under……..(Section 326B)
8. A demand or request for sexual favour from a woman is punishable offence under Indian Penal
Code, 1860, under……… (A. Section 354A)
9. A man shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment under section 354A of Indian Penal Code,
1860, if he commits……….((i) Physical contact and advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual
overtures. (ii) A demand or request for sexual favours.(iii) Showing pornography against the will of a
woman. (iv) Making sexually coloured remarks.)
10. A man is said to commit “rape” if he penetrates his penis, to any extent, into the ________ of a
woman(A. Vagina B. Mouth C. Urethra or Anus)
11. When a man inserts, to any extent, any object or a part of the body, not being the penis, into the
vagina, the urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person, he
12. To establish section 34 of IPC……………(common intention be proved but not overt act be
13. Section 34 of IPC………….(is a rule of evidence)
14. ‘X’ & ‘Y’ go to murder ‘Z’. ‘X’ stood on guard with a spear in hand but did not hit ‘Z’ at all. Y
killed ‘Z’………….(‘X’ & ‘Y’ both are liable for murder of ‘Z’)
15. ‘Voluntarily’ has been defined as an effect caused by means whereby a person intended to cause it
or by means, at the time of employing those means, know or had reason to believe to be likely to cause it
under………(section 39)
16. Under section 45 of IPC, life denotes……..(life of a human being)
17. Under section 46 of IPC, death denotes……………..(death of a human being)
18. Illegal signifies………….(A. everything which is an offence B. everything which is prohibited by
law C. everything which furnishes ground for civil action )
19. Animal denotes…………..(any living creature other than a human being)
20. How many types of punishments have been prescribed under the Indian Penal Code……….(five)
21. Under section 65 of IPC sentence of imprisonment for non-payment of fine shall be limited
to………………(one-fourth of the maximum term of imprisonment fixed for the offence)
22. Unlawful assembly + violence = ——————— (riot)
23. Under section 498A of IPC cruelty includes………….(harassment of the woman)
24. In case of an offence punishable with fine only, an offender who is sentenced to pay a fine of not
exceeding Rs. 100 but exceeding Rs. 50, the imprisonment in default of payment of fine shall not
exceed…………(four months)
25. Section 73 of IPC provides for the maximum limit of solitary confinement to be………….(three
26. If an offender has been sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding six months, the solitary
confinement………..(shall not exceed one month)
27. General exceptions are contained in…………(chapter IV of IPC)
28. Section 76 provides that nothing is an offence which is done by a person who is or who by reason
of………….(mistake of fact in good faith believes himself to be bound by law to do it)
29. Under section 79, nothing is an offence which is done by a person who is justified by law or who
by reason of mistake of fact in goodfaith believes himself to be………(justified by law to do it)
30. The maximum ‘ignorantia juris non excusat’ means………(ignorance of law is no excuse)
31. Section 76 & section 79 of IPC provide the general exception of…….(mistake of fact)
32. Accident as an exception has been dealt with in…….(section 80)
33. Under section 80, the exception of accident is available when an offence is committed
while………..(doing a lawful act in a lawful manner by lawful means)
34. The principle as to the way in which a man should behave when he has to make a choice between
two evils is illustrated in………….(section 81 of IPC)
35. Who was the President of the drafting committee of the Indian Penal Code?( Lord Macaulay)
36. Assault or use of criminal force on a woman with intent to outrage her modesty is dealt under-
………(Section 354 of IPC)
37. Under which name the Indian Penal Code came into application in Jammu and Kashmir?( Ranbir
Penal Code)
38. Assault or use of criminal force in an attempt to wrongfully confine a person is dealt under-
………..(Section 357 of IPC)
39. actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea means?( the intent and act must both concur to constitute the
40. X added potassium cyanide into Y’s drink intending to kill him. However, Z also happened to sip
from Y’s glass. They both died. The medical report claimed that Y actually died of a cardiac arrest, as the
poisonous substance administered was insufficient to cause his death. In addition, Z died due to the effect
of the poison. So…………(X is not liable for the death neither of Y nor of Z)
41. Cheating and thereby dishonesty inducing delivery of property, or the making alteration or
destruction of a valuable security is dealt under-………….(Section 420 of IPC)
42. Literally, mens rea means…………(A. guilty mind B. a guilty or a wrongful purpose C. a criminal
intent, a guilty knowledge and wilfulness)
43. The appellant stabbed the deceased in the abdomen. The deceased was taken promptly to hospital
and the wound was stitched but few days later he died. The evidence showed that at the time of death the
