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Movie Reflection Assignment

The movie tells the story of a man who just got recruited as a new teacher to East.Through the
movie he endures hardships of language problems between him and his students.However,as time
progresses,he starts to become more patient and tolerant while teaching them,and starts to like
teaching them Turkish.Looking at this,i can say that teaching in real life is actually like in this movie.I
always believed that educating students is full of hardships and requires a lot of patience,but
sometimes the conditions can be even worse to adjust easily.After watching this movie,these
thoughts became more certain in my eyes.Apart from the hardships of dealing with children,there
can be language issued problems because of cultural differences(a man who comes from west
teaching the native students of east in this movie).And also the environment conditions might not be
very appropriate to live easily.However,it is actually in these conditions a real teacher will show
himself/herself.Because the real purpose of education is not just educating the students,it is about
educating no matter what condition the teacher and the students are in.And this movie shows this
very clearly.It is about not giving up.Apart from this,instead of complaining and quitting,triyng to
adapt to environment conditions is what a mature adult with such a sense of responsibility as a
teacher would do.Teaching isn’t always about living in comfortable standarts or having a very rich
classroom environment,it is something that exists inside a person.I always believed that teaching is a
very hard and special field that not everybody is applicable to,and after watching this movie,this idea
become more true in my eyes.

As for the effects of this movie on my own career as a potential teacher,i can say that it changed my
ideas of becoming a teacher.To be honest,i didn’t consider becoming a teacher and i didn’t find
myself applicable for the area,but after watching the movie,i started to think about becoming a
teacher.After seeing that how it worths to teach despite the hardships,i thought that if i become a
teacher one day and face with such struggles,i should be strong and not give up easily.Instead,i
should be more determined and keep on teaching,because in the end,when i accomplish my task like
a real teacher would,i would know it was totally worth it.I don’t know if i will certainly become a
teacher,but if i do,i won’t forget the real meaning of becoming a teacher. Overall,i think this movie
teaches us a real-life lesson about being a teacher,and that being a teacher is actually a very special
mastery that not everybody possesses.

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