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Good afternoon Ms. Rojas and classmates.

Today I’m going to present my project about unit 8

(ways to stay healthy).

Living a healthy life is very important nowadays because it can help us to thrive throughout life.
However, it seems to me that the quarantine attributed many drawbacks in our lives. As we can
see, many of us turned down to exercise for a long time due to the lockdown and we accumulated a
lot of fat, also because we persisted in ordering junk food because we were afraid to go out.
It must be hard for most of the people to find the time and energy to exercise regularly or prepare
healthy meals, but all of this effort will pay off in different ways. Here are many options you can
keep in mind to start living a healthy life.

First, eat a healthy diet. It is necessary to have a well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables,
legumes, nuts and whole grains. But remember that is preferable to eat organic fruits and
vegetables because they are harvested with fewer exposure of pesticides. According to data,
professionals found out that pesticides in food can be harmful on humans causing stinging eyes,
rashes, blisters, blindness, nausea, etc. I could be wrong, but it appears that using pesticides
excessively on food we eat can cause cancer an even death. In conclusion, it is important to choose
the correct food to avoid problems in our health.

Second, be active. It is highly recommended to do constant exercise for at least 30 minutes in a day
because global statistics show us that many chronic diseases are associated with time spent in
sedentary activity. Keep in mind that healthy movement may include walking, sports, dancing,
yoga, running or other activities you enjoy. Also, it looks as though that it is necessary to get rid of
distractions like electronic devices when you are working out so you can focus better, try to find a
place where you are alone and you can connect with nature.

Third, get enough sleep. Prior to know the benefits of the appropriate number of hours we should
sleep, we didn’t use to care much about it. With all of the things we do in a day and the temptation
of social media, it must be hard to get enough sleep but it is key to do our part to sleep at least 8
hours or more, depending of the person’s age. Better sleep hours can help reduce stress, getting
sick less often and ability to think more clearly.

Finally, take care of your mental health. Taking care of your mental health Is just as important as
taking care of your physical health. Nowadays, we can see that mental health has been affected for
many reasons but one of them is because of the lockdown. The good news is that working out and
eating right will go a long way towards helping you maintain your mental health. Also, it is
important to keep in touch with friends and family so you don’t feel lonely.

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