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Topic: Food

Grammar: Revision: Past Simple Irregular Verbs

1-Read the magazine article and answer the questions
- What different things did the students eat in the lesson?
- Which students didn´t like the idea of eating insects?
- What special qualities do insects have?
- Would you incorporate insects to your diet?

What do you remember about IRREGULAR VERBS?

2- Read these examples from the text and then complete the chart with the past form of the verbs:

3- Complete the e-mail with the verbs in the simple past.

4- Read the history of the ARGENTINE BEEF and complete the text with the past form of the verbs

5-Answer this questions about the text in exercise 3:

-When did Europeans introduce cows in Argentina?
-How did the number of cows grow?
-What happened with the invention of the fridge in the 19 th century?
-Why is Argentine beef famous for?
6- Now that you read about the history of Argentine beef. Look on the internet for the history of
another Argentine typical dish and write a short paragraph similar to the text in exercise 4. Here is a
link where you can find information about the topic
-Paste some pictures of the typical dish´s history

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