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Unit 10

Theme: descbing jobs

1.- accountant

accountant (n.) - someone who keeps or examines the financial accounts of a company

Our accountant helps the company save money

2.- architect

architect (n.) - someone who designs buildings

She's an architect. She designs buildings.

3.- call-center worker

call-center worker (n.) - someone who works on the telephone to provide information to
customers or to sell goods or services

I'm a call-center worker. I speak to customers on the phone all day.

4.- dentist
dentist (n.) - someone who examines and repairs teeth

I am a dentist. I help people look after their

5.- engineer

engineer (n.) - someone who designs, builds, or repairs machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc.

Anna's an engineer. She builds and repairs machines.

6.- IT specialist

IT specialist (n.) - someone who helps to fix problems that people have with their computers

My brother's an IT specialist. He helps people with their computer problems.

7.- lawyer

lawyer (n.) - someone who understands the law and helps people with legal problems
She's a lawyer. She works in a courthouse.

8.- mechanic

mechanic (n.) - someone who fixes vehicles, like cars and trucks, and other machines

I really like being a mechanic because I love cars.

9.- nurse

nurse (n.) - someone who cares for sick and injured people

My sister is a great nurse. She likes to care for people who are sick.

10.- paramedic

paramedic (n.) - someone who helps hurt or sick people, especially in an emergency, but who is
not a doctor or a nurse

The paramedics took the man to the hospital.

11.- physical therapist

physical therapist (n.) - someone who helps people to use parts of their body better after an illness
or accident

My physical therapist helped me to walk again after the accident.

12.- photographer

photographer (n.) - someone who takes photographs

I am a photographer. My job is to take photographs.

13.- officer

police officer (n.) - someone who is a member of the police and protects people and places against

I love being a police officer. I like to help people feel safe.

14.- project manager

project manager (n.) - a person who organizes and controls a project

I am a project manager. It is my job to put people into teams and make sure all their work is
completed on time.

15.- receptionist

receptionist (n.) - a person who welcomes and helps visitors and answers the phone in a place such
as a hotel, office, or hospital

I am a receptionist. I work in a hotel. I greet the visitors and answer the phone.

Theme: describing health problems

1.- break your leg

break your leg (v.) – to damage a bone in your leg

My dad broke his leg yesterday, and now he can’t walk.

2.- cut your finger

cut your finger (v.) – to injure your finger on a sharp object that makes it bleed

John isn’t careful when he uses a knife, so he often cuts his finger.

3.- cut yourself shaving

cut yourself shaving (v.) – to injure yourself and bleed after using a sharp object for shaving (=
removing hair)

I cut myself shaving this morning and now my face hurts!

4.- have a headache

have a headache (v.) – to have pain inside your head

After working at the computer all day, I have a bad headache.

5.- have a toothache

have a toothache (v.) – to have pain in one of your teeth

I need to go to the dentist! I have a really bad toothache.

6.- hurt your back

hurt your back (v.) – to injure your back so it causes you pain

I hurt my back yesterday moving heavy furniture.

7.- twist your ankle

twist your ankle (v.) – to fall and turn on your ankle so it causes you pain

I went running and twisted my ankle. It really hurts!

8.- bang your head

bang your head (v.) – to hit your head on something

I fell and banged my head this afternoon.

9.- catch a cold

catch a cold (v.) – to get a common illness that makes you sneeze and cough

My sister often catches a cold in the winter.

10.- have a fever

have a fever (v.) – to have a high body temperature because you are sick

My head feels really hot. I think I have a fever.

11.- have the flu

have the flu (v.) – to have an illness similar to a very bad cold that makes you feel hot and weak

I have the flu, so I’m not going to work today. I have a fever and a headache.

12.- have a sore throat

have a sore throat (v.) – to have a condition in which your throat is red and feels painful, especially
when you swallow

I can’t speak, because I have a sore throat.

13.- have a stomachache

have a stomachache (v.) – to have pain in your stomach

He ate too much pizza for lunch, and now he has a stomachache.

Using verb–noun internet phrases
1.- add someone as a friend

I usually don't add my coworkers as friends on social media.

2.- build an app

My sister is a computer programmer. She mostly builds smartphone apps.

3.- change your password

Some websites make you change your password every couple of months.

4.- change your password

Some websites make you change your password every couple of months.

5.- check your messages

A: Why didn't you respond to my texts this morning

6.- click on a link

Never click on a link in an email if you don't know the sender.

7.- join a group

There are many people with similar interests on social media. Why don’t you join a group and
chat with them?

8.- make a video

I make videos every week about putting on makeup. I share them online.

9.- message (someone) / send (someone) a message

I always send my friends messages to decide when to meet.

10.- open a social media account

If you want to meet people online, you should open a social media account.

11.- swipe (right / left)

You can swipe left or right on your phone to use some apps.


1.- block

I was angry with my friend, so I blocked her on social media. Now, she can’t send me any

2.- bookmark

bookmark (v.) - to save the address of a webpage on your computer so you can find it again easily

I bookmark my favorite websites so I can find them easily.

3.- follow
I follow my friends on social media. I can see all their photos and messages.

4.- go viral

go viral (v.) - to become popular very quickly through communication from one person to another,
especially on the internet

I made a video and posed it online. It went viral. Lots of people watched it and liked it.

5.- like

I read my friend’s posts on social media. I press the like button if I think they are good.

6.- log in

log in (ph. v.) - to connect to a computer system by putting in a password of letters or numbers

I have to log in to my social media account to read my messages.

7.- search (for something)

search for (v.) - to look for something, such as information on the internet

I searched for some old classmates on social media.

8.- share

share (v.) - to send something, for example documents or photos, from your device to another
person’s device

I share photos with my friends through email and through social media.

9.- download

download (v.) - to copy or move programs, music, or other information to a device, usually over the

I download documents, movies, and games onto my laptop.

10.- upload
upload (v.) - to copy or move programs, music, or other information from one device to another
device or to the internet

I upload videos on the web so everyone can watch them.


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