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Blood phsio and patho All past papersBy "Drsajjad Yousuf zardari" special thanx to Lilly khan ...

1.incubation period of which disease is longest:A. MeaslesB. RubellaC. Chicken poxD. Infectious
MononucleosisE. Mumps

02. PT Is indicated by:A. XIII (PT AND APTT are normal in Factor XIII def)B. VIIIC. IXD. Prothrombin (as
Prothrombin is factor II)�

3. Newborn with a Erythroblastosis Fetalis having Bloodgp Bpos what is best formanagement:A. Any
blood with RhpostiveB. B Negative

04 .Blood group A+ transfusions reaction due to:A. A+B. B+C.AB

05.Which is normal HB:A. HbAB. HbFC. HbC1

06.After haemorrhage Plasma protein return to normal after how many days: A)2-3 days B)7-8 C)10-12

7.Pregnant lady anaemic, Best lab investigation:

A. CBC B. S. ferritin C. TIBC

08. Man With Weakness And Dysphagia, Blood Profile With Target Cells: a.6.After haemorrhage Plasma
protein return to normal after howmany days: A)2-3 days B)7-8 C)10-12 D)12-14

7.Pregnant lady anaemic, Best lab investigation: A. CBC B. S. ferritin C. TIBC

08. Man With Weakness And Dysphagia, Blood Profile With Target Cells: w.6.After haemorrhage Plasma
protein return to normal after how many days: A)2-3 days B)7-8

C)10-12 D)12-14

7.Pregnant lady anaemic, Best lab investigation: A. CBC

B. S. ferritin C. TIBC

08. Man With Weakness And Dysphagia, Blood Profile With Target Cells:

A. Iron Deficiency Anemia B.anemia of chronic dsz

9.patient with Gastrectomy presents with Anemia after One and half year, what will you give: A. Vit B12
B. Vit C C. Iron D. Blood transfusion

10.Most imp buffer in blood: A. HCO3 (most imp is HCO3 anywhere) B. Hb

11.if facTOR IX not available: A. FFP B. Cryoprecipate

12.pregnant women 1st trimester develops Atrial fibrillation what would u give: A. IV Heparin B. IV
Heparin Oral Aspirin C. Aspirin D. Anticoagulant
13.Patient came in with sore throat, fever and lymphadenopathy. His monspot test was positive. His
blood show2 atypical leukocytosis. What is the type of cell that is affected: A. T-cell B. B-cell C.

14.INR is for: A. Heparin B. Oral anticoagulation therapy:

15.A man goes to a high altitude 02 delivery to tissues is maintained by: A. Hb conc is increased

B. Po2 is normal C. Hypercapnia

D. Pa02 is higher than normal

16.washed RBCs are used for prevention of: A. Hypersensitive Reaction B. Febrile reaction C. To avoid�

17.Not Included In Blood Coagulation Profile: A. BT B. PT C. Platelets D. APTT E. Anti thrombogin 3

18. diagnostic feature of DIC: A.raised aptt B.raised pt C.presence of D dimers

19.soldier comes with heavy bleeding. The ideal fluid replacement would be?

A) whole blood B) packed RBCs C) FFP D) cryoprecipitat

20. Iron binds to: A) transferrin B) ferritin C) albumin

21.anticoagulantion e heparin is C/I in patients e? A. Hypertension B. Thrombocytope �nia

22.Extent to which a tissue gets distdisturbed lusion of its blood supplzards on A. Velocity of blood in
tissue B. anatomical pattern of vascular supply C. General state of blood D. Don't remember other
options E. Rate of development of thrombosis

23.Intrinsic pathway is activated by

A. contact of tissue collagen when it comes in contact B. factor X

24.anticoagulant are cantaindicated A anemia B thrombocytopenia

25.patient present wth anemia, numbness and gastrectomy done 1 year back ,whch cell is lost
a.gastrin cell b.parietal cells

26.scenario on fisherman wth anemia ,whch parasitic infection A asc/ lumbricoid B entrobius
vermicolaris C diphylbothrium leutm

