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4 Grammar (1)


How much / How many + quantifiers

1 ★ Choose the correct words.
1 There are a few / many strawberries. 4 I can see a lot of / many lions.
2 There aren’t many / much elephants. 5 There isn’t a few / much water.
3 How any / much rice is there? 6 How any / many monkeys are there?

2 ★★ Look at the pictures and write questions and answers with the words.

any / butterflies  ​any / fruit  ​few / lions  ​little / pasta  ​lot / eggs  ​much / water

1 How many eggs are there? 4

There are a lot of eggs.

2 5

3 6

3 ★ ★ ★ Rewrite the sentences with a few, a little, Your turn

not many, not much, and a lot of.
1 There isn’t much water.
4 Write sentences about the people and things
below. Use much, many, a lot of, a little, and a few.
There’s a little water.
students in the class
2 There aren’t many penguins.

money in your wallet

3 There are a few books.

water in your water bottle

4 There isn’t much butter.

desks in the classroom

5 There are 25 kangaroos!

food in your bag

6 There’s a little juice.

messages on your cell phone

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 4 (1) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
4 Grammar (2)

There was / There were

1 ★ Order the words to make sentences and questions.
1 the zoo / some / were / at / there / kangaroos There were some kangaroos at the zoo.
2 there / people on / weren’t / the beach / any
3 a book / on / was / there / the table / ?
4 snake in / there / a / was / the desert
5 there / any / wasn’t / the table / fruit on
6 the party / there / were / children / at / any / ?
7 houses on / some / the island / were / there

2 ★★ Look at the chart. Write sentences, 3 ★ ★ ★ Complete the conversation.

questions, and short answers with There was / Robbie: Hi Martina. How was your vacation?
There were.
Martina: Oh, hi Robbie. It was great, thanks.
on the mountain

Robbie: 1
Were there a lot of people in your
on the island

in the desert
in the forest

on the tree
in the lake

at the zoo

Martina: No, 2 .3
only a few, so it was nice and quiet.
Robbie: 4
a beach near your

1 people ✓ hotel?
Martina: Yes, 5 .6
2 bears ✗
a lot of beaches near us. We were on an
3 apples ✓
4 tiger ✓
Robbie: Great! 7 any wild
5 penguin ✗ animals on the island?
6 lion ✓ Martina: Well, 8 a few snakes.
7 plants ✗ That wasn’t very nice. But
a lot of butterflies,
1 Sentence: There were some people in the lake.
too. I love them – they’re so beautiful!
2 Question: Were there any bears in the forest?
Robbie: What about sharks? 10
No, there weren’t.
any sharks?
3 Question:
Martina: Oh yes, on our last day,
a shark in the ocean!
4 Sentence: I was really scared! But I was on the
5 Question: beach, so I was OK.

Your turn
6 Question:
4 Write four sentences about your last vacation.
7 Sentence: Use There was / There were.
On my last vacation, there were a lot of awesome
things to do.

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 4 (2) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
5 Grammar (1)

was / were: affirmative and negative

1 ★ Complete the affirmative 3 ★ ★ ★ Look at the pictures. Write an affirmative and a negative
(✓) and negative (✗) sentences sentence for each one with the words.
with was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t.
bathroom / kitchen  ​ great / terrible  ​jazz CD / metal CD  ​
1 I wasn’t at my cousin’s on time / late  ​
scared / excited  ​sunny / cloudy
house. ✗
2 Grandpa a jazz 1 It wasn’t a jazz CD.

musician. ✓ It was a metal CD.

3 You at school
yesterday. ✗
4 We excited about our 2 She

vacation. ✓
5 The movie very
good. ✗
3 The boys
6 Jenny an R&B
singer. ✗
7 I very scared. ✓

2 ★★ Write affirmative and 4 I

negative sentences.
1 The classical music CD / be /
5 You
The classical music CD was
2 You / be / on time for school

6 It

3 they / not be / nervous about

the test

Your turn
4 Aaliyah / be / an R&B singer
4 Write affirmative and negative sentences for you. Use the
information in the chart and was, wasn’t, were, and weren’t.

I late for school this morning

5 I / not be / at the party
my parents was hot and sunny yesterday
my homework at home last night
my best friend at a party last Saturday
6 we / be / in the music store
the weather easy yesterday evening

I wasn’t at home last night.

