What Is Marketing?

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As competition intensifies in the market , we also need

to increase our marketing.

What is Marketing?
This is the activity of promoting, communicating and
using certain strategies to attract consumers to buy a
businesses product or service.
Exchange is another in element in marketing, in this case
we are exchanging our service for money between two
parties which is the buyer and us as the seller.
Marketing Orientation
As part of marketing orientation our company has
decided to adopt the Market Orientation as well as the
Societal Marketing orientation because we aim to
produce products that satisfy our customers needs and
these products will also not pose a harm to the
environment as part of Societal Marketing orientation
Marketing Research
Marketing research plays a huge role in a business and
keeping up to date with the latest marketing research we
are able to do the following:
Decision making; this will help us identify trends,
customer needs and wants
Marketing Mix; Regarding the five P’s of marketing,
research can help us with necessary information to
improve these tools.
Apart from these factors, as an organization we also
make use of surveys which we display to our consumers
so we can get an input from them as to what is needed.
Consumer Behavior
Since we prioritize our customers, consumer behavior
helps us in identifying certain reasons in what influences
them to decide in the product they want to buy. This can
somewhat help us in identifying trends in the market,
competitors, problems within the business and helps us
solve them.

Group Factors
All consumers have their own opinion in which product
but this does not take away the fact that they still
socialize and live amongst others. With that being said
group factors such as family, friends, culture can
influence a consumers choice in buying a product.
 We believe in diversity so when it comes to culture
we accommodate cultural beliefs by customizing or
specially designing a product in respect of your

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