Module 6 - CESC (Final)

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Name: _____________________________________ THIRD QUARTER
Grade & Section: ____________________________ Learning Module No.6

What is this module all about?

Community engagement and good citizenship in the name of social justice are
manifestations of solidarity toward the attainment of the common good.
6.1 Citizenship
6.2 Solidarity

What do you need to learn?

At the end of this module, you are expected to meet the following competencies:
1. recognize the value of undertaking community action modalities HUMSS_CSC12-
IIIdg-7 (DepEd-MELC); and
2. acknowledge interrelationship of self and community in undertaking community
action. HUMSS_CSC12-II-d-g-8 (DepEd-MELC)

Pretest/ Motivational Activity

Directions: Directions: Analyze the given pictures and share your thoughts about what the
pictures imply.


Day 1: The Definition of Community Action

Concept Notes:

CITIZENSHIP - The term citizenship denotes the membership of a citizen in a political society. The
membership implies a duty of allegiance on the part of the member and a duty of protection on the part of
the state. A citizen, on the other hand, refers to a member of a democratic community who enjoys full

civil and political rights and is accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the state (De Leon,

Basically, a citizen has both rights and responsibilities.

Some of these rights include right to life, right to worship, rights pertaining to moral or cultural values,
economic rights, and political rights. Based on the concept of social justice, denial of these rights injures
the whole human community and breaks solidarity among the people.

A responsible citizen ensures not only the awareness of these rights but also his/her obligations to pledge
allegiance to the state, defend it, contribute to its development and welfare, uphold its constitution, and
obey laws, cooperate with duly constituted authorities, exercise rights responsibly, engage in gainful
work, and register and vote.

It recognizes that people have a moral responsibility to self, others, and community. Nevertheless, this
moral responsibility has to be matched and expressed with social responsibility in the same way as
individual rights have to be matched with social responsibility. This means acknowledging both
individuals’ human dignity and the social dimension of human existence (Tichy, McGill, and St. Clair,

In a democratic political community, the rightful and acceptable basis of all power is the citizenry,
the collective body of people.
In the milieu of development work, there is a growing application of a rights-based approach. This
approach opens the gate for the integration of the concept of citizenship and development which stirs
the emergence of citizen participation.
Participation has always been associated with community development projects, participation in a
community appraisal, monitoring of community projects, and advocacy for community development.
It has also been associated with democratic governance, which means political involvement
embarked through political institutions and processes.

Citizen participation may be undertaken in two levels:

o Community level through community development.
o State level through political participation such as making public officials accountable to the people .

SOLIDARITY- On the normative perspective, it is a positively valued model of relations between

social entities (BJPI, 2007).
Based on the perspective that a person is a relational being; a person is in connection with other
people, with the society, and with the environment. This means that a person has to relate
responsibly and act in solidarity with others and the whole community. His or her acts affect others
and consequently affect him/her as well.

o Andrew Mason (as indicated by Dobrazanski, n.d.)
 A community is also called moralized community. This viewpoint sees a community not simply
as an assemblage of people brought together by their common experience, practice, and shared
values, but also as a collective body bonded together by solidarity.
o Catholic Social Teachings
 Solidarity is about treasuring our fellow human beings and regarding who they are as people of
God. This perspective comes from the understanding that “we are all one family in the world.”
 Saint John Paul II in Sollicitudo Rei Socialis said, solidarity is “building a community that
empowers everyone to attain their full potential through each of us respecting each other’s
dignity, rights, and responsibilities.” Thus, it makes the world a better place to live.
Processing Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions concisely.
What is social responsibility? What does it have to do with being a good citizen?

What are the benefits of good citizenship? How do you benefit from the good citizenship of others?

Day 2

Learning Activity 5.1

Time started: _______________ Time finished: _______________

Learning Target/Competency: The learners will be able to recognize the value of undertaking
community action modalities. HUMSS_CSC12-IIIdg-7 (DepEd-MELC) and able to acknowledge the
interrelationship of self and community in undertaking community action. HUMSS_CSC12-II-d-g-8

Activity Title: My Assessment of Community Action

Directions: Analyze the given pictures. Share your thoughts about the pictures in a minimum of three (3)
sentences and maximum of five (5) sentences. Your answer will be graded according to the given rubric

Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points
It excellently It poorly
Coherence and discussed the It logically It fairly It slightly discussed
Relevance of the ideas with discussed the discussed the discussed the the
Explanation clarity, ideas with ideas in a correct ideas ideas.
coherence and clarity. manner. reasonably.

Day 3: Post Assessment Test

Directions: Answer the following questions, minimum of three (3) sentences and
maximum of five (5) sentences. Your answer will be graded according to the given rubrics.
1. As a senior high school student, what do you think are some of the things/social issues that need to
be addressed in your community?

2. Is it important for citizens to voice their opinions and participate in the decision making process?
Why, or why not? What are some ways you can make your voice heard?


Criteria 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points

It excellently It poorly
Coherence and discussed the ideas It logically It fairly discussed It slightly discussed the
Relevance of the with clarity, discussed the the ideas in a discussed the ideas.
Explanation coherence and ideas with clarity. correct manner. ideas reasonably.

Zeal For Action: Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship by Diana J. Mendoza and Ma.
Lourdes F. Melegrito

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
without the prior written permission of the author.

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