Interview Questions For Marshall

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Set-1 How did you learn about USC Marshall?

Set-1 Tell me about yourself.

Set-1 Why Marshall?
Set-1 A piece of critical feedback that you have received during your professional journey?
Set-1 How would you set a goal and achieve it?
Set-1 What motivates you?
Set-1 What is success to you? And on what point you will identify yourself as being successful?
Set-1 What strengths do you believe set you apart?
Set-1 Any Qs for him?
Set-2 Tell me about your current job. (Follow-ups related to answer)
Set-2 Why MBA?
Set-2 Why Marshall?
Set-2 What does diversity mean to you?
Set-2 Aside from the projects you lead, how have you demonstrated leadership?
Set-2 What is your leadership style?
Set-2 Have you talked to any current students?
Set-2 What do you like to do outside of work? (Follow-ups related to answer)
Set-2 Tell me about a book you would recommend.
Set-2 Any questions for me?
Set-3 Walk me through your resume.
Set-3 Does anyone report to you? Leadership example?
Set-3 Recommend good place different countries?
Set-3 Strength & Weakness?
Set-3 Why Marshall? What else other than social media?
Set-3 Challenge you encountered?
Set-3 Biggest Accomplishments?
Set-3 Have you reached any students from Marshall?
Set-3 You can check ambassador?
Set-3 Why not master’s degree but MBA?
Set-3 Why do you think you are a good candidate?
Set-3 Any questions?
Set-4 Ice breaker question.
Set-4 Asked about my current position and future career goals.
Set-4 Asked what I would bring different to the program.
Set-4 Asked how I would handle a situation where my group didn’t agree on something on a project or didn’t get al
Set-4 Asked if I gravitate toward being a leader if everyone in my group had the same personality or if I would take
Set-4 Asked about my time management.
Set-4 Asked what I looked for in a program if I were to get admitted to all the programs I applied to.
Set-4 Asked about my math skills.
Set-5 How did you learn about USC Marshall?
Set-5 Walk me through your resume.
Set-5 Why Marshall?
Set-5 What motivates you?
Set-5 What inspires you?
Set-5 What is success to you?
Set-5 Long-term goals in 10 years?
Set-5 How would you set a goal?
Set-5 A piece of critical feedback that you have received during your professional journey.
Set-5 Questions for him.
Set-6 Touch upon your career after completing undergrad
Set-6 Why MBA?
Set-6 Why Marshall?
Set-6 What strength comes naturally to you?
Set-6 What is a weakness you want to improve on?
Set-6 What is a recent book you read that you would recommend? atomic habits
Set-6 What do you do for fun?
Set-6 any questions for me?
Set-7+ Strength
Set-7+ Weakness
Set-7+ What has been your biggest professional accomplishment? covid story
Set-7+ Have you had a chance to speak with current students in the program? sandy yes, also reaching out to
Set-7+ What will you miss most about the your current job? ability to interact with patients
Set-7+ What do you do for fun in your free time? cooking
Set-7+ What do u think are 3 necessary qualities of a leader *write
Set-7+ Any recent project ok
Set-7+ What does success mean to you and when will you call yourself successful?
Set-7+ What motivates you?
Set-7+ What inspires you? And how is that different from what motivates you
Set-7+ Why Marshall? And when did I first hear about Marshall
Set-7+ What kind of leader do you aspire to be and why?
Set-7+ Quote by Peter Drucker "The best way to predict the future is to create it" Thoughts?
Where else did you apply?
Which school will you attend if you are admitted into all of these programs?

Action: contact student ambassador at marshall

Action: contact alumni at marshall recent graduates

Questions for admission team

write about teamwork- collaborative "go far and go fast story" too much on you
write about "Claudio" being the difficult manager of the lab https://students.marshall.usc.ed
* make a time line of all the stories

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
g on a project or didn’t get along.
personality or if I would take a back seat.

s I applied to.
omic habits

ndy yes, also reaching out to "brian"? And wayne

ility to interact with patients





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