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Assignment 3

YOU Van Anh Le

Public Relation Director of Hulley Co,

Video presentation link: Swinburne University of Technology

1. Understanding and assessment of Personal Strengths

I'm Van Anh Le, but Evelyn is what most people call me. I would consider
myself as someone who's extrovert and likes to stay active. The past
semester has been quite a journey. With a mix of self-discovery, the
guidance and interesting theory from the Business Innovation unit, I've
managed to figure out some of my strong points, get better at discovering
myself, connecting with others, and really improve my teamwork skills. This
unit has definitely helped me grow, both in my professional journey and on a
personal level.

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Top 10 strengths



Key strengths - Research

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Strengths Spotting
Application Ability
19.7% 21.3%

20.5% Emotional

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Me and my strenghts video link:


2. What have I have learnt about my strengths and

how these are important for my future self:

Ater finishing this unit and doing the "values in action (VIA)" survey, I've
unearthed a constellation of strengths that have not only shaped my present
but also hold the key to my future self. Via the VIA Strengths Inventory, my
standout strengths have emerged as humor, curiosity, social intelligence and
teamwork. I have always valued my ability to do research, which is why I
identified the topic in my "me and my strengths" video.
Humor, for instance, serves as a bridge that connects people and diffuses
tense situations. It can help me fostering relationship and light-heartedness.
Curiosity, on the other hand, propels me to constantly seek knowledge and
understand the world around me.
This hunger for understanding will be pivotal as I continue to learn and adapt in
an ever-evolving environment
Social intelligence and teamwork are intrinsically linked. The former allows me to
navigate interpersonal dynamics with empathy and understanding, while the
latter amplifies the collective strength of a group. Both are essential in any
professional setting, where collaboration and effective communication are the
cornerstones of success.

In the future, these strengths are really vital for myself, as an marketing manager
and entrepreneur. Humor helps me to capture attention and foster relatability
with diverse audiences, also create engaging content to set a brand apart in a
crowded marketplace. Moreover, curiosity will propelling me to delve into market
trends, consumer behaviors, and emerging technologies. On the other hand,
social intelligence will also be instrumental in nurturing a collaborative and
harmonious work environment, facilitating teamwork and fostering creativity
among team members.
Networking is the process of building and maintaining
business relationships with people, frequently from different

backgrounds and professions, in order to share knowledge,
resources, and opportunities. It entails creating a network of

connections that are mutually advantageous and that can
support personal growth, knowledge sharing, and job
advancement (Career Contessa, 2021)
Networking Maps
Existing Operational networks are my
Ms. Thao Nhi Le - Founder of
internal network at Swinburne
Daphale studio
University and place of employment.
Mr. John Hoang - Creative design Director

Mr. Chung Thanh Phong - Fashion Designer

Personal networks are my external
Dr. Tran Minh Tung - network ,concentrate on forming
Academic Director Mr. Buu DIen - Ceo
Dien Quan media connections with people outside of
Dr. Trinh Thi Thu -
Dr. Hoang Viet Ha - Lecturer my internal networks, like my family
Director James Charles -
Beauty Blogger and friends.
Mr. Paul Allen -
Teacher Mai Ngoc - Seatmate
Dr Mai Sau -Lecturer
Tuan Hung - my manager Strategy networks are my internal
Dr Nguyen Duy Hoang Lan - Highschool friend and external networks aimed at
Trường - Director
future stakeholders, like Prada, who
Op l
Nhi Huynh - Close friend

e r a ti o n a P e rs o n al
may need it for support.

In Week 12 of Semester 1, I established strong operational networks within Swinburne University. I

fostered deep relationships with academic director, teachers and lecturer.
On the personal front, my external networks remained steady, focusing on broadening connections.
These connections are my friend, family and my manager. These connections are valuable for my
career and professional growth.

As for strategic networks, both internal and external ones were geared toward the future. I
engaged with a creative design director for improving my network withinfashion field . In this ever-
changing landscape, networking remains pivotal in building a robust foundation for personal and
professional endeavors.
As the end of this unit, the multitude of teamwork activities has

illuminated the path of my growth as a collaborative
contributor. Through consistent engagement in group projects,
I've witnessed a substantial improvement in my teamwork skills.
Clear communication, task delegation, and the ability to
synthesize diverse viewpoints have become second nature.
Furthermore, the exposure to various team dynamics and
challenges has honed my adaptability and conflict resolution
Peer evaluation feedback
Team charter

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