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Quantum Mechanics I


I. Answer briefly to the following questions (are required at least 8 correct answers) :

1. Which are the main lessons from the Stern-Gerlach experiment (three conclusions)?
2. Formulate the superposition principle in quantum mechanics and provide two simple examples
of superposition of quantum states.
3. How do you express mathematically that two states are orthogonal?
4. How are defined mathematically the physical quantities in quantum mechanics?
5. How are obtained in quantum mechanics the possible values an observable may have?
6. What do the eigenstates of an observable generate in the Hilbert space? Express
mathematically this property in the case of an observable with discrete spectrum and in the case
of an observable with continuous spectrum.
7. Define the wave function in terms of a scalar product and provide its physical meaning.
8. Provide the fundamental commutation relations.
9. When two observables are compatible? What mathematical property satisfies these quantities?
10. Write the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the states vector .
11. Write the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the wave function which describe the
motion of a particle which moves in a position dependent potential. Indicate the meaning of
quantities appearing in this equation.
12. What is a stationary state?
13. Write the time-independent Schrodinger equation (for the ket vectors and for wave
functions). What physical condition should satisfy the solutions of these equations.
14. Explain way the ground state energy for harmonic oscillator is not zero, different from the
the lowest energy of classical harmonic oscillator.
15. Indicates the possible energies of the quantum harmonic oscillator.
16. Why the energy of the bound states is quantized?

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