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Creative Expressions

Nik Software, Inc.

Photography first®

Established in 1995, Nik Software has become the recognized leader in digital photographic

filter development and produces award-winning technologies and software products for

digital photographers and imaging professionals including U Point™, Dfine®, Color Efex Pro™,

and Nik Sharpener Pro™. Nik Software, Inc. (formerly Nik Multimedia, Inc.) is a

privately-held American company that develops software solutions for the growing digital-

imaging and photography markets. Our tag line, Photography First, literally defines the

company’s primary goal; developing products and technologies dedicated to photography.

All of the Nik Software products use a range of innovative technologies that make digital

imaging and photography easier and more powerful.

Nik Software is headquartered in San Diego, California with branch offices in Germany.

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Dfine 2.0 gives you unprecedented control over exactly how much and where to apply noise

reduction. This makes it ultra-easy to eliminate noise in your images while maintaining

detail and sharpness, thus improving the quality of every digital photo you take. Dfine 2.0 is

designed to prevent the loss of detail other noise reduction tools often introduce.

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Dfine® 2.0

Dfine 2.0 reduces noise quickly and easily while maintaining important

details in an image. In this image, the details in the face of the woman were

held while reducing the luminance and chrominance noise throughout the



Photograph ©2007 Doug Box

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Dfine® 2.0

In this image, Dfine 2.0 was used to reduce noise selectively in the image

using Control Points. With U Point® powered Control Points, you can make

intelligent selections to reduce noise in different areas of an image with

different levels of noise reduction quickly and easily.


Photograph © 2007 Don Gale

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Color Efex Pro 3.0 ™

Nik Software Color Efex Pro™ 3.0 filters are the leading photographic filters for digital

photography. The award-winning Color Efex Pro filters are widely used by many of today’s

professional photographers. Color Efex Pro offers both traditional and stylizing filters that

offer numerous possibilities to enhance and transform images quickly and easily.

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.



Traditional Filters
Filter Used:
Paper Toner

The Paper Toner filter automatically converts

color images to black and white and then applies

a tone that simulates traditional paper toners

from the darkroom.

Photograph © 2007 Victor Ha

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.



Traditional Filters
Filters Used:
Darken/Lighten Center, Polarization

The Darken/Lighten Center and Polarization

filters were used to create a more dynamic and

vibrant image. The Darken/Lighten Center filter is

used to help draw the eye directly to the legs and

the Polarization filter is used to help make blues

more vibrant.
Photograph © 2007 Victor Ha

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filter Used:
B/W Conversion

This image was converted to black and white using the B/W Conversion filter

on the Tonal Enhancer method for a medium contrast. The B/W Conversion

simulates the placement of a traditional black and white color filter in front of

the lens that can be adjusted to provide the best results possible.


Traditional Filters
Photograph © 2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filter Used:
Film Effects

The Film Effects filter simulates 33 different films color sensitivity, saturation,

contrast, and grain all of which you can control to form your own film types as

well. This image used the preset for Fujifilm Velvia 100.


Traditional Filters
Photograph ©2007 Tony Sweet

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filter Used:
High Key

The brand new High Key filter helps to simulate the style of high key

photography, which consists of predominantly bright tones and low contrast.


Traditional Filters
Photograph © 2007 Jennifer George

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filter Used:
Infrared Film: Black and White

The Infrared Film: Black and White filter was used to dramatically change

the look and feel of this image to a very high contrast black and white

photograph. The Infrared Film filter simulates different methods of capturing

the infrared portions of the spectrum, in color and black and white.


Traditional Filters
Photograph ©2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Saturation to Brightness Before
Filter Used:
Low augue
Key eril do commy nulla
aliquatummy num do dolore
Usingpratem dofilter,
the Low Key eliquatuer
the originalilis
image is enhanced by the emphasized

dionullandit praessi
dark tones and low contrast scilisim
found in low quis n
key photography created by the Low

Key filter.

After: Saturation to Brightness


Traditional Filters
Photograph © Vincent Versace
Photograph © 2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote

© 2006-2007
© 2006-2007 NikInc.
Nik Software, Software, Inc.
Before Before
Filters Used:
Polarization, Contrast Only, Skylight

The Polarization filer was used to enhance the blues of the sky and then the
After: Darken/Lighten Center and Ink
Contrast Only filter was used to increase the overall contrast of the image.

