2 Matura 2015 Repetytorium PP Test Mod 3 4

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NAME .......................................................................

MARK ----------------
Poziom podstawowy
CLASS ......................................................................
DATE .................................... Modules 3 & 4
Rozumienie ze słuchu
C Dear parents,
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę na temat pracy.
Our pupils have been extremely busy in the art
Na podstawie usłyszanych informacji zdecyduj,
department this half term and have created a whole
które zdania (1–5) są zgodne z treścią rozmowy
exhibition on insects. The school has decided to hold
(TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Wstaw odpowiednią an ‘Insect-ibition’ evening. Family members are invited
literę (T–True lub F–False) obok każdego zdania. to view the excellent work of the pupils between 5pm-
1 David and Lisa have spoken recently. .............. 7pm on Wednesday 24 April. Prizes will be awarded
for the best works by a group of teacher judges.
2 Lisa has been promoted at work. ..............
3 David is unemployed. .............. Complementary drinks and snacks will be available
4 David currently works as an accountant. .............. throughout the evening. Please join us in celebrating
the excellent work of our art students.
5 David plans to apply for a job in a shop. ..............
(4 x 5 = 20)
Kind Regards,
Mr A Meredith

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych 3 At the school event, visitors can

2 Przeczytaj trzy teksty, które łączy temat edukacji. A win a variety of prizes.
Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną B take part as judges.
z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C. C enjoy free refreshments.
(3 x 5 = 15)

A THE GREAT INSTRUMENT AMNESTY Znajomość środków językowych

Thousands of children across Britain will be given 3 W zadaniach 1–5 spośród podanych opcji (A–C)
the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić
due to ‘The Great Instrument Amnesty’. A concert zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
pianist from London called James Rhodes has
1 The company got in touch with Jake to offer him the
asked members of the public to donate any unused
or unwanted instruments to primary schools. The
A met up with B contacted C talked to
pianist launched his campaign after discovering that
the facilities for teaching music vary greatly from
2 Rosie was turned down for promotion.
school to school. British television’s Channel 4 plan
A rejected for
to make a documentary, which will follow James
B not suitable for
Rhodes as he tries to make his idea a reality at a
C unworthy of
school in Essex.

1 The intention of the text is to 3 Edward resigned from his job last week.
A persuade people to donate their musical A was fired from B let go of C quit
B inform readers about an initiative that is taking 4 Can you make it to the meeting tomorrow?
place. A Will you come to
C complain about the music facilities in primary B When will you get to
schools. C Do you want to go to

5 Carl dropped out of college because he didn’t enjoy

B SCIENCE CLUB the course.
Are you interested in science? Do you like to do A stopped attending
experiments? Want to learn something new and B was thrown out of
have fun? If you answered yes to these questions, C failed
then the science club is definitely for you! We have (5 x 5 = 25)
a whole range of investigations and experiments for
you to carry out using our books, tablet computers Wypowiedź pisemna
and lab equipment. We also have several exciting 4 Wypowiedz się na poniższy temat.
trips to science museums and animal centres lined
up. You can learn lots of new and interesting facts, Właśnie dostałeś/-aś się na studia w Anglii i chcesz
while brushing up on your scientific theory. The powiedzieć o tym koledze z Wielkiej Brytanii. Napisz
science club meets every Thursday after school e-mail (80-130 słów), w którym:
from 3:30pm – 4:30pm in Lab 42.  opiszesz swoje uczucia po otrzymaniu wiadomości
See you there! o przyjęciu na studia,
Miss McDonald  powiesz jaki kierunek wybrałeś/-aś i czego
spodziewasz się po studiowaniu,
2 The text is about  przedstawisz zalety i wady studiowania za granicą,
A why all students should join the science club.  poprosisz o udzielenie rady w sprawie przygotowania
B the benefits of participating in the science club. się do studiowania.
C the variety of trips offered by the science club.
(40 Marks)
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Matura 2015 Repetytorium. Poziom podstawowy

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