Practical Test 3

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Table 1: Level of Academic Performance of Grade 10 School of the Future learners of Capiz

National High School

Academic Performance Frequency Percent (%)
Good 11 36.7%
Very Good 13 43.3%
Excellent 6 20.0%
Total 30 100%

Table 2: Overall Differentiated Instructions that Research Teachers use in teaching Grade 10
School of the Future learners of Capiz National High School
Differentiated Instructions Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation

1. Overall Flexible Grouping Strategy 4.48 .312 Highly Agree

2. Overall Varied Instructional Materials 4.17 .379 Agree
3. Overall Multi-modal Instruction 4.51 .273 Highly Agree
4. Overall Scaffolded Instruction 4.67 .290 Highly Agree
5. Overall Language Support Strategies 4.27 .498 Highly Agree

Overall Differentiated Instructions 4.42 .156 Highly Agree

Legend: Highly Agree (5) = 4.21-5.00, Agree (4) = 3.41-4.20, Neutral (3) =2.61-3.40, Disagree
(2) = 1.81-2.60, Highly Disagree (1) = 1.00-1.80

Table 3: Test of relationship between Differentiated Instructions used by Research Teachers and
respondents’ Academic Performance using Pearson Correlation
Variables of Differentiated 𝑟 − 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒/ 𝑆𝑖𝑔. Decision on 𝐻𝑜
Instructions and Respondents’ Interpretation 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 /Interpretation
Level of Academic Performance

Overall Differentiated Instructions .026/ Not

and Respondents’ Level of Slight .890 Significant/Accept
Academic Performance Relationship 𝐻𝑜

**Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Legend: 1.00=Perfect Relationship, 0.71-0.99=High Relationship, 0.41-0.70=Moderate
Relationship, 0.01-0.41=Slight Relationship, 0.00=No Relationship.

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