Nyamugamba Women Group Constitution

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Nyamugamba Women Group Constitution


Nyamugamba Women Group
To Bring People In The Community Together
To Help Each Other While In Difficulties E.G. During Sickness Or In Time Of Sorrow
To Help Each Other During Weddings
Nyamugamba Women Group Is Located In Kirinyaga County, Mwea Sub County In Mwea
Constituency , Mwea East Division , Murinduko Location In Miuu Sub Location
a. Social Welfare
-We Do Offer Assistance To The Group Members In Need During Programs As;
Healthcare Assistance, Food Stuff, During Weddings, Demise Of A Group Member.
b. Economic Empowerment
-Our Group Gives Equal Ability To Participate In Existing Markets And Access To Over
Productive Resources, Access To Decent Work Control Over Our Own Time.
-We Give Participation In Economic Decision Making At All.
This Group Was Formed With The Following Specific Objectives;
a. To Provide Support To A Member In Difficult Situations.
b. To Improve Access To Loans And Credits To Members
c. To Promote Culture Of Saving Among Members
d. Promote Farming Among Group Members
Our Group Has To Uphold The Following Values:
a. Accountability- The Ability To Be Responsible For Ones Actions And Decisions And
Expected To Explain When Asked To
b. Honesty
c. Trustworthy
d. Royalty
e. Punctuality
f. Time Manager
a. Table Banking
b. Merry Go Round
c. Monthly Contribution Through Members
d. Farming- Growing Of Maize And Beans And Later Sell After Harvesting To Benefit The
-Planting Of Trees From Nurseries As Seedlings To Sell Later When Ready To
Eligibility For Membership
- Persons Must Be 18 Years Of Age And Above
-Should Be A Resident Of The Groups Unit
-A Person Of Sound Mind
-A Person Who Is Ready To Pay Groups Registration Fee Which Is Non Refundable
-A Person Of Unsound Mind Regardless Of Age Will Remain Under A Parent Or A Guardian
-Every Member Shall Belong To A Certain Religious Group Which Is Recognized By The Law Of
-Any New Resident Who Want To Permanently Settle To The Group Locality Will Have To Pay
2000 Cash As Registration Fee So As To Be A Member Plus Project Fee Proposed On That A.G.M
-All New Members Will Be Required On Agm Or On A Special General Meeting
-Elderly Members Would Be Voted During The General Meeting
-Any New Member Can Enjoy The Groups Services After A Duration Of 3 Months.
-Any New Member Who Has Finished 3 Months Being A Member And Has Not Made Full
Registration Money Cannot Enjoy Any Services Of The Group
Qualification Needed To Be A Group Member
-Age Of 18 Years And Above
-Somebody From Groups Locality
-Somebody Who Is Ready To Obey Groups Constitution
-Somebody Who Is Able To Pay Registration Of 1000ksh Which Is Nonrefundable
-Somebody Who Is Capable Of Paying Group Contribution
-A Person Of Good Reputation
Requirements To Meet To Be A Member
-Group Registration Fee Which Is Non Refundable
-Personal Details E.G. Identification Card , Phone Number
Exit And Expulsion
A. Rights Enjoyed By Members In Our Group
Welfare Activities- We Contribute To Our Member If She Losses Her Loved Ones(Children And
When She Wants To Meet Her Hospital Bills During Sickness
Table Banking
Giving Out Loans And Paying Back At Low Amounts
B. Members Responsibilities To The Group
-Attending Group Meeting
-Should Know The Group Constitution And Obey It
- Making Group Constitution
- To Bring And Discuss Group Agenda
-Has The Right To Vote In Group Elections
C. Discipline
-Lateness In The Group Meetings One Is Fined An Amount Of 20ksh And Absence Without
Apology An Amount Of 100ksh
-Bringing Violence In The Group One Is Fined 500ksh
-No Group Member Is Allowed To Share Group Secrets To Non Members, If One Is Found Is
Expelled From The Group And Charged An Amount Of 1000 Kshs.
-If A Member Misses To Pay Any Loan Taken From The Group Plus The Loans Interest One Is
Seized From The Group And A Legal Action Is Taken For Recovery Of The Money Which Will
Come With Interest.
D. Group Beneficiaries
- Both Parent And Children
-Single Parent, (She And Children)
-Single Parent
E. Exit
By Ones Choice And No Services Can Be Offered And You Cant Claim Anything From The Group
If One Changes The Group Locality
By Members Choice Eg Failure To Contribute Groups Contribution And To Attend Group
Meeting, One Can Be Expelled From The Group By The Group Members And Be Given A
If Principle Member Dies, The Next Of Kin Cannot Proceed With The Share
F. Expulsion
If One Is Expelled Or Seizes From The Group Nothing Will Be Refunded
Constitutes Of
- Chairlady
- Vice Chairlady
- Secretary
-Vice Secretary
- Discipline Master
Qualification Of An Office Bearer
-A Fully Registered Member
-Must Be A Member Of The Group For A Period Of 2 Years
-Must Be From The Groups Locality
-Must Be Able To Read And Write
-Must Always Be Available When Needed
-Must Not Be A Defaulter Eg In Group Meeting, Group Contribution
-Must Be Respectful
-Must Be Honest
-Must Be Trustful
Disqualification Of An Office Bearer
-If A Member Is Not Fully Registered
-If A Member Has Not Been In The Group For A Period Of 1 Year
-If A Member Is Unable To Read And Write
-If A Member Is Not Available When Needed
-If A Member Is A Defaulter
-If A Member Is Not Of Good Reputation
-If A member Is Disrespectful
-If A Member Mismanages Group Properties And Funds
Roles And Responsibilities Of An Office Bearer
-Presides All Group Meetings
-Signs Group Documents
-Provides General Guidelines Related To The Group Affairs
-Reconciles Group Members When Differences Occurs
-Ensures Harmony In The Group
Vice Chairlady
- Perform Chairlady Duties When Absent
-Deals With All Correspondent Of The Group In Case Of Urgent Matters, Shall Consult The
Chairlady And Decision Made Shall Be Notified During Next Meeting
-She Shall Be Responsible For Keeping All Meetings Minutes And Preserve All Records Of