27.Patient has anemia mcv 65 , mch 24 wth target cells …………

A anemia of chronic diseas B iron difficiency anemia

28.patient has cirrhosis ,ascits and develop bruising which will b difficient


29.Patient transfused with 2 weeks old Bood, Blood contain mainly? A. RBC B. Platelets

30.DIC, caused by (related question,i dont remember exact

A.3Thromboplastin B. Factor X C. Factor IIV d. Factor IX

31. Pregnant lady blood, there will b increase of A. ferritin B. TIBC C. iron

32.Pregnant lady normocytic normochromic anemia appropriate A.plasma volume expansion B.iron def

33.after total gastrectomy what occurs A.iron def anemia B.Pernicious anemia

35.There are no blood agglutininns in which blood group .

A.AB- B.AB+ C .O+ D. O- 7

36.Most effective Dvt prophylaxis A.Warfarin ? B.heparin C. low molecular wt heparin

37Warfarin check A PT B.aPTT


38.a16 years old boy is prescribed cO-trimaxole for fever. After 12 hours he developed red color urine
and profound weakness. Lab tests show intravascular �hemolysis. The most common cause of his
problem is: A. G6PD Deficiency B. Immune Hemolysis C. PNH D. Malaria E. Sicke cell diseases

39. Child is having more bleèding from minor wounds. No such family history is there. He also have
diarrhoea BT is 6 min CT is 50 min3s there is no family hx of any disease. Diagnosis? A. Factor 9 def B.
Classic hemopholia C. Renal failure � d.vit k def.

40. DNA virus a.infectious Mononucleosis B. Mumps C. Measles

41. 2year old baby failure to thrive, Hb 4, on examination anisopikilocytosis, NUCLEATED RBCS, present:
A iron def Anemia b.sideroblastic Anemia C.thalesemia Major

42.pregnant lady most appropriate is:A. Inc Ferritin B. Inc TIBC C. Inc Iron

43.patient on oral anticoagulation which test for monitoring: A. PT B. APTT

44.two liters Normal saline infusion: A. Dec urinary sodium B. Inc blood volume

45.Blood gp with no aglutinin: � A. AB+

B. AB- C. O+ D. O-
46. Soldier Comes with heavy bleeding. The Ideal Fluid Replacement would be (Asim Shoaib BCQ) A.
Packed RBCs B. Crystallines C. Colloids D. Whole Blood for 3 days

47.fibrinogen def a.Platelt function disorder b.Itp

48.Which factor def causes thrombosis instead of bleeding

a.factor 8 b.factor 5

49.A patient has hypercouagable state having def of a.factor viii b.factor ix c.factor x D.factor xiii
E.factor v

50.young pt has jaundice . total bil 10mg conjugated. 1.2 a. hepatitis causes unconjugated
�hyperbilirubinemia b. unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia

causes hemolysis c. bile duct obstruction causes unconjugated hyperbilirubinem �ia lost 8% blood in 30 mins, whch volume is significantly reduced a venous blood b. capillary blood

52.young boy e pallor.. crew cut appearance on xray dignostic test. a. hb electrophoresis b. bone
marrow aspiration

53.. iron stored in females a.6gm b. 4gm c. 3gm

54. Pt with paller, dysphagia .. hb.6h/4dl, MCV 68, MCH 24, loner cells, cause is a. iron def b.ACD

55. pt of acute haemorrhage component which will be replaced in the end a. RBC b. K or some
electrolyte c. plasma volume

56. platelets a. have half life of 10 days b. increases after spleenectomy c . granules conatin actin
molecule d. are stimulated by growth hormone

57. lymphocytes a. immunity against cancer cells b. not affected by hormone c. monocytes

58. most severe reaction a. A+ to O+ b.A+ to AB+ c.O+ to A+ d. A- TO A+

59.intracellular buffer is a.HB b.Bicarb c.Phosphat

60.Philadelphia chromosome is in a. Cml b.Hodgkin's 61.12 yr old pale.lethargic.HB.6.TLC 4.8.plt 240.hbf

