Answer 3.1

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The Cavite Mutiny, (January 20, 1872), brief uprising of 200 Filipino troops and workers at the
Cavite arsenal, which became the excuse for Spanish repression of the embryonic Philippine
nationalist movement. Ironically, the harsh reaction of the Spanish authorities served ultimately
to promote the nationalist cause.

2. The abolition of privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the Cavite arsenal of exemption from
the tribute. The reign of the Spanish authorities and friars in the political and agrarian fields in
the Philippines in the past. Their abolition of the various tribe monarchies in the islands of the
Philippines in the past. The promotion or preaching of the Spanish friars and other Spanish
citizens living in the Philippines in the past on the unjust practices of laws or policies of the
Spanish government authorities. The prejudices and discriminations of the Spanish citizens and
authorities on the living of Filipinos. These are the reasons of why the Cavite Mutiny; the
rebellion of the Caviteños against the Spanish government have happened in the past.

3. The effect of cavite mutiny was unsuccessful, and government soldiers executed many of the
participants and began to crack down on a burgeoning Philippines nationalist movement. Many
scholars believed that the Cavite mutiny was the beginning of Filipino nationalism that would
eventually lead to the Philippine Revolution of 1896. It contribute to our history as Filipinos in a
way that, it sparked the start of the resistance against the authority for Philippine
Independence in 1898. This also gave inspiration to fight for Philippine independence.

4. By using primary sources it allow us to review factual info without prejudice and
interpretation by others. They are the most direct evidence of a time or event because they
were created by people or things that were there at the time or event. In primary sources data
raw information is available so it helps to develop knowledge and skills. It helps us to develop
our perspectives as well as analytical skills.

5. The reports of Vidal and Izquierdo both implicated that the rebellion was an attempt to
overthrow the Spanish government. In particular, Izquierdo reports that the Filipino clergy is
behind the mutiny to rally secularization. Both has originally reported that this “plan” was
caused by the abolition of the privileges of the workers of Cavite arsenal, which include the
non-payment of taxes of tributes and the exemption from force labor. But, the two added
several causes like the overthrowing of secular throne through the Spanish revolution, the
unrestrained press disseminating unclean propagandas, the books with liberal, republican, and
democratic ideals, and the support and conspiracy of native priests to replace the spanish friars.
For these reasons, the GOMBURZA in February 17, 1872 were executed.
6. The similarities are the primary cause of the insurrection or revolt is the order to subject the
laborers of the Cavite arsenal to pay taxes or tributes, from which they were previously
exempted. The instigators of the insurrection include the native clergy. The insurrection
involved Filipinos and Spaniards, while the differences, in Montero y vidal he highlighted other
incidents that gave rise to the Filipinos' thought of revolting, such as democratic and republican
books and pamphlets; speeches and preaching of the apostles of these new ideals in Spain;
outbursts of American publicists; and the spanish. Rafael Izquierdo insisted that, in addition to
the native clergy, some mestizos and lawyers are also involved in the mutiny's instigation.
Pardo de Tavera highlighted the spanish authorities strong reaction, which acted as an
ultimatum to promote the nationalist cause. And last Edmund Plauchut, highlighted in this
account are the harsh policies of the Governor General Izquierdo.

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