wound had healed. But due to terramycin injection being given in excess lungs had become over logged
and caused pneumonia on the question of causation…………..(The appellant can be acquitted)
44. Habitually dealing in stolen property is dealt under-…………….(Section 413 of IPC)
45. Punishment for Cheating is dealt under-…..(Section 417 of IPC)
46. Fraudulent removal or concealment of property of himself or any other person or assisting in the
doing thereof, or dishonesty releasing any demand or claim to which he is entitled is dealt under-
……………(Section 424 of IPC)
47. In which of the cases mens rea is not an essential ingredient for offences under-
…………………..(A. Revenues Acts B. Public nuisance C. Criminal case which are in summary mode )
48. House-trespass in order to the commission of an offence punishable with imprisonment if the
offence is theft is dealt under-………….(Section 451 of IPC)
49. During house trespass or house-breaking in order to the commission of an offence punishable with
imprisonment and if the offence is theft is dealt under-…………..(Section 454 of IPC)
50. Defamation against the President or the Governor of a State or Administrator of a Union Territory
or Minister in respect of his conduct in the discharge of his public functions when instituted upon a
complaint made by the Public Prosecutor is dealt under-…………..(Section 500 of IPC)
51. A had an argument with B and asked her to go leave him alone and go home. B refused and A
struck her on the head and rendered her unconscious. A dragged B to the parking lot during which B’s head
hit the pavement which caused her death…….(A is responsible for B’s death as the death was caused due
A’s negligence)
52. Presumption of culpable mental state of a person as per Section 10-C of the IPC includes………..(I.
Intention II. Motive III. Knowledge of fact IV. Belief in or reason to believe a fact )
53. Grievous hurt caused whilst committing lurking house trespass or house breaking is dealt under-
………….(Section 459 of IPC)
54. Dishonesty breaking open or unfastening any closed receptacle containing or supposed to contain
property is dealt under-………..(Section 461 of IPC)
55. False statement, rumour, etc, with intent to create enmity, hatred or ill-will between different
classes is dealt under-………….(Section 505 of IPC)
56. Enticing or taking away or detaining with a criminal intent a married woman is dealt under-
…………………(Section 498 of IPC)
57. Forgery is dealt under-….(Section 465 of IPC)
58. Having possession of a document, knowing it to be forged, with intent to use it as genuine; if the
document is one of the description mentioned in section 466 of the Indian Penal Code is dealt under-
………….(Section 474 of IPC)
59. Attempting to commit offences punishable with imprison¬ment of life or imprisonment, and in
such attempt doing any act towards the commission of the offence is dealt under-……………..(Section 511
of IPC)
60. False statement rumour, etc., made in place of worship etc, with intent to create enmity hatred or
ill-will is dealt under-………….(Section 505 of IPC)
61. Under which section of the IPC a person irrespective of his nationality can be held guilty and is
liable to punishment for any offence within India?( Section 2 of IPC)
62. Mischief committed after preparation made for causing death, or hurt, etc. is dealt under-
…………..(Section 440 of IPC)
63. Being entrusted with any closed receptacle containing or supposed to contain any property, and
fraudulently opening the same is dealt under-………….(Section 462 of IPC)
64. X participated in the child marriage of Y in another country. Both X and Y were still Indian citizens
at the time the marriage took place.( Both X and Y are liable for punishment under Section 3)
65. Running vessel ashore with intent to commit theft, etc. dealt under-…….(Section 439 of IPC)
66. Which of the following section makes all the offences under the Code without exception to be extra
territorial?( Section 4)
67. Kidnapping or abducting a woman to compel her marriage or to cause her defilement etc. is dealt
under……(Section 366 of IPC)
68. Extradition is………(A. to surrender of one State to another of a person desired to be dealt with
crimes of which he has been accused or convicted and which are justifiable in the Courts of the other
countries B. a political act done in pursuance of a treaty or an arrangement ad hoc C. it can be sought on
either in terms of treaty or on reciprocal arrangement )
69. Knowingly selling goods marked with counterfeit property mark is dealt under-……(Section 486
of IPC)
70. which one is admiralty jurisdiction extends?( A. Offences committed on Indian ships on the seas
B. Offences committed on foreign ships in Indian territorial waters C. Piracy )
71. Robbery is dealt under-(Section 392 of IPC)
72. False statement in connection with elections is dealt under-(Section 171 G of IPC)
73. Promoting enmity between classes in place of worship, etc. is dealt under-(Section 153A of IPC)
74. A, surgeon, in good faith communicates to a patient his opinion that he cannot live. The patient