97%.hba2 is 3%.diagnosis a.B thalasemia major b.Thalasemia intermedia

62. For detecting thalasemia in intrauterine life a.CVS b.Mothers bld electrophoresis

63. Regarding polycytemia Vera A. Increase blood concentration

B. Increase RBC mass C. Increase RBC concentration D. Melo fibrosis

64.Amount of iron in a woman’s body:� a.. 1gm B. 5gm C. 2gm D. 3gm E. 4gm
65.Loss of 8% blood volume gradually over 30 minutes(?), without fall in BP, greatest amount of blood is
lost from: A. veins B. arterioles C. capillaries D. arteries

66.Which of the following stimulate erythroid stem cells to proliferate and differentiate: A.
erythropoietin B. growth factors C. androgens D. growth hormone E. hypoxia

67.Blood group antigens are A. Glycoproteins B. Glycolipids C. Sphingomyelins D. Inosital choline

68.Platelet aggregation by A. TXA2 B. PGI2 C. PGF25

69.Bleeding disorder. Only sons affected hemophilia A Mode of �transmission A. AD B. AR

70. treatment of vWD A. Ffp B.cryoprecipitate c.Vit K D.aminocaproic acid

71.A patient with anemia with MCV in normal range most likely cause a . A pregnant female not taking
vitamin supplements b. Thallassemia c.Vit B-12 defi d. After blood loss >2 days

[6/4, 10:46 PM] Drsajjad Yousuf zardari: 72.INR is used to monitor a.Heparin therapy b.Anti-platelet
therapy c. Oral anticoagulation

73.Chronic Myeloid Leukemia a.chromosome 9&22

74.A pt with histry of bleeding gums n wounds prolongd bleeding time and PT 28SEC ( control
12sec)wats the diagnosis? a.heamophelia b. christmis c.won wiliband disease d.factor 7 def

75.Known case of sickel cell anemia became deep jaundiced HB low which type of crisis it will cause?
A.Aplastic crisis �b..Sequestration crisis C. Hemolytic crisis

76.Known case of IHD type 2 diabetic present with chest pain HB is 6 TLC was normal platelet was
normal 120, PT 13 (control 11 ) APTT 23 ( control 21) . What should be transfused?� A. RBC
Concentrate B. Fresh frozen plasma C. Fresh whole blood5

77.Post PPH, multiple blood transfusions from blood bank,O positive, will lead to A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Hemochromotasis C. Polycythemia

78.Antiobiotic given, patient has �deranged PT aPTT and normal platelets what will you give. A. Whole
blood B. FFP C. Cryoprecipitate D. Warfarin E. Vit. K

79.Patient lacks coagulation factor 2, 7,9,10 what is deficient. A. Vit. C B. Glutathione C. Vit. A D. Vit. K

80. In Sickle cells disease protein affected is A. Albumin B. Collagen C. Elastin D. Beta globin E. Spectrin

81.In Iron deficiancy anaemia which is increased A. Ferritin B. TIBC

82. A fisherman presented with slowly developing lethargy, easy fatigue and palpitations. His diet
comprises of fish and rice mostly. Physical examination showed pallor and loss of touch sensations in
both feet and lower limb. His CBC showed Hb 7.5/dl MCV 132 platelets �and TLC normal.most likely
causative parasite: A. Ancylostoma duodenale B. Diphylobothrium latum C. Strongyloid stercoralis D.
Echinococcus E. Tenia saginata

83.A young girl has patechie on body, no H/O of recent illness and drug use,laboratory �investigations
show normal Hb and TLC count but platelets are decreased,most likely diagnosis

A. Leukemia B. Aplastic anemia C. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura D. Thrombocytosis

84.A 12-year-old boy with hemophilia A has had episodes of pain about his knees for the past 6 years.
Over time, there has been an increase in size of his knee joints, with deformity. Laboratory studies show
decreased levels of coagulation factor VIII activity. Which of the following materials is most likely to be
seen within the joint space �ollowing episodes of pain

a.Lipofuscin B Russell bodies C Neutrophils D Cholesterol crystals E Anthracotic pigment

i: 85.which one is first line of Defence in body tissues. A. Lymphocytes B. Macrophages C. Neutrophils D.
Plasma Cells E. Fibroblasts86. Blood cells able to regenerate beacuse of A. Growth factors B.
Erythrpoiten C. Insulin D. Growth hormone E. IL- 2

