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Tolentino, Jerome


Architect Handling Corporate Communications

1. Name and Topic of the Speaker: Ar. Nick Ramos – Architect Handling Corporate
2. What is your impression on the Speaker: 50 words

Personally, I enjoy how he presented his talk – how he structures his thoughts and
how he explains them. That alone, made it clear why he was the head of the
communications department in their firm. Additionally, I find it admirable that he
manages to find his work enjoyable and still has the passion to teach.

3. In your opinion, how do you stay in touch with everyone in the field (the team that
involves in design and client)? 60 words

There are a lot of ways to stay in touch with everyone, especially when we live in
a world where technology is continuously progressing, and communication is
constantly being improved – some of the ways that I know of are: Microsoft Teams,
Google Chat and Google Meet, Zoom, or even through email. While face to face
communication is still ideal in these types of meeting, online communication where
everyone discusses about the project is becoming more and more convenient with
the available technology that we have today.

4. How important is communication in architecture practice? 60 words

Communication in architecture is, for me, one of the core aspects that a good
architect should have. To be able to communicate properly means to be able to
either sell your design to the client or relay your ideas to the team in a way that
they are on the same page as you and can execute that idea properly. Aside from
the design aspect of the field, communication is important to avoid
misunderstandings and prevent making costly mistakes altogether.

5. What is your opinion of "rebranding the practice of architecture"? 30 words

For me, I don’t think there is a problem with rebranding the practice of architecture
since architecture is constantly changing in nature. Innovation is constantly being
developed and workflow and communication are constantly being improved. In
general, I think that the practice and process(in our country specifically) should be
made more aware to the general public to remove that stigma that the field is
“drawing drawing lang”.

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