Coping Stress

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As what I have observed while reading in different social media

platforms feeds, stress and anxiety are the most common mental
health issues that are experienced by the college students. Being a
college student, I am also experiencing this right now not just
because of the acceptable reason situation of being quarantined and
homeschooling is the best substitute for the F2F just to continue the
life of being a student at this time of pandemic. We experienced
stress and anxiety not just because of the tight scheduled academic
activities, but also the home factors that influence our focus on
academic such as, unnecessary noises, family pathology, and many
Experiencing stress and anxiety needs some proper coping
mechanisms to prevent having these mental health problems. Here
are some healthy ways you can deal with stress and anxiety:
 Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercising, get plenty of
sleep, and give yourself a break.
 Discipline yourself to set yourself a task.
 Talk with people that gives you positivity.
 Move your body or make time to unwind.
 Knowing yourself, especially when you need more help. If you
really feel upset, come to professional counselling.

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