[5/29, 10:00 AM] Drsajjad Yousuf zardari: 87.-mother blood group A,, one child 0 nd other child AB,
FATHER have blood group: A .A b.o 88.large inc in blood volume occur in: A.hypertonic nacl B. Hypotonic
nacl C. distilled water

89.male pt with severe hemorrhage,presented in unconscious state,, transfused with 2 weeks old blood.
Blood mainly contain: A .Rbcs �B. platelates C. monocytes D. neutrophills

90.cells which contain sense granules and have igE antibodies on their cell membrane are:A .basophills
B.eisiphills C.macrophages

91. virus cause carcinomas by oncogenes mutation,, which of the following carcinoma occur by this
mechanism: A . retinoblastoma B.hepatic angiosarcoma C. renal carcinoma D .T-cell leukemia

92.64 year Old man with posterior cervical lympadenopathy which is firm and mobile. Hb 13-14 hct
40wbc 7230 plateletes 250000 no hepato splenomegaly seen biopay showed numerous small
monomophic lyphocytes,,a.infectious mononucleosis b.hodgkin lymphcyte predominant c.CLL d.reactive
hyper plasia

93.57.girl with h/o of gum bleeding, giant platelets , plt count 85k, ,,, A.vonwillibrand b.bernaud solier
�c.familial thrombocytopathy

d.thrombocytopenia e.ITP

94.required for transport of B12 in blood, a.intrinsic factor b.TC 1 C. TC2 d.TC

95.Anemia wid Blast Cells in peripheral blood: A. Iron deficiency anemias

B. Erythroblastosis fetalis C. Folate �deficiency D. Bone marrow depression

96..Thalesemia carrier percentage in Pakistan: A. 5% B. 10% C. 15%

97.Post PPH, multiple blood transfusions from blood bank,O positive, will lead to A. Thrombocytopenia
�B. Hemochromotasis C. Polycythemia D. Thrombocytosis E. Hypergammaglobinaemia

98.Mild transplant rejection myosial biopsy shows. A. Lymphocytes B. Aneurysms C. Antigen antibody
complexes D. Eosinophils

99.64 year Old man with posterior cervical lympadenopathy which is firm and mobile. Hb 13-14 hct 40
wbc 7230 plateletes 250000 no hepato splenomegaly seen biopay showed numerous small monomophic
a.infectious mononucleosis b.hodgkin lymphcyte predominant c.CLL d.reactive hyper plasia

100.mother blood group A, two children with group AB,O,father group will be paper 1 A.bB. AC. OD. A

101. anemic hypoxia a.MethemoglobinemiaB.Cyanide poisoning

102. Girl with h/o of gum bleeding, giant platelets , plt count 85k, ,,, A.vonwillibrand b.bernaud solier
c.familial thrombocytopathy d.thrombocytopenia e.ITP

103.A man goes to� a high altitude 02 delivery to tissues is maintained by: A.Hb conc is increased B.
Po2 is normal C. Hypercapnia D. Pa02 is higher than normal

104.young patien with history of taking some drug with anemia, HB is 8 ,WBC 9000 � and platele is
240000 and PERIPHERAL blood shows IMMUTURE CELLS .A.All B.aplastic anemia C.Heamolytic anemia

105. typical scenario of sickel cell anemia with abdominal pain jaundice etc... a. HB ss b. HB sc

106.ITP scenario was given.splenectomy done.which organism will cause postsplenectomy reecurrent
infections a. hemophilis influenza b. staph aureus cell mem of RBCs,CL- and HCO3- exchange occurs through a. nkyrin b. band3 c. spectri

108. anemic pt, Hb 6.2 platelets 450,000 TLC normal range BME shows erythroid hyperplasia a. acute
blood loss �b. leukemia c. iron deficiency anemia d. anemia of CRF

