3RD Eng9 Mod19

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Learning Module 19
Name: ___________________________
Gr.& Section: _____________________

What is this module about?

Lesson 1: Determining Truth
Lesson 2: Compare and Contrast

What do you need to learn?

1. Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material viewed.
2. Draw similarities and differences of the featured selections in relation to the theme. EN9LT-IIIe-
Directions: Read each statement below carefully. write T if the statement is true, and F if i t
i s not. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Truth is factual-based, rather than opinion-related.
2. If you lie about something, then what you are saying is false.
3. Accuracy is the condition of being true; however, it still welcomes, at least, small mistakes.
4. In presenting ideas, basis is needed.
5. Hearsay is also a fact.

Refer to the Answer Key on last page of this module to check your answers.

Day 1: Determining Truth (Synchronous Session)

Concept Notes:
The ability to distinguish the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented helps students
develop their critical and analytical skills in both their reading and their listening comprehension. It is
therefore imperative that students are able to unravel the threads of what is true from what is mere belief.
Here are some ways on how we can determine truth presented in the material:
 Consider the source. Make sure to research where the story came from and check the cite when
 Read beyond. Do not read the clips in writing, gather all the information, and read it with
understanding to further know what lies beyond the information.
 Cite supporting sources. Just like in research paper, provide the review of related article that
talks about the topic and make sure to include the supporting details in your material.
 Check your biases. Read your material and consider if your own beliefs affect your judgment.
 Ask the experts. If you are having difficulty in determining the truth about material, ask a librarian,
or consult a fact-checking site.

Exercise 19.1
Directions: Read the short text below and answer the following questions.

Libel is a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation. When someone posts in
Facebook that someone is a thief although he is not, that person who posted about it may be sued for online

1. What issue is presented in the text?
2. Is the issue presented relevant in our current times? How can we know if a thing is truthful or not?
3. In your opinion, what makes an idea relevant? Why is knowing the truth important?

Day 2: (Synchronous Session)

Exercise no.19.2

Directions: Refer to the given picture and give four (4) relevant truths about it. Then, answer the
following questions.

1. What do you think is the picture about?
2. Based on the activity, cite an example on how you were able to determine the truth.
3. Based on the truths that you discovered, give a realization that you have learned and explain it briefly.

Day 3: Asynchronous Activity

Activity no. 19.1

Time started: ___

Time finished: ____

Directions: Watch the video entitled How is Your Phone Changing You? Pick one idea from the video clip and
try to explain its relevance and truthfulness to the topic.
Source Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6CBb3yX9Zs.
Criteria Exceeds Expectations (5) Meets Expectations (4) Somewhat Meets Expectations (3) Needs Improvement (2)
Content Insight is logical, and the delivery of the content is Insight is logical. Insight is somewhat logical. Insight is not logical.
Mechanics Proficiently written the Observes capitalization, Somewhat observes Does not observe
insight with the proper use of capitalization, grammar, and sentence capitalization, grammar, and capitalization, grammar, and
grammar, and structure sentence structure sentence structure
sentence structure

Day 4: Compare and Contrast (Synchronous Session)

Concept Note:
Comparison and contrast text talks about the similarities and differences of things and ideas.
Comparison highlights the similarities of two things while contrast gives emphasis to the differences of
two things. To compare is to show how things are alike. Authors use signal words such as both and same to
compare. To contrast is to show how things are different. Authors use signal words such as but, however,
and unlike to contrast.