dies in consequence of the shock.( B. A is not guilty as he rightly discharged his duties C. A is not guilty
as he did not give any false hopes )
75. Every person has a right of private defence of his property or of any other person against certain
offences affecting the property, has been provided…….(under section 97 of IPC)
76. Right of private defence is not available:…( to the aggressor to the aggressor against an act done
in private defence by the person attacked)
77. In a case of free fight between two parties………(no right of private defence is available to either
78. Under section 99, the right of private defence is…………..(available against public servants only
when their acts cause reasonable apprehension of death or grievous hurt)
79. Right to private defence under section 99…………..(does not extend to causing more harm than is
necessary for the purpose of defence)
80. Right of private defence extends to causing death, under the circumstances laid down
in…….(sections 100 & 103 of IPC)
81. Right of private defence of the body extends to causing death has been dealt with
under…………….(section 100 of IPC)
82. Right of private defence of property extending to causing death has been dealt with
under………..(section 103 of IPC)
83. In cases of assault causing reasonable apprehension of death or of grievous hurt, the right of private
defence extends voluntarily…………(causing death)
84. In cases of assault with intention of committing rape or of gratifying unnatural lust, the right of
private defence extends voluntarily…..(causing any harm including death)
85. In cases of kidnapping & abduction the right of private defence extends voluntarily
causing………………(A. any harm other than death B. any harm other than death & grievous hurt )
86. In cases of robbery or dacoity, the right of private defence extends voluntarily causing……………..
(any harm including death)
87. Where a wrong doer commits house breaking by night, the right to private defence extends to
voluntarily causing…………..(any harm including death)
88. Where a wrong leads to mischief by fire on a building used as a human dwelling or a place for
custody of property the right of private defence extends voluntarily causing…………….(any harm
including death)
89. Under section 102 of IPC the right to private defence of the body…….(commences as soon as a
reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises and continues as long as that apprehension continues)
90. Under section 105 of IPC, the right of private defence of property in cases of theft commences
when a reasonable apprehension of danger to the property commences and………..(A. continues till the
offender has effected his retreat with the property B. continues till the assistance of public authorities is
obtained C. continues till the property has been recovered )
91. Section 106 of IPC extends the right of private defence, in case of apprehension of death, to
causing…………(any harm including death to any innocent person)
92. Chapter V of Indian Penal Code deals with:…………( abetment)
93. Right of private defence is not available:……………( A. against any act which in itself is not an
offence B. against any act which is not legal wrong C. against any act which is a moral wrong)
94. Section 97 of IPC extends the right of private defence of property, to the offence of………….(theft
& robbery)
95. Abetment under section 107 of IPC can be constituted by…………(A. instigation B.conspiracy C.
intentional aid)
96. Abettor is a person………(Abettor is a person)
97. For abetment………..(it is not necessary that the act abetted should be committed)
98. Under Indian Penal Code, there can be abetment to………….(A. a person of unsound mind B. an
infant )
99. Abetment of an offence is……….(always an offence)
100. If the act abetted is committed in consequence, the abettor is punishable with punishment provided
for the offence………….(A. if the offence committed is the same as abetted B. if the offence committed is
different from the one abetted, for the offence committed C. if the doer commits the offence with different
intention than the abettor )
101. Abetment by instigation may be……(A. by words spoken B. by letters C. by conduct)
102. Abetment is complete as soon as…(the abettor has incited another to commit an offence)
103. X ordered his employee Y to beat Z. Y refuses. Now………..(X has committed abetment & Y has
committed no offence)
104. No criminal liability for abetment arises………….(B. if the act abetted is not an offence C. if the
act abetted is morally wrong )
105. Conspiracy has been defined as an agreement between two or more persons to do an illegal act or
an act which is not illegal by illegal means, under…….(section 120A of IPC)
106. For conspiracy, the minimum number of persons required is………(two)
107. Under criminal conspiracy…….(mere agreement is made an offence even if no step is taken to
carry out that agreement)
108. Conspiracy to wage war against Government of India has been dealt with under………….(section
121A of IPC)
109. For an unlawful assembly under section 141 of IPC, the minimum number of persons required
