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Av1 - Língua Inglesa IV

Informações Adicionais
Pontuação: 750

1) Preencha as lacunas usando o verbo no tempo correto usando o ‘present

continuous’ ou o ‘present perfect continuous’:

Mary likes to travel to preservation parks. She __________ (travel) with her friends
this week. She __________ (travel) with them since 2005. They __________
(discuss) about the necessity of preserving wild life. She __________ (think) about
studying environmental management.
Assinale a alternativa que tem a conjugação correta dos verbos nos tempos verbais


 a)

is travelled - has travelling - have been discussing - is thinking.

 b)

has travelling - has been travelling - have been discussing - was thinking.

 c)

is travelling - has been travelling - have been discussing - is thinking.

Alternativa assinalada

 d)

is travelling - is been travelling - have been discussing - has thinking.

 e)

is travelling - have been travelling - have been discussing - are thinking.

2) Leia as frases sobre esportes e decida se os determinantes ‘both, either, neither’

estão sendo usados corretamente. Marque (V) se for verdadeiro e (F) se for falso:

( ) Peter doesn’t like to play neither volleyball nor basketball.

( ) Either football and rugby can be played with groups of friends in a field.
( ) Helena enjoys both summer and winter sports. She skies every year.
( ) Water polo can be either played for fun or as a professional sport.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta:

 a)

V – F – V – V.

Alternativa assinalada

 b)

V – F – V – F.

 c)

V – F – F – F.

 d)

V – V – F – F.

 e)

F – F – V – V.

Leia as frases abaixo e escolha as que estão corretas em relação ao uso do ‘past
simple’ e do ‘present perfect simple’:

I- Josh had worked in Poland since he moved to live there in 2008.

II- Mike has been very happy since he got the tickets for the football season.
III- Students have organized the sports tournaments since it began in 1996.
IV- Jake’s friends have been to the last winter games in 2010.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente as afirmações corretas:


 a)

I e III.

 b)

II e IV.

 c)

I e IV.

 d)

 e)


Alternativa assinalada

4) Escolha a palavra da coluna A que melhor preenche a lacuna na coluna B:

a- There is a _____ near Jake’s where he plays baseball
1- court
with his friends.
2- play
b- Students play volleyball on the school _____.
3- field
c- Janis and Mike ______ tennis on Saturdays.
4- go
d- Lisa likes to _____ jogging early in the morning.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a associação correta entre os itens das



 a)

1-a; 2-d; 3-b; 4-c.

 b)

1-b; 2-c; 3-a; 4-d.

Alternativa assinalada

 c)

1-a; 2-b; 3-d; 4-c.

 d)

1-b; 2-a; 3-c; 4-d.

 e)

1-b; 2-c; 3- a; 4-d.

5) Leia as frases com os verbos no ‘present perfect simple’ ou ‘past perfect simple’
e indique quando o uso destes é verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F).

( ) Sue and Mike had already arrived at home when his mother called.
( ) If Mark have bought the rugby ticket he could feel frustrated because his team
lost the game.
( ) They had never been or lived in London before.
( ) They had never played baseball in the USA. They play only in Brazil.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta para completar as lacunas
das frases acima:


 a)

F – V – F – F.

 b)

V – F – V – F.

 c)

F – F – V – V.

 d)

V – F – F – F.

Alternativa assinalada

 e)

F – V – F – V.

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