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1.Put each verb in brackets into the most suitable present tense.

I work in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I know (know) quite well.
We spend (spend) most of the day together, so we have all become friends. In fact, most of my
colleagues are so interesting, that I ‘m thinking (think) of writing a book about them!

Take (take) Hellen Watson, for example. Hellen runs (run) the accounts department. At the
moment she is going (go) out with Keith Ballantine, one of the sales representatives, and they
seem (seem) very happy together. But everyone (except Hellen apparently) knows (know) that
Keith always makes (always make) eyes at Susan Porter. But I happen (happen) to know that
Susan dislikes (dislike) Keith. “I can’t stand people who are apologiseing (apologise) all the
time!” she told me. “And besides, I know that he is deceiveing (deceive) poor Hellen. He is seeing
(see) Betty Wills from the overseas department.” And plenty of other interesting things are
going on (go on). For instance, every week money disappears(disappear) from the petty cash
box. When you realise (realise) that someone in your office is a thief, it upset (upset) you at first.
But I ‘m also trying (also try) to catch whoever it is before the police are called in. I am not going
to tell you who I am suspecting (suspect). Well, not yet anyway!

Happen to know- ali slučajno znam-često kkorištena fraza

2. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

a) What’s your opinion of Ted’s new book?

What do _____you think about Ted’s new book?
b) Nigel keeps interrupting me.
Nigel is _____constantly interrupting me
c) What is the meaning of this word?
What does ___this word means?
d) The number of people who own bicycles is increasing.
More and more people ___own bicycles
e) What about going to that new film at the Rex tonight?
How do ____ feel about going?
f) What is the weight of that piece of meat?
How much ___dose this meat wight?
g) Never mind about the price, just buy it!
The price ___isn’t important, just buy it

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