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Okra pastillas is a delightful fusion of traditional Filipino sweets and the
nutritious okra vegetable. This innovative treat brings together the rich cultural
heritage of Filipino cuisine and the desire for healthier snack options. In a world
where indulgence often clashes with wellness, Okra pastillas offers a unique
solution by incorporating a vegetable known for its various health benefits into a
beloved confection.

The Philippines, renowned for its diverse culinary landscape, has a sweet
tooth deeply ingrained in its culture. Pastillas, a popular milk-based candy, has
been a staple in Filipino households for generations. Traditionally made with
condensed milk and sugar, pastillas are adored for their creamy texture and sweet
flavor. However, the evolution of dietary preferences and health consciousness has
paved the way for innovative twists on classic recipes.

Enter okra, a versatile green pod that has long been a staple in Filipino
kitchens, albeit typically in savory dishes. Known for its high fiber content,
vitamins, and minerals, okra has gained recognition as a nutritional powerhouse.
The decision to infuse this unassuming vegetable into pastillas not only enhances
its nutritional profile but also introduces a creative element to the traditional recipe.

The process of crafting Okra pastillas involves blending fresh okra into a
smooth puree, which is then incorporated into the condensed milk and sugar
mixture. This infusion not only imparts a vibrant green hue to the candy but also
introduces a subtle earthy undertone. The amalgamation of the velvety pastillas
texture with the distinct flavor of okra creates a harmonious balance that surprises
and delights the palate.

One of the key advantages of Okra pastillas lies in its nutritional value. Okra
is renowned for its high fiber content, aiding in digestive health and providing a
sense of fullness. Additionally, it is a rich source of essential vitamins such as A
and C, along with minerals like potassium and calcium. By incorporating okra into
pastillas, this sweet treat becomes a more wholesome alternative without
compromising on taste.

The introduction of Okra pastillas aligns with the growing trend of

incorporating vegetables into unexpected culinary creations. It caters to a health-
conscious audience seeking innovative snacks that not only satisfy their sweet
cravings but also contribute to their overall well-being. The fusion of the familiar
pastillas with the nutritional benefits of okra positions this treat as a guilt-free

Beyond its nutritional merits, Okra pastillas also serves as a testament to the
culinary creativity of Filipino artisans. The ability to transform a humble vegetable
into a delectable sweet showcases the adaptability and ingenuity inherent in
Filipino cuisine. This innovation not only preserves the essence of pastillas but also
propels it into the realm of contemporary, health-conscious gastronomy.

In conclusion, Okra pastillas introduces a fresh perspective to the beloved

Filipino pastillas by seamlessly integrating the nutritional benefits of okra. This
culinary innovation not only addresses the evolving preferences of a health-
conscious consumer base but also celebrates the creativity deeply embedded in
Filipino culinary traditions. Okra pastillas stands as a testament to the harmonious
marriage of tradition and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of Filipino
“ Theory of Dessert by Adam Salmon “

Restaurant in Austin tonight when my server asked if I’d like any dessert. As I
politely declined, I noticed another server walking by with a cherry key-lime pie….my
favorite. As you can imagine, I was much more interested in dessert at that point. As the
couple beside me licked their lips, I saw the delight in their eyes as they systematically
devoured the helpless pastry. My reaction at that point is what most people would call
remorse. Although I passed on dessert tonight, a lesson in persuasion popped in my head.

I call it Dessert Theory.

Let’s say you have a dessert menu in your hands. You’re not sure whether you
want dessert or not, but the descriptions of the desserts sound so good. Part of you wants
to see how good those desserts really are, but part of you also knows that those
descriptions are meant to sound good. Next, the waiter passes by your table with a dessert
tray. You can see the desserts you’ve been reading about first hand in person. You can
see exactly what you will get if you’ll only take the step. You’re now at the edge of your
seat as you’ve heard about how great this dessert is and now you’ve seen it first hand. But
you still don’t budge (or do you?). Last you see the couple next to you enjoying the same
dessert you’ve been eying from the start. You see that they ARE enjoying the decision
they’ve just made. You take the plunge. There’s no turning back. You are confident that
you’ve made the right decision. You’ve been persuaded, and boy you love it.


1. What is the level 1. Survey ● The number of student

of acceptance of in DIST who gives good
okra pastillas as 2. Statistics Treatment and bad feedback from
perceived by our published products
respondent in term (OKRA PASTILLAS).

1.1 Flavor
1.2 Taste
1.3 Texture
1.4 Aroma
1.5 Appearance

2.How many the study be

helpful in innovating
pastillas flavor?

This study aims to measure the acceptability of okra (lady’s

fingers) flavor to pastillas candy as perceived by all students, 11
and 12 in Dominic Institute of Science and Technology (DIST
main). Specifically it sought answer to the following specific

1. What is the level of acceptance of okra (lady’s fingers)

pastillias as perceived by respondent in terms of;

1.1 Flavor:
1.2 Taste:
1.3 Texture:
1.4. Aroma:
1.4 Appearance:

2. How is okra (lady's fingers) pastillias in terms of overall


3. How many the study be helpful in innovating pastillias

This focused on all students of DOMINIC INSTITUTE
conducted during the year 2024-2025.

The research focused on all students of DIST (Main) that

they will like the study we did and whether that will like this new
Pastillas flavor that we studied.

“The acceptability of Okra Pastillas in reducing food waste Significance of the


Below are the people who are identified to benefit from the study according to
certain purposes.

The benefit of our study in DEPED is that they will know that students are not only
good at academic and sports but also good at creating innovative flavors of food.

To know that the students of DIST (main) are very smart to innovate new flavors
of food for their study.

To inspire more students to innovate new flavors of food and to represent new food
flavors to their students in order to expand their knowledge of the students who
need to do a study.

The benefits of this to the community are that when we release our study to the
seller, they can grow and improve their sales because of the innovation in their
eyes, and people can even enjoy it because of the innovation in their eyes.

The benefits of this to the students are to expand their knowledge, innovate, and
think of more ideas for their studies.

The benefits of this study for future researchers are that it gives them ideas to
innovate and think more about the study that they create.

The benefits of this to the researchers are that they can read or learn something
new, and they can even create something to read that they learned in our study
Definition of term

This part of the study presents the operational definition of the following

Acceptability - is the characteristic of a thing being subject to

acceptance for some purpose. ( Wikipedia, 2024 )

Flavors - are the sensory impressions you experience when consuming

foods and beverages. ( MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, 2024 )

Tested - the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on

contact with a substance. ( Oxford Dictionary, 2024 )

Texture - refers to those qualities of a food that can be felt with the
fingers, tongue, palate, or teeth. ( Stable Micro System, 2024 )

Aroma - is the word for a fragrant scent, one that pleases the nose in a
way that makes you lick your lips. (, 2024)

Appearance - in terms of foods refers to the visual characteristics and

properties of a food product. ( SCISPACE, 2024 )

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