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Art is where we make meaning beyond language - it's the connection between viewers and the
artist, both muse the meanings of the artwork. Specifically here is violence. Even though it may
be too inconsonant, violence in art still defines something.

- Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a
visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for
their beauty or emotional power
- Violence is strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force

- Everything has its own meaning. It may express society's vices or threatened environments.
In most cases, artists illustrate violence because they want to express their experiences, and
their knowledge about a specific area. For example, the art “Judith Beheading Holofernes"
by Artemisia Gentileschi, was drawn because of her past - being raped by his dad's
coworker, according to predictions of viewers. It's not always how artists think, violence in art
can be a message or an experience artists want to embellish.

- Everyone has their own style. Not only the meanings but the choice of style of the artists is
also important. It helps artists create their own what-so-called “brand”. For example,
Caravaggio and his Baroque style of painting. When Baroque is mentioned, everyone will
think of him. And from this, we can conclude that, it's totally fine to draw violence. It is what
helps artists make their own brand and become well-known.

- Violence can be a message or a meaning behind all of the paintings. Paintings that illustrate
violence do not always make people prone to being violent.
- It’s the artist's own choice of style. And

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