NBA - Assignment - 3

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Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Sidsar, Bhavnagar

Department of Information Technology

Semester : B.E. 5th Semester
Course Name: (3150710) Computer Networks
Assignment No. : 3 Transport Layer
Total Marks: 10
Last Date of Submission: 31/10/2023
Faculty Name: Prof. N. S. Sanghani & Prof. B. K. Borisaniya

Que. Question Statement Allotted Course RBT

No. Students Outcome Levels
1. Provide the difference between connection-oriented versus 163 CO3 4
connectionless service.
2. Describe the various services provided by following 163 CO3 2
protocols: (1) UDP (2) TCP (3) SCTP
3. Define congestion. Explain different approaches for 163 CO3 2
congestion control.
4. Give differences between Flow Control versus Congestion 163 CO3 4
5. Explain the TCP Segment structure and justify the importance of 163 CO3 2
its field values.
6. Explain Leaky Bucket and Token Bucket algorithms. 163 CO3 2

# refers to the Semester Number in Roman Digits

RBT Levels : 1 – Remembering, 2 – Understanding, 3 – Applying, 4 – Analysing, 5 - Evaluating, 6 – Creating

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