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Przed określaniem ustroju politycznego- States, Kingdom, Republic

Testy T z dużej litery

Dwa podejścia liczy się średnia z dwóch prób
Na ocenę

6 testów za punkty

Organization- synonims
Work place




-ed to ny
-ący to ing

Past simple- zamknięta przeszłość

KIEDY- past simple

Present Simple

Nie mówimy kiedy- present perfect

* "It goes without saying that..." - "Nie trzeba dodawać, że..."
* "In light of recent events, ..." - "W świetle ostatnich wydarzeń..."
* "From my perspective, ..." - "Z mojego punktu widzenia..."
* "Taking into consideration..." - "Biorąc pod uwagę..."
* "It's worth noting that..." - "Warto zauważyć, że..."
* "With regard to..." - "Jeśli chodzi o..."
* "One aspect that deserves attention is..." - "Jednym z aspektów, który zasługuje na
uwagę, jest..."
* "In today's context, ..." - "W dzisiejszym kontekście..."
* "As we delve into this topic, ..." - "Gdy zagłębiamy się w ten temat..."
* "Given the complexity of the issue, ..." - "Biorąc pod uwagę złożoność problemu..."

"Na co dzień studiuję zarządzanie, regularnie ćwiczę na siłowni i obecnie uczę się do
egzaminu na prawo jazdy. W wolnym czasie zgłębiam wiedzę na temat biznesu, takiego jak

"On a daily basis, I am engaged in studying management, hitting the gym regularly, and
currently pursuing my driver's license. In my spare time, I immerse myself in learning about
business concepts such as dropshipping."
In Company Pre-intermediate Resource materials

18b A–Z race Gina Cuciniello

Work in teams. Correct the sentences which have a grammar mistake. You have a time limit of ten minutes.

A I’m usually going to work by car.

B The climate gets warmer because of global warming.

C My boss stays often in luxury hotels.

D Could you tell me where is the meeting room?

E The committee chose the new Financial Director last Tuesday.

F This internet search engine developed without the use of advertising.

G Could you me tell where you live?

H Food served in British restaurants isn’t bad as you think.

I I have to work much harder in my current job than in my last one.

J The Chairman said that profits have risen by 5% this year.

K Have you heard the news? Our competitor went bankrupt!

L Employees should be punctual for work in the mornings.

M I’ll to take that call if you like.

N I not have to back up my work. My computer automatically does it for
O I’m absolutely exhausted. I am at my desk since eight o’clock this morni

P No, really Carlo. I pay for the drinks. I insist!

Q What do you do after the conference, Anna?

R The Marketing Manager told that we should promote it on the Intern

S Who you visited when you went to Turkey?

T She’s worked in Tokyo for three years.

U If we don’t leave now, we’re late for the Managing Director’s presen

V I’m going not to buy any more shares until the market improves.

W His company is the more profitable in this sector.

X Shall I to order a taxi for you?

Y She says everyone she’s the manager when she’s really only the assista

Z He’s the kind of person you can depend on to do a job well.

172 Photocopiable In Company Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003

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