Design Conveyor Calculation

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1. AS4324.1-1995 – Calculation of Machine loads

4. ISO5048 – Continuous mechanical handling equipment – Belt conveyors with carrying idlers - Calculation of operation power and tensile forces

Symbols Values Units References
Material parameters
Maximum material density; rmax 2500 kg/m3 soil, rock
Minimum material density; rmin 850 kg/m 3
bulk coal
Maximum throughput; Qmax 200 tph assumed
Gravity; g 9.81 m/s2

Conveyor parameters
Troughing angle; l 35 °
Surcharge angle; r 20 °
Angle of repose of material; y 37 °
Total width of belt; B 1200 mm
Effective roller lenth; lm 460 mm
Dyameter of Idler di 152.4 mm 6ins
Maximum belt speed; Vc 4.5 m/s

Conveyor parameters for belt force

Conveyor length (between pulleys); Lc 12 m
Clear width between chute walls; b1 1 m (Assumption)
Average weight of all idlers; qR 20 kg/m (Assumption)
Average weight of belt; qB 16 kg/m
Mass of drive pulley mp 100 kg assumed
Maximum height of raised material; Hc 3.11 m (Calculated 15deg)
Diameter of pulley; Dp 800 mm
Idler spacing on the carrying side of the conveyor; ao 1 m
Idler spacing on the reverse side of the conveyor; au 3 m
Efficiency of belt drive; hc 0.92 (Assumption)
Gear ratio; icb 14
Wrapping angle of belt around drive pulley (deg.); fd 187
Coupling factor; fcin 1.6 Assumed Calculation regarding with AS4324.1

2 Material load calculation regarding with ISO5048

a. Cross section area of conveyor. b. Maximum cross section area

Description Symbols Formulas Value Units References Description Formulas Value units
2.1 Cross-section area of material: 2.1.1. Cross-section area of material (AS 4324.1, App. I2):
Usable width of belt; bc 0.9B – 50mm 1030 mm Useable width of belt; bu = (0.9´B – 50mm) 1030 mm
Length of the centre idler l3 460 mm Horizontal width; c = lm + (bu – lm)´cos(l) 926.9 mm
Troughing angle lc 35 ° Upper area; S1 = c2´(2´r/57.3-sin(2´r))/(8´(sin(r))2) 0.051 m2
Surcharge angle qc 20 ° Lower area; S2 = 0.25´(c2 - (lm)2)´tan(l) 0.113 m2
Upper cross-section area S1 [l3+(bc-l3)cos(lc)]2tan(qc)/6 0.052 m2 Total cross-section area; Sx = S1 + S2 0.164 m2
Lower cross-section area S2 [l3+0.5(bc-l3)cos(lc)](bc-l3)sin(lc)/2 0.113 m2 2.1.2. Maximum cross-section area of material (AS 4324.1, App. I3):
Total cross-section area Sc S1+S2 0.165 m2 Maximum horizontal width; cB = lm + (B – lm)´cos(l) 1066.2 mm
2.2 Maximum cross-section area of material: Upper area (use max. surcharge ) S1m = (cB)2´(2´y/57.3-sin(2´ y))/(8´(sin(y))2) = 0.176 m2 0.130 m2
Max. upper cross-section area S1m [l3+(B-l3)cos(lc)]2tan(qc)/6 0.069 m2 Lower area; S2m = 0.25´((cB)2 - (lm)2)´tan(l) 0.162 m2
Max. lower cross-section area S2m [l3+0.5(B-l3)cos(lc)](B-l3)sin(lc)/2 0.162 m2 Total cross-section area; Sm = S1m + S2m 0.291
Total max. cross-section area Scm S1m+S2m 0.231 m2 2.1.3. Live load on the conveyor (Ref. 7, Cl. 4.3.10):
2.3 Live material on the conveyor Live load on conveyor belt F =rmax´g´Sx 4.025 kN/m
Material load (using area, incl. dyn. Factor of 1.1) Fc1 1.1g Sc rmax 4.464 kN/m Live load on conveyor belt (using throughput) 1.1g Qmax/Vc 0.133 kN/m
Material load (using throughput + dyn. Factor 1.1) Fmq 1.1g Qmax/Vc 0.133 kN/m Flooded belt load; FF = rmax´g´Sm 7.149 kN/m
Nominal material load F (Select minimum value) 0.133 kN/m FEM 1997
Max. material load (using area + dyn. Factor 1.1) Fm 1.1g Scm rmax 6.229 kN/m

3 Conveyor Power & Belt Force

Throughput (tph) Power (kW)
3.1 Drive Power: 2000 41.6
Rolling Friction, Fh: 1000 23.6
Weight of max. load (inc. dyn. factor of 1.1); qG 1.1´Qmax/Vc 13.58 kg/m 200 9.4
Average rolling friction coefficient (fr. 0.016 - 0.03); m 0.023 50 6.7
Main friction; Fh m´(qG+qR+2´qB)´g´Lc 0.2 kN 20 6.2
Additional resistance, Fn: 10 6
Inertial resistance; FbA (qG+qR+2´qB)´(Vc) 2 1.33 kN (Ref. ISO 5048)
Friction between material and belt ( 0.5-0.7); m1 0.50 (Ref. ISO 5048, cl. 5.1.4)
Minimum acceleration length lb_min; lbmin (Vc)2/(2´g´m1) 2.06 m (Ref. ISO 5048) Power vs. throughput
Friction bet. material and skirt plates (0.5-0.7); m2 0.50 (Ref. ISO 5048, cl. 5.1.4)
Frictional resistance bw material & skirt plates; Ffc (m2´qG2´g´ lbmin)/(rmax´B2) 0.00 kN (Ref. ISO 5048)
Additional resistance of the individual parts; Fn FbA + Ffc 1.33 kN
Inclination resistance of conveyed load, Fst: 20
Inclination resistance of conveyed load; Fst qG´g´Hc 0.41 kN
Total resistance force; Fu Fst + Fn +Fh 1.92 kN
Power (kW)

Drive power:
Required torque on drive pulley; Tu 0.5´Dp´Fu 0.77 kNm
Angular speed of pulley; Vc/(0.5´Dp) 11.25 s-1 10
Required drive power; Pcre (Tu´wp)/hc 9.4 kW

Check power when flooded belt:
Minimum tension force for flooded belt; FFu 1.1´FF´Lcm ´ sin(qLmax) 21.28 kN
Required minimum torque on drive pulley; TTu 0.5´Dp´FFu 8.51 kNm 0
Required torque on drive pulley; Tur TTu/fcin 5.32 kNm 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Required drive power; Pcff (Tur´wp)/hc 65.06 kW Throughput (tph)
Require Gear ratio i 6.98

New idlers in new conveyor

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