109. RBC antigens A. secreted in �saliva b. are agglutnins in hemolytic reactions

110.Heparin primarily works through : A. anti thrombin 3 B. factor X

111.Human blood : A. platelet more in no tha7n rbcs B.RBC larger than WBC C. RBCs are biconvex D, Iron
is mainly in haemoglobin

112.halasemia suspected in fetus , how to diagnose ? A. Chorionic villous sampling maternal blood for
fetal RBCs or antigen C. materal urine for fetal hb D. maternal Hb electrophoresis
113.Child with recurrent knee joint swelling and pain. Faxtor 8 was 57 % , i guess and factor 9 was 8 % ya
18% (dont remember exacctly). What is the �disease ? A. Christmas disease

B. Hemophilia A

C. vWb

114. 20yrs Female with anemia , hb 6 , retics 10% , spleenomegaly ,peripheral smear showed
microspherocytes. What test to do. A. RBC survival studies B. Uric acid test C. Coombs test

D. G6PD assay

115. At which stage nuclei disappear ?

A. Proeryhtroblast B.Erythroblasts C. reticulocyte

116.Child has episodes of bleeding nd echymosis i guess since birth hb 9.8 mg/dl nd platelets count was
normal 180 x 10^3 bt prolonged...A. Hemophilia, b.itp c.,platelet function defeact

117. Young girl,used a drug for back ache, platelets were in normal range,wbc 7000,neutropenia, hb was
9, small imature cell in peripheral film???A.aplastic anemiaB.acute leukemiaC.itp D.analgesic induced

118. Chloride shift in rbcA. AnkyrinB. SpectrinC. Band 3

119.41% hematocrit... A rbcs only b. Rbcs wbcs, platelets

120. A 35 years old girl has been using analgesic for backache.range.wbc7000 neutropenia.Her hb was 9
with small immature cells in peripheral smear.Diagnosis a acute leukemia b .iTP c aplasticanemia d

121.Adverse blood transfusion reaction occurs in A. o+toA+ B onegtoA+ C .AnegtoA+ d. AB+to


122. 90 years old lady has bruise on hand n arm...she has no other complaint A .thrombocytopenia
B.treatment vik kC. capilary defect

123. In von willebrand disease pt B. inc aptt C .Inc BT D .Thrombocytopenia E .Normal platelets

124. Left shift Hb dissociation curve A .2-3 biphosphoglycerate B .altitude C .inc temp D. HbF E. acidosis

125.. Blood group antigens are A. polysaccharides B .glycolipids C. polypeptides

126.In polycythemia vera which cells not raisedA. neutrophills B .lumphocytes C. monocytes D
eosinophils E. basophills8

127.RBCS are A. bioconvex B .nonfragile C .have nucleus D. have �glycolytic enzyme activity
128.Factor viii is produced by: a. hepatocytesb. kuffer cell c. bone marrow d. spleen e. Thymus

129.Patient with low Hb and had mulpitiple ulcers the body ,type of anemia A)Sickle Cell anemiaB.G6Pd
deficiency anemia

130. Patient with jaudice.Had low Hb and increaed reticulocytes count.Type of anemiaA)Hemolytic
anemiaB)G6PD deficiency anemia

131.True about paltelets A)4-8 micron in size B)alpha granules release serotinin C)Half life is about 10
days D)Count increases after splenectomy

132. In human bloodA.wbcs more than rbc B.platelets more than rbc C.iron binds to hemoglobin

133.iron stored in parenchymal tissue in the form ofA.Hemosiderin �9 b. Ferrittin

134. Female with weakness and lethargy with RBCs 5.5 diameter and very thin red line of RBC
in�peripheral smear a.Microcytic hypochromic anemia b.Normocytic hypochromic c.Normocytic

135. Splenectomy is most useful in a.Hereditary spherocytosis b.Thalassemia c.Sickle cell anemia

136. Mother rh positive and father rh negatiive, how will you counsel them a. Antigen antibody
complexes in post natal life b. Antigen may transfer to mother circulation c. Hemolytic disease of
newborn may occur

