Ang Games Natin - Mechanics

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team building:

Games Natin
Each team elects a leader to strategize and guide through the
challenges, enhancing leadership skills.
Participants are divided into Four Elemental teams: Air,
Water, Fire, Earth, symbolizing unity and diversity.
A series of four stages designed for teams to accumulate
points, fostering competitive spirit and teamwork.
I. Momo’s Ball Relay (Ping Pong Ball Relay)
shoot the ping pong ball to the cup using a table tennis racket. One
who finishes with 5 (five) wins the game.
II. Bring Me the Avatar (Bring Me Game)
every group shall bring any what the game master requests. First
to submit 3 (three) win the game.
III. Help the Avatar (Reverse Pinoy Henyo)
everyone guesses, only 1 (one) says yes, no or maybe.
IV. Master the Four Elements (Math Trivia)
the whole group solves a math problem. First one with right
solution and a chant will win the game.
Thank You

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