110. For an assembly to be unlawful, must have a common object of the kind specified
in……………….(section 141 of IPC)
111. In which recent case the meaning and rationale of “preventive detection” is being discussed in the
Constitution or statute………..(State of Maharashtra v. Bhalurao Runjabrao Gawande)
112. An accused person has been provided with the protections by Constitution of
India……………..((1) ex post facto law (2) safeguard against arrest and detention (3) double jeopardy )
113. Z under the influence of madness attempts to kill A……………(A. Z is not guilty B. A has the
same right of private defence as Z )
114. Same offence with concealment of the former marriage from the person with whom subsequent
marriage is contracted is dealt under-………..(Section 495 of IPC)
115. Failure to keep election accounts is dealt under-…………(Section 171 I of IPC)
116. Intentionally omitting to give notice or information to a public servant by a person legally bound
to give such notice or information, if the notice or information required respects the commission of an
offence, etc. is dealt under-…………..(Section 176 of IPC)
117. Robbery or dacoity, with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt is dealt under-…….(Section 396
of IPC)
118. The rule volenti non fit injura is based on which of the proposition?(A. every person is the best
judge of his own interest B. no man will consent to do what he thinks is hurtful to himself )
119. Unnatural offences is dealt under-……………(Section 377 of IPC)
120. The principal object of Section 88, 89 and 92 of the IPC is………(protection of medical
121. Section 94, IPC is based on the principle……(actus me invito (factus) non est mens actus)
122. Theft in a building, tent or vessel is dealt under-…………..(Section 380 of IPC)
123. Which of the following are the limits which dictate the right of private defence?( A. that the same
right is claimed by all other members of the society B. that it is the State which generally undertakes the
responsibility for the maintenance of law and order)
124. Right to private defence cannot be used for which of the purpose?( A. vindictive B. aggressive C.
retributive )
125. A instigates B to instigate C to murder Z. B accordingly instigates C to murder Z, and C commits
that offence in consequence of B’s instigation……………(A,B,C)
126. Maiming a minor in order that such minor may be employed or used for purposes of begging is
dealt under-………….(Section 363 A of IPC)
127. Intercourse by a man with his wife not being under twelve years of age is dealt under-
………(Section 376 of IPC)
128. Theft after preparation having been made for causing death, or hurt or restraint or fear of death, or
of hurt or of restraint, in order to the committing of such theft, or to retiring after committing it, or to
retaining property taken by it is dealt under-……………(Section 382 of IPC)
129. Procreation of minor girl is dealt under-……….(Section 366 A of IPC)
130. Selling or letting to hire a minor for purposes of prostitution, etc. is dealt under-
……………(Section 372 of IPC)
131. Wrongful confinement has been defined under…..(section 340 of IPC)
132. Assault cannot be caused by……(mere words)
133. Assault can be caused by……….((a) gestures (b) preparations)
134. Assault in order to outrage the modesty of a woman is punishable…………(under section 354 of
135. Assault or criminal force used in attempting to commit theft of property is
punishable………..(under section 356 of IPC)
136. Kidnapping from lawful guardianship under section 361 of IPC can be…………((a) of a person
under sixteen years of age if male (b) of a person under eighteen years of age if female (c) of a person of
unsound mind )
137. In kidnapping, the consent of minor is…….(wholly immaterial)
138. The word ‘takes’ in section 361 of IPC signifies……….((a) taking by force (b) taking by fraud (c)
physical taking)
139. Which of the following is correct as to theft under section 378 of IPC……….((a) dishonest
intention to take property (b) the property must be moveable (c) the property must be in possession of the
prosecutor )
140. A takes a camera belonging to B out of the possession of B without the consent of B, with the
intention of keeping it until he gets a reward from B for its restoration. A is guilty of……..(theft)
141. Section 107 of IPC deals With …………………..(Abetment of things)
142. ……………… last stage of crime. (Accomplishment)
143. A child of age less than ……………….is completely excusable of any crime.
144. Sec.376E of IPC deals with ……………..(habitual offender)
145. Which section deals with murder …………….under IPC.(300)
146. What is the punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder? (E-10 Years, Life)
147. Offence relating to public tranquility comes under section………….
148. When two or more person, by fighting in a public place, disturbs the public peace they are said to
commit an offence of…………. (affray)
149. Kidnapping is of two types……………
150. A person having sexual intercourse with his wife during period of separation under Sec……………

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