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LOCUS WP_326388254 565 aa linear BCT 19-JAN-

DEFINITION malate dehydrogenase [Escherichia coli].
ACCESSION WP_326388254
VERSION WP_326388254.1
SOURCE Escherichia coli
ORGANISM Escherichia coli
Bacteria; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria;
Enterobacteriaceae; Escherichia.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 565)
AUTHORS Bologna,F.P., Andreo,C.S. and Drincovich,M.F.
TITLE Escherichia coli malic enzymes: two isoforms with substantial
differences in kinetic properties, metabolic regulation, and
JOURNAL J Bacteriol 189 (16), 5937-5946 (2007)
PUBMED 17557829
REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 565)
AUTHORS Wang,J., Tan,H. and Zhao,Z.K.
TITLE Over-expression, purification, and characterization of
NAD-malic enzyme from Escherichia coli K12
JOURNAL Protein Expr Purif 53 (1), 97-103 (2007)
PUBMED 17215140
COMMENT REFSEQ: This record represents a single, non-redundant, protein
sequence which may be annotated on many different RefSeq
from the same, or different, species.

Evidence Category :: BlastRule
Evidence Accession :: NBR011214
Evidence Source :: NCBI
COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..565
/organism="Escherichia coli"
gene 1..565
Protein 1..565
/product="malate dehydrogenase"
1 mepktkkqrs lyipyagpvl lefpllnkgs afsmeerrnf nllgllpevv etieeqaera
61 wiqyqgfkte idkhiylrni qdtnetlfyr lvnnhldemm pviytptvga acerfseiyr
121 rsrgvfisyq nrhnmddilq nvpnhnikvi vvtdgerilg lgdqgiggmg ipigklslyt
181 acggispayt lpvvldvgtn nqqllndply mgwrnpritd deyyefvdef iqavkqrwpd
241 vllqfedfaq knampllnry rneicsfndd iqgtaavtvg tliaasraag gqlsekkivf
301 lgagsagcgi aemvisqtqr eglseeaarq kvfmvdrfgl ltdkmpnllp fqtklvqkre
361 nlsdwdtdsd vlslldvvrn vkpdiligvs gqtglfteei iremhkhcpr pivmplsnpt
421 srveatpqdi iawtegnalv atgspfnpvv wkdkiypiaq cnnafifpgi glgviasgas
481 ritdemlmsa setlaqyspl vlngegmvlp elkdiqkvsr aiafavgkma qqqgvavkts
541 aealqqaidd nfwqaeyrdy rrtsi

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