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OBR 250 Week 11


1. Test #3

2. Course Schedule review

3. Assignment Review Q&A

4. Survey Reminder

5. Lesson: Chapter 12

6. Next Week
Course Introduction - Grading

Activity Location Grade % Key Dates Time

Weekly Applied Submit via Discussion 15% Weekly Weds 7pm EST
Learning modules Board due weekly

Test # 1 Big Blue Button 15% June 7, 2023 7pm EST (timed)

Test # 2 Big Blue Button 15% June 28, 2023 7pm EST (timed)

Test # 3 Big Blue Button 15% July 26, 2023 7pm EST (timed)

Test # 4 Big Blue Button 15% August 16, 2023 7pm EST (timed)

Assignment (X1) Submit via Big Blue 25% Due August 2, 7pm EST
Button 2023
posted in “Course information” Blackboard
posted in “Course information” Blackboard

Assignment due Aug 2 will be posted and reviewed at the July 12 class.
Weekly learning modules -15% of grade
Each module maximum score 5 points

-DUE weekly in discussion board at 7pm est. Late submissions 10% penalty. -Submissions made 1 week after
due date will be given zero mark.

Activity Grade % Key Dates

Weekly Applied Learning modules 15% Weekly – see Weekly Addendum


Aug 2

**Refer to posted MLA guideline

• Aug 2: Xerox Assignment due 7pm ET
in Blackboard. Worth 25% of your course
• 10% late penalty applies
• No submissions after Aug 9th 7pm ET

• Aug 9: Last weekly assignment due

7pm ET in Discussion Board

• Aug 16 : Final Test #4 in Blackboard

Chapter 12

o Leadership in Organizational Settings

Learning Outcomes
• Define what leadership is and
identify traits of effective
• Describe behaviours that
effective leaders demonstrate
• Specify the context in which
various leadership styles are
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash • Explain the concepts of
transactional, servant and
authentic leadership
• Leadership
– the act of influencing others to work
toward a goal.
• Leaders exist at all levels of an
• Formal leaders
– hold a position of authority and may
utilize the power that comes from
their position, as well as their
personal power to influence others.
• Informal leaders
Photo by BBH – Leaders without a formal position of
Singapore on Unsplash authority within the organisation
but demonstrate leadership by
influencing others through personal
forms of power.
What are some
words to describe a
great leader?
Trait Approaches to Leadership
• Personality characteristics
and the physical and
psychological attributes of
people who are viewed as
• In recent years, after the
advances in personality Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsp
literature researchers have
had more success in
identifying traits that
predict leadership
Treat Approaches to Leadership
• Intelligence
– General mental ability, often
called IQ
– Research shows that
intelligence is a positive but
modest predictor of leadership
– In addition to intelligence,
effective leaders tend to have
high emotional intelligence Photo by Jasmine Coro on Unsplash
• Demonstrating high level of self-
awareness, motivation, empathy,
and social skills
Treat Approaches to Leadership
• Big 5 Personality Traits
– Several of the Big Five personality traits have been related to leadership emergence
and effectiveness
– Extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness to experience are related to leadership.
• Extraverts are sociable, assertive, and energetic people
• Conscientious people are organized, take initiative, and demonstrate persistence
• Openness to experience people demonstrate originality, creativity, and are open
to trying new things
Treat Approaches to Leadership
• Self-Esteem
– The degree to which a person is
at peace with oneself and has
an overall positive assessment
of one’s self worth and
capabilities is relevant to
someone being viewed as a
– Leaders with high self-esteem
tend to be more effective and
support their subordinates
– Connection between self-
esteem and self-confidence
which leads to others Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash
perceiving someone as a leader
Treat Approaches to Leadership
• Integrity
– Effective leaders tend to
have a moral compass and
demonstrate honesty and
– Leaders whose integrity is
questioned lose their
trustworthiness, and they
hurt their company’s
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash
Behavioural Approaches to Leadership

• Task-oriented leadership behaviours

– structuring the roles of subordinates, providing
them with instructions, and behaving in ways that
will increase the performance of the group.
• People-oriented leadership behaviours
– showing concern for employee feelings and treating
employees with respect.

Is there one better than the other?