7 it / not be / a nice day

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 5 (1) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
5 Grammar (2)

was / were: questions 3 ★ ★ ★ Read Amy’s magazine review of the

band Trouble in their concert last night. Write
1 ★ Choose the correct words. questions and answers.
Brad: Hey, Josie! 1Was / Were you in a concert
with your band last night?
I was at a concert last night. The band’s name
was Trouble. I was excited about it, and I’m
Josie: Oh, hi Brad. Yes, I 2was / were.
happy to say that they were fantastic. The
Brad: 3Where / Why was the concert?
singer, Joe Brady, can sing really well. He’s
Josie: It was in the mall.
also a great guitarist. That was good because
Brad: Cool! So, 4was / were you the singer? their other guitarist, Nathan Jones, was at
Josie: 5No / Yes, I wasn’t. Jenny 6was / were the home with a bad leg! Joe is a good songwriter,
singer. too. The words in the songs were awesome.
Brad: So, 7was / were the fans excited? There was one problem, though. There were
Josie: No, they 8were / weren’t. They were bored. only a few fans there. I don’t know why,
Brad: 9Why / When were they bored? because Trouble is a really good band. I hope
Josie: They 10was / were bored because the they play again soon!
guitarist and the drummer 11was / were an
1 Amy / at the concert
hour late!
Brad: Oh no! 12What / Who were the guitarist and Was Amy at the concert? Yes, she was.
the drummer? 2 the concert / good
Josie: Ben was the guitarist and Luke 13was / were
the drummer. 3 the singer / a keyboard player
Brad: So … 14was / were the concert terrible?
Josie: Yes, it 15was / were, Brad. It 16was / were
4 where / Nathan Jones
awful! Sorry, but I’m late for class!
Brad: Oh, OK! See you later!
5 lyrics / good
2 ★★ Write questions for the answers with
was / were and the words.
6 how many / fans / there
it / cold / yesterday  ​when / her birthday  ​
where / the books  ​why / the girl / scared  ​
you / late for class this morning  ​ Your turn
your grandpa / a guitarist
4 You are a music journalist and you are preparing
1 Was your grandpa a guitarist? to write a review of a concert. Write five or
No, he wasn’t. He was a keyboard player. more questions to ask about the concert. Write
yes / no questions and questions with what,
when, why, where, and who.
They were on the table.
What was the band’s name?
The movie was horrible.
Yes, it was. It was cloudy, too.
No, I wasn’t. I was on time.
It was in May.

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 5 (2) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
6 Grammar (1)

Simple past regular verbs: 3 ★ ★ ★ Complete Jason’s e-mail to his parents

affirmative with the simple past form of the verbs.

camp  ​carry  ​ climb  ​jump  ​
1 ★ Complete the chart with the correct
look for  ​
love  ​pull  ​sail  ​stop  ​talk
form of the simple past regular verbs.

+ -ed + -d double -y + Message Options +

consonant -ied
+ -ed Send Forward Attach Check Names

1 sail sailed
Dear Mom and Dad,
2 carry School camp is great, although there’s a boy
3 pull in my group called Jonas and I don’t like him!
4 escape Last night we 1 camped next to the lake. Jonas
5 follow was in my tent – he talks a lot! He 2 till
1:30 a.m. He only 3
because Mr. Perez
6 try
wasn’t very happy with him. This morning, we
7 stop 4
a mountain. I 5 all the food in
8 like my backpack to the top. At the end of the walk,
9 stay Jonas said, “I can’t find my cell phone.” We
it for hours. In the end, it was at the
2 ★★ Write sentences in the simple past. top of the mountain … Mr. Perez wasn’t very
1 We / follow / the men for two kilometers happy, again. This afternoon, we 7 in
We followed the men for two kilometers. boats on the lake. It was awesome – I 8

2 Jess and Luke / carry / their bags to the camp every minute of it! But Jonas 9 into the
water. Mr. Perez 10
him back onto the

3 last night / I / cook / dinner boat and, not surprisingly, he wasn’t very happy
with Jonas … again.
So I’m having fun, but I’m very tired. I want to
4 Kelly / prepare / her clothes for the trip
sleep for a week, and to be very far from Jonas!
See you soon.
5 you / study / a lot for this test

6 we / jump / into the water

Your turn
7 Josh / prefer / the white boat
4 Write sentences for you and your friends and
family with the simple past form of the verbs.
8 My parents / live / near the lake
camp  ​
carry  ​jump  ​look for  ​
love  ​study

Last summer, we camped near the beach.

