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OMe ean Ee is iH ‘0 n> Ri th hh = £ ER BEE KP = RH Em Btw AM fe READ RE Ee i OR fol HS : ze fof FEE BBR fi ae aS BEE iG BIT He B BAL BEN LEB E OE IEE ie BN 25 LB Be BIL nT AEE I Be BI 25 JUD od UL PU $c: URAK Cite) a a FS fai St «Ci = aR Pa AP fe Da a TP A ae SE SRE 9 ELE AC VATE LRU AP a Fk FHS TI J BS ARS} PS PR JE AB RIE A AA a Ae BS. SRE a AP DLP ae Oe SA Na I PLR A ea CL EE, BS} BR PERT” ATE A Te EE RP A EE van YUL” hg Ay OS aa A AT Ca EA BT SEAR cw RP BE TE (PP AT AE | EE eS aE i a eS RAPP AS te D> TINEA GA, AR Sean A PSP Se oh Sa AS RE, ARR — TALE CF a EO i a Te PP SE A BE ASAE SS a A ee. BA (RM ae ee Te Se RE ew Content Brief Introduction (Colored Mlustration of Higher Fungi from Guihou in P. R. China}in written based on the accumulation of yeors of working experience in field studies, summary of resulta of scientific research for many years, the photos of original fungal resources and collection of related information. It is an illustrated technology book that reflects muinly distribution, classification, name, morphological characteristics, habits and use of higher fungi resources in Guizhou . Guizhou is rich in resources of higher fungi, The development and utilization of these germplasm re~ sources is of enormous potential. The majority of fungi grow in deep forests of mountains, same of which jre born by night anc die hy day, add a lot of mysterious color to the vast biosphere, Hence, people are interest in fungi. A number ef fungi have always been listed as the best food, also known as “delicaey”. Some fungi, which are named “dianthera”, have magical medicinal benefits, Some are very poisonous, Poisoning incidents occur {rom time to time in the process of mushroom collection and consumption, Sim— ilar incidents have ineressed in recent years, In addition, many readers lack intuitive understanding of the types af higher fungi. Henee, this book is written in the form of colored illustration so that it is a more intu~ itive, efficient ond effective spreading vector. €Colored Musteation of Higher Fungi from Guizhou in P. Re China}records 9 species in 4 families of os~ comyeetes and [12 species in 31 farnilies of basidiomyeete. At the same time, it describes respectively mor- phological characteristics, taxonomic atutus, geographical distribution, growth habit and use of every species. Tt can be referred to by research personnel engaged in professional mycology, (medicinal) mushmom workers, producers, forestry workers, teachers and students of the concerned institutions. Hw eH ir FAG 25°—29° , eB 104? 109" , CER [TPH pg WB AS ARC TATA Meh eG CY eH TT , Fk — hPL (RAY ia, OER HIE ye, I PS PE ee Pa 200m A245 FPA 10S 7m, FB Py EE 200m AG A ea, Aft AT FEF CGT, Al EA SCE BA BR ae BeBe hy ake ep A De , se PE a A a A Re ee aH a Ba, , HP eB, PEL: OAT ee EL ea A Va) Pe OER 2 TIA ok TE FP LS a aS BU sl> LRA Ae Bee a ah te ef, SP A PE PE Te ae PE ea ARE AAT DE Pe a i SE 2 A hE i ig a i (LER RS Ee ae Pe TG, fea Sea ee TE Peg SPE ne UL AE nao RS oe PE STC dH DCA PS i a PE IE RE PSH a CEE SCRE, OS eA eee a a ee, ASTER ME ea aL SS aS Te TA 2 ee eA LS el SAR A AB IP a He aI BT So Se Sep a Cf ee Tee Bg a WOES RH Pe A SP Se ee LEE | BES BYP AG A (A ae a EE dL Bre Bk ee a Be See. Tilt a ea FS Sr A a A Sea ee ae A) Ph AE , LE A ETT Preface Guizhou Province, located at 25°~29" of worth latinde, and 104°-109° of east longitude, belongs to the southeastern part of Southwest China. Since it lies in the eastern slope side of Yunan and Guizhou Plateau, it actually is a mewstain area with small undulating hills, Besides, there are also a good mumber of rivers croas— ing the provines. Aaa result, the surface features of this region are