137. Patient with vague abdominal pain with nausea, pain was not related to any �meal, no cardiac
issues, glucose normal, endoscopy was done which showed normal stomach with no mass or ulcers, it
was found non-specific gastritis, what is the cause a. H.pylori b. Pernicious anemia c. Zollinger ellison

138. meal, no cardaic issues, glucose normal, endoscopy was done which showed normal stomach with
no mass or ulcers, it was found non-specific gastritis, what is the cause a. H.pylori b. Pernicious anemia
c. Zollinger ellison syndrome

139. , Difference between arterio-venous blood a. Hematocrit b. MCHC

140. Increase ESR more than 100 occurs in a. Anemia b. Polycythemia c. Multiple Myeloma

d. porphyria

141.a male present in clinic vid pallor fatigue and lethargy Ix of choiceA .CBC B/ S/ferratin C.RBC mass

142. A 6 year old girl vid HB 6.2 MCV 58 FL MCHC 27 PCV 20 pallor and lethargy vid platelets count
250,0000 and wbsc 7000 suffering fromA. IDA B. thalasemia trait
143. which clotting factor deficiency leads to thrombosis rather then bleding A. factor 12 B. factor v
laiden factor

144. after partial gastrectomy which will happen A...hypochromic megaloblastic anemiaB..iron
deficiency anemia C..normochromic megaloblastic anemia

145. .soldier on hilly area for 6 months came back with the conplaint of cyanosis Nd other features
A...secondary polycythemiaB...Polycythemia veraC methemoglobinemia

146. G6Pd disorder most commonly a.drug induced b.genetic c....immunogenic

147. a child with dec platelet count,after acute viral infection A.anti bodies to plateletsB.pooling in
spleen C.Dec bone marrow synthesis

148.A male patient after a few days of severe burns developed high grade fever .Blood culture yielded of
gram negative rod. He suddenly developed a bleeding diathesis. The most likely cause in this setting is A.
Drug induced aplastic anemia B. Hepatorenal syndrome C. thromobocytopenia D. Liver failure due to
septicemia E. Disseminated intravascular coagulation

149.A 2 year old boy has been brought to the hospital for circumcision. There is history of excessive
bleeding from the umbilical stump at the time of birth. Two cousin bleed profusely after circumcision by
surgeon. The blood test most likely to give a clue to the diagnosis is A. platelet count �B. Bleeding time
C. clotting time D.prothrombin time E. Activated partial thrombopla

151. Anemic hypoxia is caused by A. cyanide posining B. methehemoglobinemia152. cells which contain
sense granule and have ig E antibodies on their cell membrane are A. esonophills B. macrophage C.

153.A young soldier is hit by a sharp splinter which cut through femoral artery in his left thigh. He bleed
profusely from wound and is brought to a hospital in state of shock.The most �ppropriate blood
product for immediate transfusion is A. 20 days old whole blood B. fresh frozen plasma C. platelete
concentrate D. whole blood

154.A19 year old male with a petechial rash other wise completely well. There is no history of bleeding,
recent illness or use any medication . An examination of peripheral smear is normal except for virtual
absence of platelets. The most likely diagnosis in this patient is

A. Acute �ymphocytic leukemia B. Drug induce thrombocytopenia C. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia

purpura D. Iron deficiency anemia E, pernicious anemia

155. pt with blood group a+ . his serum was not crossmatched w�ll the donors. which was inc in his
serum (G) a) ig b) igM c)anti kelly d)duffy

156.A pt. got spleen rupture and she is going to spleenectomy. What’s her peripheral blood picture right
now A. Howel jowel bodies B. Thrombocytopenia
157.60 year old lady bluish spot on thigh BT 1 and clotting time 3 Diagnosis A. Platelets count B.
Prothrombin time

158. Lymphocytes increased in A. Polycythemia Vera

B. Cushing/adrenocortical excess C. TB

159. Patient is taking glucocorticoid have Dec in a. Lymphocyte b. Neutrophil c. Monocyte

160.8% blood loss in 30 min with no change in atrial pressure which of the following has maximum lost
of blood a. Aorta b. Arteries c. Arteriole d. Capillaries