Behavioural Approaches to Leadership

• Leader Decision Making

– Authoritarian decision
– Democratic decision
– Laissez-faire decision
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash – There is no right decision
making style and it is
dependent on
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
• Concerned about the
conditions which make
certain leadership styles
• Opposed to trait and
behavior approaches that
look for traits and behavior
that will be effective in all
conditions, instead pays
attention to find situations
where a leadership would
Photo by Garrett Sears on Unsplash
be most effective
Contingency Approaches to Leadership

• Situational Leadership Theory (SLT)

– Leaders must use different leadership styles
depending on their followers’ development level
and readiness (competence and commitment)
Contingency Approaches to Leadership
• Path-Goal Theory of Leadership
– Related to Expectancy Theory of Motivation
– Leaders create satisfied and high-performing employees by making sure
that employee effort leads to performance, and their performance is
rewarded by desired rewards.
– Four leadership styles based on the characteristics of the employee and
the environment
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership
• Transformational
leadership theory
– Transformational
leaders lead
employees by
aligning employee
goals with the
leader’s goals using
four tools charisma,
stimulation and
Photo by Severin Höin on Unsplash consideration
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership
• Transformational
leadership theory
– Transactional leaders
ensure that
demonstrate the
right behaviours and
provide resources in
exchange by using
three methods of
contingent rewards,
active management
by exception, and
passive management
Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash by exception
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership

• Servant Leadership
– Leadership
approach that
defines the leader’s
role as serving the
needs of others
– primary mission of
the leader is to
develop employees
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
and help them
reach their goals.
Contemporary Approaches to Leadership
• Authentic
– Effective leaders are
those who are able
to be themselves
instead of trying to
fir societal
expectations of what
a good leader is
– Key is self-awareness
of their own values
and priorities and
high levels of
personal integrity
Leadership Around the Globe
• Some leadership traits are
universal while many others
are cultural based
• Each society has a concept
of ideal leader prototypes
and how they build
• Around the world, people
feel that honesty,
decisiveness, being
trustworthy, and being fair
are related to leadership
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash • Visionary and charismatic
leaders were found to be
the most influential leaders
followed by team-oriented
and participative leaders.
Starbucks Coffee was born out of a desire for convenience and accessibility to great coffee. In 1971, three friends
made that desire a reality and established the first Starbucks coffee house in historic Pike Place Market on
Seattle’s waterfront.

In 1990, Starbucks drafted its first mission statement, and the number one principle was to “provide a great work
environment and treat each other with respect and dignity.”
How has the company lived up to that declaration 20 years later?

Starbucks has consistently made Fortune magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” list and in addition, is
included on a list of the best places to work for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) equality.

Working conditions in the service and retail industry are notoriously low paying with long hours, but Starbucks
manages to offer benefits for part-time and full-time employees as well as higher-than-average salaries for store

Leadership development is a core element of the business process at Starbucks, which ensures that the
organizational culture of the company is maintained with every CEO successor.

Starbucks is forward looking in this respect and strives to attract future business leaders and managers. The idea
of planning for one’s own succession can often make people uneasy, but this idea is openly embraced at
Starbucks. The company plans far in advance to replace its top-level successors.

The importance of leadership is not only ingrained in the upper management team, but Starbucks also ensures
that this is an understood value throughout the organization. The company introduced the Coffee Master
program was introduced to teach employees about regional coffee flavours. Graduates of the Coffee Master
program earn a prestigious black apron and a special insignia on their business cards. In creating this ethos,
Starbucks excels at its ability to attract an educated workforce with a high satisfaction level where individuals
often move up to become effective leaders within the company
Wednesday Aug 2, 2023

Xerox Assignment due Aug 2 at 7pm EST in Blackboard

Read Chapter 13
Power & Influence in the Workplace
• Aug 2: Xerox Assignment due 7pm ET
in Blackboard. Worth 25% of your course
• 10% late penalty applies
• No submissions after Aug 9th 7pm ET

• Aug 9: Last weekly assignment due

7pm ET in Discussion Board

• Aug 16 : Final Test #4 in Blackboard

• Review Course Outline that shows My contact info:
weekly schedules in Course Information
folder of Blackboard. It is your
responsibility to understand when tests
and assignments are due.
• All weekly lesson presentations are
posted in Course Documents folder of
Blackboard after each lesson.

• All lessons are recorded and can be

accessed after each lesson when you
launch BigBlueButton in Blackboard.
• Weekly module assignments are posted
to Discussion Board of Blackboard. They
are due the following week at 7pm
unless if I communicate differently.
• -Late penalty of 10%. If submitted
after one week of due date, will not be
marked & a zero mark will be assigned.
• Be proactive and do not wait until the
end of the semester if you are unable to
complete your weekly assignments,
tests, etc.
• Ask me if you are not sure of something!

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