Directions: Refer to the given selections. Give the similarities and differences of the featured selections in
relation to the theme. Use the graphic organizer below.
The Lion and the Mouse
By Aesop
A small mouse crept up to a sleeping lion. The mouse admired the lion's ears, his long
whiskers, and his great mane. "Since he's sleeping," thought the mouse, "he'll never suspect
I'm here!" With that, the little mouse climbed up onto the lion's tail, ran across its back, slid down its
leg, and jumped off of its paw. The lion awoke and quickly caught the mouse between its claws.
"Please," said the mouse, "let me go and I'll come back and help you someday." The lion laughed,
"You are so small! How could you ever help me?" The lion laughed so hard he had to hold his
belly! The mouse jumped to freedom and ran until she was far, far away.
The next day, two hunters came to the jungle. They went to the lion's lair. They set a huge rope
snare. When the lion came home that night, he stepped into the trap. He roared! He wept! But he could
not pull himself free. The mouse heard the lion's pitiful roar and came back to help him. The mouse
eyed the trap and noticed the one thick rope that held it together. She began nibbling and nibbling until
the rope broke. The lion was able to shake off the other ropes that held him tight. He stood up free
again! The lion turned to the mouse and said, "Dear friend, I was foolish to ridicule you for being
small. You helped me by saving my life after all!"
The Dove and the Ant
By Aesop
The Ant was speeding along on its three pair of legs when suddenly, it stopped. "I’m thirsty,"
the Ant said aloud. "Why don’t you get a drink of water from the brook?" cooed the Dove perched in
a nearby tree. "The brook is close by. Just be careful you don’t fall in." The Ant sped to the brook
and began to drink.
A sudden wind blew the Ant into the water. "Help!" the Ant cried, "I’m drowning!" The Dove
knew it had to act quickly to save the Ant. With its beak, the Dove broke a twig from the tree. Then,
the Dove flew over the brook with the twig and dropped it to the Ant. The Ant climbed onto the twig
and floated ashore. Not long afterward, the Ant saw a Hunter. He was setting a trap to catch the
Dove. The Dove began to fly toward the trap. The Ant knew it had to act quickly to save the Dove.
The Ant opened its strong jaws and bit the bare ankle of the Hunter. "Ouch!" the Hunter cried. The
Dove heard the Hunter and flew away.

The Lion and the Mouse The Dove and the Ant





Rubrics for Constructed Response: (Do not copy the rubrics.)

2 3 4 5
Fails to give the correct answer/ Somehow gives the correct answer/ Gives the correct answer/ content/ Proficiently gives the correct answer/
content but shows effort in content/ explanation. explanation. content/ explanation.
explaining the answer.

Directions: Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.
Philippines: Diagnosing the Infodemic
Fake news is harder to spot than ever. Young voters
need to get savvy before the country’s 2022 election.
The Philippines is less than a year away from its national elections in May 2022, and an estimated 5.8
million first-time voters (aged 18–23) are expected to join around 63 million mostly young voters trooping to
the polling stations. Given the persistent risks due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the prospect of continued
mobility restrictions, it is likely that online campaign platforms will play an even more crucial role in shaping
voters’ choices than at any previous election.

This online aspect raises serious concerns for pro-democracy stakeholders, now wary of the
heightened potential for mis- and disinformation. Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate material, often
shared unknowingly and with no particular intent to mislead. Disinformation is its more deliberate cousin–the
purposeful dissemination of false, misleading, or biased information, manipulated narratives, and propaganda.
In shorthand, both are often referred to as “fake news.” It is difficult to make inroads against fake news if
there are no measures.
1. What message does the text convey to readers?
2. Do you think the article is truthful? Explain.
3. How important do you think is the fight against misinformation and disinformation?

Day 5: Asynchronous Activity

Activity no. 16.2
Time started: ______
Time finished: ______

Directions: Research the gist of Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe. Based on your own
understanding, identify one (1) similarity and one (1) difference of the featured selections. Explain your
answer in three (3) sentences.

Similarity Difference

Rubrics for Constructed Response: (Do not copy the rubrics.)

Criteria Exceeds Expectations (5) Meets Expectations (4) Somewhat Meets Expectations (3) Needs Improvement (2)
Content Insight is logical, and the delivery of the content is Insight is logical. Insight is somewhat logical. Insight is not logical.
Mechanics Proficiently written the Observes capitalization, Somewhat observes Does not observe
insight with the proper use of capitalization, grammar, and sentence capitalization, grammar, and capitalization, grammar, and
grammar, and structure sentence structure sentence structure
sentence structure

You are done with Module 19. Congratulations! You made it!
For clarifications, do not hesitate to consult your teacher.

Answer Key:
Here are the answers in the Pre-Test. Please check your answer and determine how much knowledge have
learned about the topics in this module.
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F

How many items did you get correctly?

Get ready to learn more in the next learning module!

Note: No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means without the prior written permission of the author.

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