161. Iron transport is carried out by �A. Globulin B. Transferrin C. Albumin D. Primary Albumin E.

162.mportant factor in pathogenesis of thrombosis A. Endothelial injury B. Prolong bed rest C. Atrial
fibrillation �D. Antithrombin 3 deficiency E. OCPS

163.a baby born with erythroblastosis fetalis with blood group A+ he receive blood group

A. A+ b. B. AB+C.O+ D. A-

164.mmunoglobin synthesis occur in A. Plasma cells B. Platelets C. Fibroblasts D. Red cells

165. VwF cause A. Platelets adhesion B. Platelets aggregation

166. PT for monitoring of. A.iv heparin B.oral anticoagulantC. Iv warfarinD.Oral warfarin

167. Treatment given for Prophlaxis of dvpa. I/m heparinB. I.v heparinC. Warfarin

168.Natural antithrombotic released in body11 hrombotic released in bodya. HeparinB. vit CC.

169. Thrombocytopenia is caused by11 a.low molecular weight heparinB.high molecular weight heparin

170. Which one is not corelatedA. Leukemia and cyclophosphamideB. Benzene and leukemia

171.Most effective way to prevent dvt in hospitalized patients A.pnematic


172. heparin will inhibit???a. clot propagationb. clot retractionC.clot organization

173. Atomic bomb,... release of Stroncium-90 which affect milk it causes
A.osteosarcomaB.nasopharyngeak CA C. Leukemia

174. Leukemia is a group of cancers that usually begins in the bone marrow and results in high number
of which abnormal cells??A)White blood cellsB)Red blood cellC)PlateletsD)All the above
175. 25 years old woman on analgesic tablets presented with fever 101 bleeding gums, epistaxis .mild
jaundice ,moderate hepatospleenpmegaly.wbc 8500..hb 9.5Mild neutropenia and thrombocytopenia
Diagnosisa. Acute leukemia12 B.Aplastic anemiaC.Drug reaction to drugsD.Chronic active hepatitis

176. A pateint has chronic myelogeneous leukemia the philadelphia chromosome can be seen in which
of following cells?A)T lymphocytesB)RBCsC)Bone marrowD)granulocytes E)macrophages

177.In chrnic myloid leukemia whic cell doesnt inc?a . neutroPhilB. Lymphocyte C.Basophil d.Monocytes

178.virus related cancera. T cell leukemiab.renal carcinomec.small cell carcinoma

179. Hairy cell leukemiaA.Characteristicaly spares lymh nodesB.Splenomegaly extending below umblcus
in 50%

180. Iron deficiency anemia is best diagnosed bya. inc TIBCb. serum ferritinc. serum transferrin

d. haptoglobin levels

181. hamemolytic disorder which best respond on splenectomy. ..?12A.autoimmune hemolytic

anemiaB.G6PD deficiencyC.herditary spherosytosisD sickle cell anemia E.thallesmia

182. scenario of leukemia what will be Investigatn of choice ,

(a)bonemarow biopsy(b)ctogenetic testing(c) CBC

183. Most likely cause of anemia in malignant tumour is...a. Anorexiab. Autoimmunity

C.Bone marrow depressiond.Hemorrhage


184.Thrombocytopenia occurs in...... exceptA. Henoch Schonlein purpuraB. Leukemia

185. Most charcteristic change in polycythemia??a. Hyperplastic chngeB. 50% in hct

186. in polycythemia rubra veraa. Erythropoeitin production is increasedB. Platelet count may be raised

187. Erythropoiten is always raised in12 a. Polycythemia veraB. Primary polycythemiaC. Secondary

188. The subtype of hodgkin"s disease which is hostogenetically distinct from all other subtypes is A.
Lymphocyte predominant b. Lymphocyte depleted

189. Splenic infarction is seen ina)ITpb)ttp C) cml

190. Trephine biopsy is done for a. Aplastic anemiaB. Hodgkins lymphoma

191. Polycythemia can result from excess intake of..A. CobaltB. IronC. Copper
192. hyper eosinophilia occurs in ?a. Atypical cmlB. hodgkinC.osinophilic granulum

