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Yellow Face

aloof 冷漠孤傲的
allegation n. 指控

audacity n. 勇⽓
attaché 使馆的专员
arsenal 军⽕库,⼀⼤批储备武器
blockbuster 因内容精彩⽽⻛靡⼀时的书/电影
bluster ⽓势汹汹地说,但作⽤不⼤
budge v. 改变主意
clique ⼩圈⼦,派系
double-dip v. 同时赚两份钱,常指从事⾮法活动
doodle v. ⼼烦或⽆聊时随⼿乱画
gush 夸张地表达/赞扬
hapless 不⾼兴的
blurb 书的推荐语 blurb sb’s book 为某⼈的书写推荐语
ostentatious 卖弄,招摇的
leech n.吸⾎⿁,蚂蝗⼀样的⼈
loony 傻的,愚蠢的
mingle with sb 和某⼈在社交场上往来
condo 公寓⼤楼
cookie-cutter adj. 缺乏想象⼒的,千篇⼀律的
curt (说话/态度)唐突,草率的
crestfallen 垂头丧⽓的,满脸沮丧
debut ⾸次登场 debut novel 处⼥作
doom-scolling 末⽇刷屏,⼿机持续刷负⾯消息
summon 召集 summon ghosts招⿁
trite 陈腐⽼套的
imprint 印在书上的出版商
pandan 斑斓
panel 专家⼩组

placard ⼴告牌
prodigy 天才,奇才
gape at sb. ⽬瞪⼝呆地看着某⼈
delve into sth 过分探究sth
banal 庸俗的,⽼套的
frantically adv. 紧张忙乱地
groan 痛苦的呻吟,不⾼兴的哼哼

ploy ⼿段,花招
flinch 因疼痛/恐惧⽽退缩

reparation 对伤害做出的赔偿/弥补
cackle about celebrities ⼋卦名⼈,咯咯笑

straddle 兼顾两种⻛格 straddle the line between a and b 微妙把握a和b的平衡

Yellow Face 1
tenacity 固执,坚持
dispatcher 救护⻋调度员
fiddle with sth ⽆意识地摆弄什么东⻄

bad-mouthing 说⼈坏话的⾏为
mumble 含糊地讲,咕哝

yank 猛拽
lark ⽆伤⼤雅的玩笑,玩闹

skin-deep friendship 泛泛之交

sell yourself short 低估/⼩看⾃⼰

make a pitch for sth 竭⼒争取sth

maniac 疯⼦

niche 称⼼如意的⼯作/职位
pitch event 推销⾃⼰的活动

quirk 怪癖
quirky 古怪的,独特的

hiccup v./n. 打嗝
stardom 名声,声誉

slender 苗条纤细的
eerie 吓⼈且神秘的怪异

thud 沉闷的⼀声,砰的⼀声
cherry-pick ⼀群⼈/东⻄中挑选最好的那个

pigeonhole vt. 把…不公平的分类,归置为

shirk from sth 逃避

thick skin 厚脸⽪

fishy 可疑的,虚假的

flair ⽂采,天赋
snooty 爱摆谱的,⽬中⽆⼈的

slink away 溜⾛
reel 踉跄

wince v. 皱眉
sth gains traction 某物/观点被接受

jut the chin out 扬起下巴

shriek 尖叫 shrieks of deligt, a piercing shriek, shriek with laughter

become blasé about sth 对…司空⻅惯

up-and-comer 有野⼼有潜⼒的⼈
in broad daylight 光天化⽇,朗朗乾坤,有⼈敢在咱们头上动⼟(⽆赖候三)

I make a big show of tapping my lip, and then pouting. 好作好可爱哈哈哈哈哈,⽤⼿指轻敲嘴唇,然后撅起嘴来
I have a whole arsenal of small talk planned 我准备了⼀堆smal talk
see through the grime and sludge of the facts 看透肮脏的事实
I watch her hastily plaster on a smile 我看她仓促地换上笑脸

Yellow Face 2
She envelops me in a hug. 她狠狠拥抱我
Her voices shine through in my work.

get second-hand embarrassment 替别⼈尴尬

One hand cups my cheek. ⼀⼿托腮
But i simply cannot place her. 我(⻅过她但是)脑⼦对不上号
All kinds of plot twists fly through my head. 脑⼦⾥情节转折乱⻜
Giving them book deals before they’ve had time to develop frontal lobes? 前额叶
Writing is the closest thing we have to real magic. Writing is creating something out of nothing, is opening doors to other lands.
Writing gives you power to shape your own land when the real one hurts too much.

Yellow Face 3

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