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Since threcia already explained or identified the basic concepts of morpheme in morphology.

To make it simple, morpheme is

the smallest unit of meaning in a word. Let us now abide by this in our two branches of morphology. First, I will explain the
lexical or deliberational morphology.

Lexical morphology is

Neologism (newly coined word)

With that information, a morpheme can be subdivided into two types. Which threcia already explained these two and We have
the free morpheme and bound morpheme. The free morpheme is a word and can stand alone, consisting one morpheme, given
example is sing, also the word work, wrap and many more. they are words in themselves. while any morpheme that cannot
stand alone is a bound morpheme. It should be attached to a free morpheme to create a meaning. These are the affixes. Which
divided into two, prefixes and suffixes. Lets take For example, the suffix “er” cannot be a word so it should be attached to a free
morpheme such as sing, so the word sing plus the suffix er equals singer. sing is a verb and singer is a noun. Lets take another
example sa prefix, it is added to the beginning of a word, for example the prefix “co” that could be attached to the word , to the
word uhmm “equal” so co + equal is coequal. Equal is a noun while the word coequal is an adjective. There are many suffixes
and prefixes, Tandaan ta lang always, kung ang meaning gani sang free morpheme naglain kung butangan affixes, belong ni sya
sa lexical. Okay, I know that this is not our focus of the study and it is just a glimpse of what we have learned since elementary
We will focus more on the disorders associated with this that will be discussed by the next reporter. So now let’s move on to
the second branch of morphology.

In inflectional morphology, there are only eight Inflectional Affixes and these are all suffixes.

First we have the suffix “s” for example, cats, dogs

Next is the noun possessive, for example “Ana’s cat is cute” The suffix in the sentence is “’s” in the word Ana

Third, the verb present tense third person singular for example, she thinks, he walks
Ari na, Ang suffix “er” sa derivational affixes is added to verbs that used to form an agent noun. While ang suffix “er” gina use for
comparing two things. For example alex is prettier than Len. And lastly the adjective superlative. For example alex is the prettiest
among them all.

So those are the two branches of morphology. Well, if you look at the creation of words, these are quite easy. Still, studying
morphology is very crucial . In fact, there is a study that proved that learning morphological instruction and teaching morphemes
increased second language learners' vocabulary comprehension and made them recognize vocabulary items intentionally and
incidentally. The findings of this study were proposed by Fatma Damira. with that I hope you get some helpful information about
morphology. Now let us focus on some disorders associated with morphology.

To further explain this, let me identify the two classifications of word. The simple word which cannot be analysed into smaller
unit. Example sing, , etc. and the complex words can be subdivide into smaller meaning. For Example, Singer, it can be divided
into sing and er. Since the sing is different from the singer. sing or to sing is a verb while the singer is a noun or the one who sing.

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