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reel anaes the ned ANH KUMAR SINHA PIESH | K i years Rio SANGAM BPART MENT S114GuR) . applying for admission to the Lovely Professional University, Phagwara (Punjab) (hereinafter referred to as “the Univorsty") 69 hereby solemnly afr and undertake that: 4) All information submited to the University in the Admission Applicaton form(s) or otherwise in any manner, is complete in all ‘aspects, factually corect and accurate to the best of my knowledge and is authente, In case it's found at any time that I have ‘concealed, suppressed or distorted any information/fact, my admission te the University shall stand cancelled and | shall have no aim for retund of fee or otherwise whatsoever against the Unversity. Fee and other charges already paid by me, inoluding advance and secu, stall stand forfeted and | shall further be liebe to pay the fee and other charges for remaining! entre duration of the programme 2) The University reserves the right tore ct my application forms) in case not found fit by the University 9) | have read and understood all the contents of the Prospectus 2029 (available on university website under the head “Brochures Prospectus and Forms" -ttps:/ forms php) and accapt the same and also agree to abide by all the terms and conditions enforces by the University from time to time 4) Iwill adhere to the provisions of the Lovoly Professional University Act and Statutes, Regulations, Ordinances and Rules made thereunder, and further Orders, Instructions, Guidelines, Policies, Directions, Standing orders etc (nereinafter jointly referred 9 a5 "Rules & Regulations") as enforced from time to time by the University and its consttuent(), affiate(s), sponsoring body, ‘ssociate(s), successors), sister concem(s) and other units, 2¢ applicable. Falure or default er ignorance on my part with regard to ‘adherence of ules and legulations in any manner shall entitle te University to take any action against me and in that eventuality I shall have no claim for refund of fee oF otherwise against the Univers ty 5) The University shall bo entitled to make mandatory Participate in various academic, co-curricular, extra to aval residential facility, laptop and other learning aids as well as to at and other activities including Dut not limited to research, training, Industrial visits, seminar, study tours, placements anc other activities at State, National or International level, on payment of such fe land charges or otherwise as and when deemed it by the University. 6) Tho University reserves the right to int ndraw at any time, any programme or facility and also to revise the fees and ‘other charges in respact af any pro: lity as deem appropriae from time to time 7) Confirmation of my admission shall be subject to faction ofa ty conditions and other requirements as prescribed by the Universily, Failure or detault on account of submission of any decument(s) or fullment of any condition(s) as: prescribed by the University shall enttia the University to can ‘ or 0 any penally oF 10 take any other action against me and | shall ave no cla or otherwise whatsoever against the Uni 8) Incase itis found at any time that 1am pu sme fom including Lovely Protessio ‘cancellation of my admission, lege, institution or any university, inary action against me, including 9} I shale lable to pay for any dama alone or jointly with others, apart from any disciplinary action(s) imposed on m 10) Alltangible an intangible materials developed t ith oth y study atthe Universi including ‘but not limited to books, sot nolog apers, CD's, Formulations, Drawings, Paintings, Photographs, Sculbtures, Designs, Models, auci sbly be the property of the University and all rights including copyrights, patents, ademarks, intellectual seling, transfering, parting with, assigning to, broadeasting telecasting, printing ete. shal ie with any compensation to me uniess otherwise decided by the University. The University shall be entitled at al ime and other information available with the University in any form for Such purposes as deemed appropriate tis require Fert cert of deg ce ignores with msgarct any information or fulfilment (compliance) of any condition or Fequirementsinclucing signing or attestation of any docu shall not relive mo or my parentsiguardian of the imoli matters concerned 12) Lam medically ft and have no commu renclerad mo in eligible for my st tteatment for any ills or disease or 19) dy oF stay atthe University ho ersonal injury or otherwise, University, whether deliberately or unintentionally ind the decision of the University will be binding forall the cluding fits, any sort of attacks of otherwise which would have ver, in case any expenditure is incurred by the University on my it shall be padireimbursed by me or my parentiguardian, {shal study at the Universty for the complete