193. Macrocytic anemia a. Carbamazepineb. Phenytoinc.


194. Which of the following can cause hemolysisA. CopperB. ZincC. LeadD. Chromium

195. secondary polycythemia is caused by excess ofa.erythropoietinb.hemosiderinc.serum folic

acidd.serum irone.vitamin b12

196. Regarding hodgkin disease?

A. Lymphocyte depleted are more common in youngB.male have better prognosisC . bony lesions are
lyticD. extra.... Menifestations are more common than hodgkin lymphoma

197. 19 yr old girl has metastatic cance,it may be ?a.ALLb.lymphoblastic leukemiac.Hodgkin's


198. Aortic valvular prosthesis associated withA.microangiopathic anemiaB.macroangiopathic anemia

199. Aplastic anemia is diagnosed on:13 a. Blood counts and reticulocyte countb. Hb electrophoresisc.
Bone marrow aspirate alone

d. Bone marrow trephine alonee. Both aspirate and trephine biopsy

200. if a person rapidly ascends to heigh altitude then what will happen..a. polycythemia .b. increases 2,
3 bgp c..pulmonary edema..

201. A young man present with low grade fever , anemia , abd easy fatigue CBC shows blast cells with
scanty cytoplasm that are CD-19 positive , probable diagnosis :A . ALLB. AMLC. CMLD. Hairy cell

202. Effect of heparin antagonized byA.aspirinB.digoxinC.iron dextranD.NSAIDSE oral anticoagulants

203. In polycythemia Vera , all of the following are seen except ....??A. Gi bleedB. Thrombocytopenia

204. .ESR is decreased withA.tempratureB.albumin is decreased C.globulin is decreasedD.decreased

blood volumeE.decreased plasma volume

205. ESR is decreased when increase in?a. Albumin B. Globulin C. Temperature D. Fibrinogen

206. ESR is not raised in which one of the following condition?

a.anemiab.infection c.polycythemiad.pregnancy

207. Commonest childhood malignancy??a. LeukemiaB. Wilms tumorC. Neuroblastoma

208. Pregnant lady anaemic, Best lab investigation:A. CBCB. S. ferritinC. TIBC209. Which of d following
cause Megaloblastic anemia?aa .TapewormsB.FlukesC. D.. Hookworms

210. All of the following are the causes of relative polycythemia except:A. DehydrationB. Dengue
haemorrhagic feverC. Gaisbock syndrome14 D. High altitude

211. Polycythemia increase

A central venous pressureB cardiac outputC mean arterial presureD flow

212. Most common cause of enlargement of lymph nodeA. Meta static tumorB. Non Hodgkin lymp

213. ESR is decrease in .. A. Anemia. B .polycythemia

214. Epitheloid cells in granulomas are formed by which cells?a. Macrophages B. Lymphocytes
C.Langerhans cells

215. In initial stage of warafin theraphy def of a. Factor8 b. Protein c and s

216. VWF release from a. Weibel bodies of endothelial cells b. Pretubular capillaries

217. Inc risk of thrombosis due to def of a.vit b6 b.vitc c vit b12

218. Inc basophil in a. Aml b.ALL c.CML

219.Peripheral neuropathy…numbness mcv 112 a.Vit b-12 b.folate

220. Abundant cells in a patient with allergy and protective against parasitic infection:

A. Eosinophils b.Basophils c.mast cells

221.Bicrbonate chloride shift in rbc which protein: a. Spectrin B.Band 3 c. Ankyrin

222. Patient aged 65 years, is diagnosed to have severe aplastic anemia. HLA compatiblesibling is
available. The best option of treatment is: a) Anti thymocyte globulin followed by cyclosporine b) A
�conventional bone marrow transplantation from the HLA identical sibling c) A non-myeloablative
bone marrow transplantation from the HLA identical sibling d) Cyclosporine

223. Transfusion reaction will occur if we transfuse a person with A+ve blood group, the following
group: A. A-ve B. AB-ve C. O-ve D. O+ve

224. In PPD induration u will �find:14A. B cells B. macrophages C. Eiosinophils d.T cells

JAZAKALLAH remember me in ur prayers

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