very complicated. Whit is more, there is a sharp contrast in altitude between its eastern part and western part. For insiance, the altitude of western Xian— ning area is 2400 meters, while that of Guiyang is 1057 meters, Still further east, the altitude of Tongren and Jinping area is as low ax about 200 meters, Guizhou Province belongs to sub-tropical monsoon zone, which is characterized by mild climate, plenty rainfall, weak sunlight and high humidity of air. It is neither cold. in winter nor hot in summer, and its agtumn ie generally cool und misty. Due to the higher altitude of its western and central parts, the air is relatively thinner, Consequently, when the weather is sunny in winter, it feels as warn a8 early summer, when it is rainy in summer, it feela as cool as autumn days. Just as a eaying in Guthou goes, “there is no clear distinction between hot and cold in here, It requires only # rainfall to make a winter.” Also, owing to various small hills in this region and sharp contrast of altitude within short distance, the humidity of air is dramatically changing. The valleys with weak wind, high temperature and humidity, less surilight, warm climate a4 well tis favorable water conditions, provide advantageous ecological conditions for the growth of wild fungi. With the continuous improvement of nutritional food requirements and changes in the concept of food nu— trition, the type scape of edible and medicinal fungi is wider anc wider, at the sane time; the claims for un— derstanding. development and utilization of toadstodl are becoming increasingly strong. In order to make the readers intuitively understand fungi, the writer write the hook named {Colored Mlustration of Higher Fungi from Guizhou in PA. China} after years of investigation of higher fungi, photos, specimen collection, research and production of immersed specimen. This book records 9 species in 4 families of the ascomycetes, and 112 species in 3] families of hasidiomyeotina and describes morphological characteristics, taxonomio status, geo- graphical distribution, growth habit and use of each respective type. Mean be referred to by research person nel engaged in professional mycology, (medicinal) mushroom workers and manufacturers. In the course of specimen collection, production and writing and compiling of the book, the auihor has gained great support and help from relevant leaders in Guivang municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Guiyang Museum of medicinal resources, Guiyang Medicinal Botanical Garden, Guizhou Academy of Scienoe and Guizhou Biological Research Institute. Fellow Ningliang Wu in Guizhou Academy of Sciences and some relevant experts in Guizhou Biologieal Research Institute, such as Zhigang Yu, Feng Li, Hong Jiang, ete, gave their help. Professors Zongqi Liang and Jichuan Kang from Guizhou University also offered their help gener- ously. Follows Taihui Li and Bin Song in Guangdong Province Institute of Mierobialogy and fellow Zhuliang Yang in Kunming Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of sciences, also gave help and support to us. Mr. Here, the author would like to extend his sincere gratitude to all of them. The book may have some faults due te limited professional knowledge of the writers. If sa, those in the mycology field and the general reading public arc welcomed to make criticisms and comments so that they can be amended when it is republished. Fe EPH PSE ae | ee] J TT RR, RRR. ep aT i 26 A REE ie A IP 6) ST EE ASK a PP PP A) A 1 a er, PRE A a a EL SE a eB ie eA PtH a: BS A AES A se EP. Cavalerie AIPA. Dovielste BEY 1) Fe 4 BB hate. SE BE N.Patouillond GP Se Ae Fe (1886-1907 |) eee bee BA Eh TSH Farlowhp i. BTA ACT i a SM ee le OR AEG