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Ls 1.

The Wolf and the Little Goats


I. New words.
1. brick
2. sudden
3. careful
4. claw

II. Write the synonyms for the given words.

1. wicked – naughty
2. knock – bang
III. Write the antonyms for the given words.
1. front x back
2. sweet x bitter
3. open x close
IV. Write the past tense for the given words.
1. rush – rushed
2. drown – drowned
3. fall-fell
V. Frame sentences.
1. promise-She promised to announce the results tomorrow.
2. trouble-He had no trouble finding a new job.
3. Sweet-I love to eat sweets.
VI.Answer the following.
1.How does the wolf planned to hide his claws?
Ans. The wolf planned to hide his claws by wearing brown socks.
2.How do the goats help the wolf at last?
Ans. The goats helped the wolf at last by giving him rope and pulled him out of the

VII.Put these sentences in the correct order by numbering them 1to 6.

1.A lion was fast asleep.£

2.The lion was caught in a trap.£
3.The lion places his paw on the mouse.£
4.The mouse gnawed the ropes away.£
5.The lion let the mouse go.£
6.The lion was saved by the mouse.£

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