Meetings Proceedings
Vice Secretary
-Performs The Duties Of The Secretary When She Is Absent
-Shall Receive And Disburse Money And The Direction Of The Committee Funds Belonging To
The Group And Keep Records
-Issue Receipts To All Transactions Carried Out To The Members
-Keep Books Of Account And Shall Be Available For Inspections When Needed
Committee Rules And Regulations
-Any Committee Member Who Misses 3 Consecutives Meetings Seizes To Be A Committee
- Any Committee Member Who Misuses Group Funds Shall Be Required To Refund The Amount
In Full And Will Seize Being A Member Of The Committee
-Any Committee Member Who Is Late For The Committee Meeting By 10 Minutes Will Be Fined
Ksh 100 And When Late For 30 Minutes She Misses Her Allowance
Nb: The Committee Should Meet Two Times An Year. Allowances 500ksh
Committee Can Also Meet Due To Emergencies Or Valid Reasons
a. An Office Should Serve For Two Terms(4 Years) Which Is Renewable
After Serving For A Duration Of Four Years, One Shall Not Serve Again , If Not Rested For
Another 4years
b. Why One Should Not Be An Office Bearer
-Mismanagement Of Group Funds
-Seize To Be A Member
-Exposes Committee Secrets
a. Sources Of Group Funds
i. Members Contribution
ii. From Donors
iii. Well Wishers
iv. Fines
v. After Selling Our Farm Products
vi. Lending Group Assets, Plates And Cups
b. Managements
i. Money Received By The Treasurer Is Deposited To The Groups Bank
Account(Equity Bank) Account Number
ii. Bank Signatories- Chairlady
c. Records And Documents
i. The Financial Statement Shall Be Reconciled Annually
ii. All Cheque Will Be Produced
iii. Petty Cash And Attendants List Shall Be Produced, Minute Books, Ledger Books
And Payment Voucher
d. Allowances
e. What Constitutes Default For A Committee Member
i. Mismanagement Of Group Resources And Funds- A Legal Action Is Taken, A By-
Election Is Done And Seizes Being A Committee Member And Reported To The
DSDO For Legal Advice And Made To Pay The Appropriate Money Or Resources
ii. If A Member Misuse Group Funds Or Resources Stops To Be A Member Of The
Committee And Resumes To Be A Member Of The Group If She Pays The
Misused Funds Or Resources.
Nb: No Services Can Be Lendered To Such A Defaulter Until She Pays Back The
Misused Money Or Resources
f. Procedures And Frequency for carrying out audit for activity and finances
i. Group member’s role to confirm funds usage, deposit, balance in hand and at
ii. Members have the right to inspect group records, right to seek department
intervention, engage an independent auditor.
a. Money in our group is deposited in our bank account
b. The money is used in:
i. Merry-go-rounds
ii. Committee allowances
iii. Meeting group activities
13. Group assets
a. Group lends to its members plates and cups at a lower cost( 1cup @ 5sh, 1 plate @5sh)
a. Group keeps the following records
i. Secretary
1. Records daily occurrence during group meetings
2. Minute book
ii. Treasurer
1. Financial statement
2. Cash books
3. Payment vouchers
4. Ledger book
5. Receipts
6. Petty cash
b. Penalties of mishandling group records
i. One seizes not to be a group member, by-elections done and the matter is
reported to DSDO for legal action.
a. Committee meetings
b. General meeting
c. Annual general meeting
d. Special meeting
e. Administrative meeting
frequency of meeting
-meetings are held from 3:10 pm to 4:30 pm and starts with a word of prayer
nb: AGM is held every year and not later than 31st December
-members should be notified of such an annual meeting not less than twenty one days
before the day of the meeting
-annual statements of the accounts should be available to all members
-agendas of the annual general meeting should be
i. Treasurer report
ii. Elections
iii. New members recruitment
iv. Way forward
a. Shall be held after two years
b. Eligible officials shall be elected for two terms( 4 years)after which one shall not be
elected again after her term ends
a. Any member who fails to contribute monthly for three times shall be marked as a
i. In case this happens , the secretary writes a letter to the defaulter as a reminder
to acknowledge her the duration of payment is over
b. If a member fails to make group contribution she is expelled from the group
i. Any defaulter or official who mismanages group funds or resources will be made
to pay the cost of expenses made during the recovery of the group funds or
c. No money is received by the committee if the previous contribution is not cleared
d. If a member fails to make any contribution at the same time , the contribution is added
a fee of 100ksh
amendments of the constitution of the group must be approved by at least 2/3 majority of the
members during the annual meeting
19. Indemnity
in case officials organize a project and use the group funds without group members authority
culminating to a loss of money and resources, the official will be held accountable for the loss.
if members organize a project with the authority from members and it encounter loss of money
or resources then the group will be held accountable for the lose.
a. Dissolution of the group shall be a resolution past a general meeting of the members by
a vote of 2/3 of registered members.
b. When the dissolution is approved, no further action shall be taken other than liquidate
for cash or assets of the group in such a manner as maybe resolved.
c. Money should be shared per members share
d. Group shall meet all liabilities.
a. Procedure for adoption of the constitution
i. All group members must sign against their names as a means of adoption and
committing themselves to the provisions of the group constitution
ii. The group members have read and understood and they are willing to comply
with the constitution and then have endorsed it.\

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