Then the Skylight filter was used to add just a touch of warmth to the sand.


Traditional Filters
Darken/Lighten Center and Ink

Im augue eril do commy nulla

aliquatummy num do dolore
ent pratem do eliquatuer ilis
dionullandit praessi scilisim quis
© Vincent Versace
©2007 Tony Sweet

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Saturation to Brightness
Before Before

Im augue eril do commy nulla

aliquatummy num do dolore
ent pratem do eliquatuer ilis After
dionullandit praessi scilisim quis n

After: Saturation to Brightness

Traditional Filters
Filters Used:
Polarization, Tonal Contrast, Darken/Lighten


The Polarization filter is applied to enhance

the sky in the image. Then the Tonal Contrast

filter was used to enhance the contrast in the

highlights, midtones and shadows individually

to provide the best contrast possible. Finally, the

Darken/Lighten Center filter was used to burn in

the edges of the image and help create a frame to

keep the viewer’s eye in the middle of the image.

Photograph © Vincent Versace
Photograph © 2007 Tony Sweet

© 2006-2007
© 2006-2007 NikInc.
Nik Software, Software, Inc.


Color Correction
Filter Used:
White Neutralizer

The White Neutralizer filter was used on this

image to remove the color cast in the image and

neutralize everything to the whites of the bride’s

dress. The White Neutralizer is quick and easy

way of color correction

Photograph ©2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filters Used:
Contrast Only, Dynamic Skin Softener, Glamour Glow

The three filters used in this image help create a more dreamy and dynamic

look. The Dynamic Skin Softener helped to soften the skin and reduce

previously noticeable blemishes.


Photograph ©2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Before Saturation to Brightness
Filters Used:
Foliage, Contrast Only, Polarization Im augue eril do commy nulla
aliquatummy num do dolore
The Foliage filter was used to furtherent pratem
enhance do eliquatuer
the greens ilis
of the field and

tree lines. Then the Contrast Only filter praessi
was used to create higherscilisim
contrast quis

and more dynamic image. Finally, the Polarization filter was used to

enhance the blues of the sky and increase the contrast between the bright

greens in the foreground and dark, vibrant blues of the sky.

After After: Saturation to Brightness


Photograph © Vincent Versace

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filter Used:
Indian Summer

This image utilized the Indian Summer filter to dramatically change the

foliage and greenery into a brilliant warm red like a seasonal fall scene.


Photograph © 2007 Tony Sweet

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filter Used:
Glamour Glow

The brand new Glamour Glow filter helps creates a warm, soft, dreamy effect.

This filter is great for portrait and wedding photographers.


Photograph © 2007 Victor Ha

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.



Filter Used:
Contrast Color Range

The Contrast Color Range filter provides control

over the contrast between colors in an image. In

this image we increased the contrast between the

greens and blues to make it more dynamic.

Photograph © Vincent Versace
Photograph ©2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.



Filters Used:
Pro Contrast, Polaroid Transfer

The Pro Contrast filter was used on this image to

give the contrast a boost and make the image

more dynamic. Then the new Polaroid Transfer

filter was used to simulate using Polaroid color

peel-apart films and transferring the nascent

image to the paper before it fully developed.

Photograph © 2007 Lisa Smith

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.



Filters Used:
Contrast Only, Classical Soft Focus, Pastel

The Contrast Only filter was used to take full

advantage of the dynamic range of the image

and then the Classical Soft Focus filter was used

to help blur the background, further drawing the

viewer’s eye to the front flower. Finally, the Pastel

filter was used to the image a more painterly and

artistic look and feel.

Photograph © 2007 Tony Sweet

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Filter Used:

The Midnight filter dramatically changes the look and feel of an image.

The Midnight filter utilizes a unique blurring technique that adds softness

and retains edge detail while adding density to the image, and using the

Midnight filter in combination with U Point® powered Control Points,

photographer’s now have the ultimate control and power to style an image

with easy and fast control.



Photograph © 2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Before Before
Filter Used:
Bleach Bypass

The new Bleach Bypass filter simulates the photographic process of

After: Darken/Lighten Center and Ink
skipping the bleach chemistry step, which results in a high-contrast, low

saturation effect used by many photographers and film makers alike.