Ht CT TAA SE Da at Se EE TR RCL Fy See TC B+ TE 8 FS FS ee] 3 MAR ee BSc. MOT OBIT a. BS eT SA EY Day Ep ee DT ae AAA Pe A BE A ee eT. th PLAT Tie ee PEA. ROCHA a HH Ree Bs, FR G8 let. 20084612. Preface Guizhou uplifts between the Sichuan Basin and Guangxi Basin. It actually is a mountain area with small undulating hills. Besides, there are a good umber of rivers crossing the province, Affected by the humid subtropical monsoon climate, it is neither cold in winter aor bot in summer, Warm climate and good water and heat conditions js conducive to the growth of a large number of higher fungi. Hence, Guizhou is rich in re— sourees of higher fungi and is of enurmous potential, Guizhou is a imulti-ethnie region. The history that the fungi are used as medicine and fool is wery long. In modem times, foreign missionaries P.J.Cavalerie and J.P.A.David collected a number of fungal specimens in Guizhou, which had been studied und published by N. Patouillard (1886-1907). Some of these specimens are still stored in the Farlow Herbarium at Harvard University. With the changes in the concept of food nutrition, the claims for understanding and utilization of eclihle fungi, medicinal fungi and toadstool are becoming increasingly strong. In order to make the readers intuitively understand fungi, Zou FangLin et write the hook named (Colored [lustration of Higher Fungi from Guizhou in PH. Chinw) after years of investigation of higher fungi, photos, specimen collection, This is a good start; joumey of o thousand eniles begins with a single step, from less to more, from imperfect to perfect, fram never Irarmed to understand. The publication of this book will have a profound impact on the expansion of higher fungi development and utilization, at the same time, have a direct practical value to recognize, develop and use fungi resources for the majority of fungi lovers and also have a high reference value for its research work— era and teaching workers, On the occasion of the publication af this book, Lam very glad to make the profane to it, Bo SUN (het.2009 ha PERE] Ascomycotina 4 4 Clavicipitaceae ------ reeyeers cea Tea A NLR Lh 2 Cordyeeps liangshanensis Zang,lin et Hu, csecteeeeceeeceeeseeeeerecer cess tic 2F il © Cordycepe inegoensis Kobayanl osereeeeerseeecrerererenssersnegenrenes Sci A Nylariales BAR WAL Nylarincese ----eeeeseersse een sete cetsnesenecoweneesnrennnnvannsnnerersaeenecnessesaceuace 3.4 HL Nylario mignipes CKD. Sauce, HEN Discomycetes - 4, $228 Pesiza domicilinna Cooke + SLMS} Morchellacene .-00--000000-200-eceeeeereeee fee peesbesaredects estes eeaeeeeseeiaeeyertanseane (Olly 5.21 W Morchella esculenta (L, Pers, srrerresteeessristrsereeeeatrcetecescesceesereres CONT) 6. FIL Morchella anguaticeps PR FE REIL Morchella costata (Vemt. Pore, | -++--<10++-+++--+0sseeetee senses ae ese nee eeseete eres (ols) SE TAS RL Morchella comica Pers, sss COLGF 9..|\ EER Morchella deliciosa (Fr. Jacquetant. s-serrerseerreeserer sre ereyeeeseranersrertes (one) Si) GH T- UEP) Basidiomycotina 4 38F ME Phragmobasidiomycetidae ---++----1+++e+e-+-ree-sereerneeeeseeeneecetereteeereeesese (029) SEL Tremeliades vssessesessseneeeeneaeeegecesacerancreneennecrsaerascenceseeersseseressereenesteessers 1023) VOER EF Tirermerdil fane-ifiremis Beer ah Canthareliies minor Peck, serra tree : 19.8 et Srpex cinnomomaya Fr, bse ccs ccscceseeeve dee resaeenesensenncacissesseniserenerserneenee Mee 14+ Heriviaceae ------00eeeereeerenennnsasesaneesee ees 20.16 4 HiHerleium erinaceus (Bullies Fr.) Pers ose FEIN H Ramariaceae ssc. ra ETA pesamareanst Reina eae (OS) 22M TH Remaria obtusissimal Peck. \Gormep, -<+¢---rseersceeenseeanesussassensnsonseer (O46) O02 a.

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