duration ofthe programme and if due to any reason, | leave /withdraw at any time before the completion of programme, | shall have na claim for refund of fee or other charges alt dy paid oF whatsoever against the University. Fee and ather charges, including advance and security, shail stang forfeited and | shal furtner be liable to pay the fee ‘and other charges for remaining) entire duration already paid of he programme, 1“ With reference for option to continue for higher degree in case of dual 1egree/ integrated programme as prescribed in Part-B of Prospectus, once opted to continue with higher degree, | shall compiete the dual degree! integrated programme by all means. I ‘due to any reason 1 leeve/ withdraw the second degree ofthe dual degree! Integrated programme | shall be able to pay the fee for allthe successive terms and cther pending dues, unless otherwise prescribed by the University Signature of he Parert/Legal Guardian ‘Signature of Applicant a 18) wil ot cary out any business actvty in and ous tna Un members) any other person unless specttoay pamaies nent pectialy permite wring by he Unversity its epoca brit urna £7) Daley cdlastin making any proven eepoe ct the Univers rom tine tome” 2° 16 |witnet eromete or engage no the precincts ofthe University un piri ih for the Univers, 19) Incase have sppted for and ated Residential Fact, | shal aval the resicerta ‘acity forthe whole acade dusing the academic session, | shal have rc fagainst the University ater the lat Fee and otter charges areacy paid, nck fee and other charges for ematng! entire booked a room having room pattem 4 se shifting of my other rcommates the occupancy of my room ik university has ful rights to ht myself otve fv same blochostel. lt want 10 retain eater i loos than 20 {shall aval he residential facity for he whole acade jon and inca cont geting On-lob- Training! selocted for herman) st programmes etc. tien Ish tos 8m by the University ard wit cumstances, I shall uidelines for staying in Mf, leaves, last. day | understand u campus, as doom fi 3 enti "8 University the University reser ths presen from app id the University shal: the University shall the entrance of # permitted. parents/quar tsciplinary actor against ma, I shall myself take precautions against insectbies, dag-btes, s land diseases and the University shal not be lable for such inte of nfections, diseases or personal in 0, shall to payireimburse for any expenditure incured by the Unive personal njury or otherwise immpersiongod. ri ssion and iteue to any reason | leavewithae al have no claim for rafund of fee & other charges akeady paid or otherwise, whatsoever st date of refund as prescribed under the had ‘elund Paley for Inelan Applicant’ of Part © ity, shal stand foratec an! ehal furner se lable to pay the "oom pater oul occupancy. Shing may oF may et be ito pay the excess room rent 2s per Occupancy hele out ims air ty Campus either on my own or ont with any studeti tall. regious,polttcal or such tke other actives n and ouside Y study. residential acy, anspor facity or any other laity wll erie 8 be my responsibly to get visa and to abide by the laws an full all required picable) for my stay and Siucy sie Unversity, apart rom te conditions lad down By ne residential actly but later on cu to deallocation allocates room patton ten Hater on seek 0 move out tthe university due to 215 shal alo be dabarred ersonal belongings at any cof my parents/guardian and any authorities of the Unversity, ard action agains! them andlor any s, animat-btes, plantbites and such other infections diseases, However incase offaing Sick or any sor 4 my parents instant, and shall be bale y andior warden on my treatment for any less or disease ar aucio player, ‘Srature of Applicant the residential charges nue ne case the utllzed units exceed fied units wil p 20 unts, il pay the charges for usage of unis exceeding Te nee Une ‘that CFL once issued shall not be replaced in case 3 a fesponsibilty to get it replaced at my own co: - ining on the walls of rooms or at other places in and outsie residential promises. absent myset ror University shall be enttied to tal faclily andlor te U = Purpose of avaiing an agree thattne University shat nave th hung tansit or thera ‘agree that the Unive 1 hai carry the rans as and when the imposed by the Unversity ik agree that the Un belongings while being agree that in case the University isnot able o atange for transpar fact for specific shall make my oan artangemen's forthe transport acily at my own cost: and | shal not be ented te eam any compensation from the University, | shall be lab fo pay the charges for train, placement visits oF lor vstin such other place/events as may De species by the University frm ime fo time, i the charges for anspor fo the academic session|s) as and f preserved oh “enULegal Guardian charges tor usage a xed electric units as