Darken/Lighten Center and Ink

Im augue eril do commy nulla
aliquatummy num do dolore
ent pratem do eliquatuer ilis
dionullandit praessi scilisim quis.
Photograph ©2007 Cherie Steinberg Cote Photograph © Vincent Versace

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Photograph © 2007 Melissa Olen

Bleach Bypass B/W Tonal Enhancer Contrast Color Range Glamour Glow

Cross Balance Duplex Film Effects Foliage

Graduated ND Indian Summer Paper Tonal Solarization Color

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.
© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.
Photograph © 2007 Laurie Shupp

Brilliance Warmth B/W Dyamic Contrast Color Stylizer Cross Processing

Film Effects Glmour Glow High Key Midnight

Mondy Morning Pro Contrast Solarization Vignette Blur

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Color Efex Pro™ 3.0 Filter List

= Standard Edition = Select Edition = Complete Edition

Color Efex Pro ™ 3.0 Filter List

Brilliance/Warmth Graduated User Defined
Burnt Sienna Infrared Thermal Camera
Color Stylizer Midnight
Contrast Only Monday Morning
Detail Stylizer Paper Toner
Graduated Filters Photo Stylizer
Ink Vignette
Old Photo Vignette Blur
Pastel White Neutralizer
Polarization Cross Balance
Remove Color Cast Cross Processing
Saturation Stylizer Duplex
Skylight Filter Dynamic Skin Softener
Solarization Film Effects
Sunshine Fog
B/W Conversion Foliage
Bi-Color Filters Glamour Glow
Bi-Color User Defined Graduated Fog
Bleach Bypass High Key
Classical Soft Focus Indian Summer
Colorize Infrared Film
Contrast Color Range Low Key
Darken/Lighten Center Polaroid Transfer
Film Grain Pro Contrast
Flux Reflector Effects
Graduated Neutral Density Tonal Contrast

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.
Nik Sharpener Pro™ 2.0

Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0 is a powerful yet easy to use tool that fits easily into the

workflow of most photographers. Nik Sharpener Pro utilizes the detail characteristics

of the image, the image size, the printer type, the printer resolution, the substrate

characteristics, and the viewing distance to quickly and easily calculate the optimal

sharpness of your digital images. By working with the final use or “output” in mind,

the photographer is assured of the highest quality by considering the variable

characteristics listed above.

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Photograph © 2005, 2006 Monte Zucker


Filters Used:
Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0

When sharpening images that include people it is important to sharpen

the image but not necessarily the subject’s skin. Generally, skin is an

area that often becomes over sharpened. This can easily be remedied

by applying the sharpening selectively in the hair, eyes, etc.

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Photograph © 2005, 2006 Monte Zucker


© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.


Filters Used:
Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0

In this photograph the best area to evaluate

for sharpness is the head or legs of the

spider. By applying the sharpening to

the areas where it is most needed, the

photographer can precisely control the

amount and exact location of the effect.

Photograph © 2006 Janice Wendt

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.


Photograph © 2006 Janice Wendt

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Photograph © 2006 Janice Wendt


Filters Used:
Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0

By selecting the blue sky in the advance mode the photographer

can avoid sharpening any digital noise which might inadvertanly be

present in the sky, while providing excellent detail in the truss work of

the building.

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Photograph © 2006 Janice Wendt


© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.


Filters Used:
Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0

Faces which feature freckles or other skin

issues, can sometimes be a problem when

sharpening. In this example, the advanced

feature of Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0 allows for

selecting the color of the subject’s skin.

This particular selection can be protected

when sharpening is applied and results in

focusing the viewer’s attention.

Photograph © 2006 Carl Caylor

© 2006-2007 Nik Soft-


Photograph © 2006 Carl Caylor

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Nik Sharpener Pro 2.0 Chart

Nik Sharpener Pro™ 2.0 Inkjet Edition Complete Edition

Output Types:
Inkjet Printers Yes Yes
Electronic Displays Yes Yes
Laser Printers No Yes
Dye Sub Printers No Yes
Photographic Process Printers No Yes
Online Photo Printing Services No Yes
Four Color Offset Press No Yes

Screen and Web Sharpening Yes Yes

16-bit Compatible Yes Yes

Sharpens RGB Files Yes Yes
Sharpens CMYK Files Yes Yes
Sharpens Grayscale Files Yes Yes
Sharpens Lab Color Yes Yes

Viewing Distance Compensation Yes Yes

© 2006-2007 Nik Software, Inc.

Nik Software, Inc. would like to thank all of the photographers who generously
contributed their images to the creation of this book. Their support is greatly appreciated.

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