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 6 (1) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
6 Grammar (2)

Simple past irregular verbs: 3 ★ ★ ★ Look at the pictures of life events. Write
affirmative sentences in the simple past with the words.

be / born  ​buy / a house  ​find / a job  ​

1 ★ Complete the puzzle with the simple
get / married  ​have / his first child  ​
past form of the verbs. leave / high school
Across: Down:
4 sit 1 leave 1 James was born
5 catch 2 have
6 grow 3 think in 1986.
8 buy 4 sleep
9 take 6 get 2 He
11 make 7 find
13 come 10 know
14 go 12 run
L 3
F 2005.
2 3 4



9 10

11 12



2 ★★ Rewrite the sentences in the simple past.

1 My brother always leaves his clothes on the
My brother always left his clothes on the floor.
Your turn
2 She feels very tired.
4 It’s 2065. Write sentences in the simple past
3 My sister spends a lot of money on clothes. about your life. Use the words.

be born  ​buy a house  ​find a job  ​

4 My grandmother speaks Portuguese. get married  ​have children  ​leave school

5 I take an apple to school every day. I was born in …

6 I go to my dad’s old school.

7 We swim in the ocean every morning.

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 6 (2) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
7 Grammar (1)

Simple past: negative

1 ★ Choose the correct words.
1 I didn’t / not read the news. 4 He doesn’t / didn’t take the quiz.
2 She didn’t chat / chatted with her friends. 5 You didn’t / don’t answer my question.
3 We didn’t went / go to the movies. 6 He didn’t writes / write this blog.

2 ★★ Order the words to make sentences. There is one extra word in each sentence.
1 posted / they / any / didn’t / comments / post They didn’t post any comments.
2 know / I / the / knew / homework / about / didn’t
3 the / we / videos / share / not / didn’t
4 met / my / meet / you / didn’t / teachers
5 she / birthday / felt / about / didn’t / her / excited / feel
6 the / catch / he / ball / didn’t / caught

3 ★ ★ ★ Look at the pictures. Write negative simple past sentences with the words.

not buy / the shoes  ​not clean / your bedroom  ​ not download / the music  ​
not eat / my dinner  ​not go / to bed early  ​not know / the answer

1 She didn’t buy the shoes. 4

She forgot to take money
with her. You never do your chores.

2 5

I wasn’t hungry. Now they’re very tired.

3 6

We bought the CD. His teacher wasn’t happy.

Your turn

4 Write five sentences about things you did not do on the weekend.
I didn’t play on my computer.

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 7 (1) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
7 Grammar (2)

Simple past: questions and 3 ★ ★ ★ Complete the questions and short answers in
answers the conversation with the correct form of the words.

how / she / meet  ​no / I  ​no / she  ​she / speak  ​

1 ★ Correct one mistake in each
what / Maya / think  ​
what / you / talk  ​yes / I  ​
sentence. you / hear  ​you / like  ​you / talk
1 Does you read the news? Did
Sara: 1
Did you hear about Maya’s new boyfriend?
2 What did you had for dinner?
Jessica: 2
. I never hear the news!
3 The boys did post a comment?
What’s his name?
4 Yes, she does.
Sara: Luke.
5 Did I forgot your birthday?
Jessica: 3
6 Where you go last night?
Sara: Online. You know she often chats with friends
7 No, we not.
2 ★★ Write questions for the answers Jessica: Do you know him?
with the words. Sara: Yes, I do. I met him last weekend at Matt’s party.
he / look / up the information  ​ He was there with Maya.
how / you / find / a job  ​ Jessica: 4
to him?
she / chat / with her friends  ​
Sara: 5
. We spoke for hours!
what time / you / go / to bed / last night  ​
who / you / talk / to at the party  ​ Jessica: Hours? That’s a long time to talk to someone’s
your dad / download / the music boyfriend! 6 about?
Sara: Oh, we talked about music. We like the same
1 What time did you go to bed last night? bands.
At ten o’clock. Jessica: And 7 him?
2 Sara: Umm … Yes! He was very friendly – and funny,
No, he didn’t. He prefers to buy CDs. too.
3 Jessica: 8
about that?
Yes, she did. She was on WhatsApp for Sara: Umm … she wasn’t very happy with me.
hours! Jessica: 9
to you about it?
4 Sara: 10
. She didn’t say one word to
I only spoke to Harry and Lydia. me all evening. I think she’s very angry with me!
5 Jessica: I’m not surprised!
Yes, he did. He learned a lot about South
Africa. Your turn
4 Write five questions for your friends and family about
I looked for one online. the things. Write yes / no questions and wh- questions.

chat  ​dinner  ​get up  ​
homework  ​ play sports  ​

Raul, did you play sports after school yesterday?

Metro Level 1 • Grammar Unit 7 (2) PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

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