prescrioad bythe Universty and in damage due to default on my part and in that case It shall be my len wirter only for fied tings as preseribed by the Unversity out permission or volte any guidlines or poly o instructions of cipinary acton agamnst me inlusing rs 1 University, rleaton expussien for te resident Je ary fesidenta feclty andlor to revise fee or any other ‘which may damage the pant or colour ofthe wal, doots, cupboard, ee. tne tothe residertialfacity either alone or jointly with others apart from any sty may check about my whereabouts and other details as and when Sand usage ot 2s originally requested! opted at 1 raw this fait during stsoever against 2 cy for Indan Applicants" of Par. ©. Fe St n ofthe vansport vehicle or any of my personal belongings hice alloted and various provisions and case of not carrying the a", | shal be Hable to pay the fine a8 of any damage, loss, accident, andlor mishappening caused to me OF my riod due 1 any reason whatsoever, jor the industrial visits, tours, ridge eaurees! subjects, workshops, practical @ Signature of Applicant It ti earye toc wae ert es Be Inge Pt caer vrs etd hare ween om et ey I ‘shal be tate to py fr ary Guage caused by ao fe raepon vac of rove aren ee one ey Sa 0 be subject to ‘Dirary action(s) as decided by the University, Bet ee byt Yate anc Pang na ee ee apis ft 0 Uren, revere cb rely ewe a rae Bend & chal be my resp 4 and Updated with the Rules & Reguianons applicable trom time eee " aratety 9 any manner Bs fo case of ery cs = sc verorcoared te Poepecha salt SS ‘Gary come we " ee Je nal and binding on me and others concemed. 24) Lagroe that se ure oF AppHCANL sto 9 - OF - 2025 VERIFICATION Xt my knowledge and thang has be SILLGUR irre of Appicant pace SILIGURI A one 907/202 ODETTE (by Appicanty Teasires ANSH KUMAR SiINHD %. RATESH KUMAR siete Indemnity the Lovely Professional University and'te-o nd oer units, as appcablo aparen = S8Y #94 HS Consthuanis afte, Goonearing body associates, SUCGERSOT, SST concems 4. allactions, causes, suits, proceedi ceedings (inclu demands and costs (including without lmitalon ieee ‘account of my action or inaction or olherwise during ‘consequerices arising thereof . ain civ and criminal) accounts, claims, labities (including statutory allies) penalties, oss), avards, damages, losses and expenses, whatsoever, eising en ring the tenure of my programme at the Univetsy or hereafter and agains all 2 allgams and clei by mye my dependants, not of kn or hor ng representatives for cormpenaton for any mishappening Pont ot ne suit. dlsablity, infections, diseases, loss cr damage of ary Kind caused i me in person or otherwise at any Patrtol ime io any mannet duet any eeson, nal tot ned rng val strange fous cont of rote of 19m laboratories of workshops, stay in resicential facility, tavoling in the transport or otherwise, within of outside the precincts PC. any loss or damage of 1 valuables or my personal belongings of all kings including mobile phones, “Gla ny ol onal 19s; and 3. all nis ofthe Undertaking given to tne University: and inany regard ease anything qoes wrong of against the quences whelsoover, ard the Univesiy shall not be liad Cea ttroudenipes RATESH KUMAR x capaciyos FATHER een Matra Guar PRASAD ) ofthe above named apsicant do hereby Indemnity the University and fs constituent, alffaise, sponsanng bud sister eoncerns and other unis, as appleable against 4. allactons, causes suts, procoedings(nclucingcil andctiminal acccunts, claims iaittes (including statutory abilties)penaltles Semands and costs (inluding without imraion legal costs), awards, damages, lasses and expenses, whatsoever, ising On) action or athervase during tho ton thereat seuount ol omy ward's programme Consequences arisi 2 ali rights and claims by my above said ward, mysoll, my depandants, next of kin or other legal ropresantatives for eampensation” for any mihapporing n tems of death, suc, infections, diseases, loss or damage af any kins caused! to my above ig wera in person or cthervise at any point of tie in ary manne due o any reasc wu! not nites during indus sit tainings, loss, conduct of practical, working m laboratories or workshops, stayin residential accommodation, traveling ia the varspon or etrenvase. within or outside te procincs ofthe University, and far any lees ar Gamage of cash oF valuables o his personal belongings of al kinds Inluding mobile hones, PC, laptop, jewellery or any other personal belongings; and 3. all the consequences arising, in ease anything goes wrong or against tne contents of the Undertaking given by my ward to the University and | myseitand my ward shall be recponsile forall consequences whalsoaver and the University shall aot be liable i any aga, he Univary or tnereater and agaist all pace SILIGURI Sipauce of Px ent Guardian pae,_9f07/2024

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