Gandhism - Ideology & Relevance in The 21st Century

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Gandhism: Ideology & Relevance in the 21st Century.

Gandhism, a set of beliefs inspired by Mahatma Gandhi provides a perspective, on dealing with
issues. The significance of ideals in today’s world despite the paced advancements in technology and
societal norms is undeniable. This essay delves into the ideology and relevance of Gandhism in the
contemporary era emphasizing its ability to instigate change and promote a society.

Gandhi’s philosophy, centred on non-truthfulness and social equity serves as a ray of hope in a world
often marred by discord and inequality. His focus on truthfulness, exemplified by Satyagraha remains
particularly pertinent in the age where transparency and authenticity hold importance. While
technology was initially seen as challenging the authenticity of Gandhi’s principles it can actually
amplify their impact. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can combat corruption by
fostering transparency and public engagement aligning well with Gandhi’s vision of a society
grounded in truth and non-violence.

Gandhi’s inclusive ideology that promotes respect for all religions is a principle that resonates
strongly in a world plagued by religious intolerance and violence. His view of religion as a force,rather
than a divisive factor reflects a universal human vision that transcends religious divides.

In today’s world with conflicts and violence presenting major obstacles Gandhi’s approach, to
secularism provides a way to promote harmony and mutual comprehension, among individuals of
varying beliefs.

The relevance of Gandhian principles is not limited to social and religious aspects but extends to
political and economic spheres as well. Gandhi's political thought, which emphasizes the
establishment of a just socio-political order based on non-violence, truth, and equality, remains
pertinent in a world where power struggles and conflicts are common. His insistence on minimal
government interference and the importance of individual self-purification through adherence to
truthfulness, non-violence, and simplicity, offers a counterpoint to the materialistic and competitive
ethos of modern society.

Gandhi's emphasis on cleanliness, not just physical but also metaphorical, speaks to the need for a
clean and corruption-free society. His vision of a casteless society, where everyone is treated equally,
challenges the entrenched social hierarchies and caste systems that persist in many parts of the
world. The ongoing efforts to promote cleanliness and equality, such as India's Swacchta Bharat
Abhiyan, reflect the enduring influence of Gandhian principles in addressing societal issues [2].

It can be concluded that, Gandhism is not merely a relic of the past, but a living philosophy that
continues to offer valuable insights into addressing the challenges of the present and future. By
embracing the principles of nonviolence, truth, welfare for all, and self-rule, we can strive towards
creating a more compassionate, just, and sustainable world for generations to come. As we navigate
the complexities of the modern era, let us heed Gandhi's timeless wisdom and work towards
realizing his vision of a world founded on love, truth, and equality. Gandhism, with its emphasis on
truth, non-violence, and social justice, continues to offer a timeless framework for addressing the
challenges of the 21st century. While the world has evolved significantly since Gandhi's time, his
principles remain relevant and capable of inspiring change. The relevance of Gandhian principles in
the 21st century underscores the enduring value of his philosophy and its potential to foster a more
harmonious, equitable, and peaceful world.

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