Future Tense - Gelecek Zaman

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Future Tense – Gelecek Zaman

Gelecekte olacak olan, daha gerçekleşmemiş ama planlanmış eylemleri belirtirken future tense

Subj+ will+v1+ obj

I will go to course tomorrow.

I go to course tomorrow.

I am going to the course tomorrow

She goes to Adana tomorrow.

I went to the course tomorrow.

I will live on my own next year.

I will work this sunday.

Ani gerçekleşen bir durumda ani verilen kararları belirtirken future tense kullanabiliriz.

I will answer it /look.

3) eldeki verilere dayanarak tahminde bulunmak için de future tense kalıbını kullanabiliriz.

The weather is cloudy and cold.

It will probably rain.

Why won’t he come tomorrow?

He will probably be busy.

4) Geleceğe yönelik kararlar veya eylemlerden bahsederken haber programlarında, gazete gibi
araçlarda da future tense kullanılır.

The president of Ankara will publish the new regulation that bans smoking indoors.

5) Konuşma sırasında söylenen yada verilen kararlardan bahsederken

I am really sick

I will get you to the hospital

6) İstek belirtme anlamında da future tense kullanılır

I will help you

I will carry the bags for you

I will talk to him/her.

Will not- won't

Subj+ will not+v1+obj

I will not watch a movie after this lesson.

She won’t go anywhere after this lesson/ after school

Question Form

Will +subj+v1+obj?

Will you eat dinner after this lesson?

Yes I will eat dinner after this lesson.

No I won’t eat dinner after this lesson.

Dersten sonra eve gidecek misin?

Will you go to home after this lesson?

Yes, I will go to home after this lesson

No I won’t go to home after this lesson

Will/Be going to

Will/ be going to arasındaki fark, will gelecekte gerçekleştirilmesi planlanan ama kesin olmayan bir
eylemi belirtirken, be going to kesin olarak gerçekleştirilecek bir eylemi belirtir.

I will play football tomorrow.

I am going to play football tomorrow.

I will quit smoking.

I am going to go to Italy.

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