Pulse Point Communications - 1 and 6.4

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Pulse Point Communications

Engage. Connect. Influence

Pulse Point Communications is a strategic media agency that aims to help organisations
engage, connect, and influence audiences. This is done by redefining communication
strategies which enables organisations to communicate in an accurate, innovative, insightful,
and impactful manner, fostering long-term connections with their audiences.

Amu Masilela- CEO & Creative Director

>Sets the overall vision and strategy for the organisation.
>Overseeing and company’s finances and represents the agency
on public platforms.
>Leads the creative team to come up with innovate and
insightful content.
>Sets the creative direction and vision for campaigns and

Fulufhelo Munyangane- Communication Strategist

>Measures and analyses communication strategies.
>Works to identify target audiences and creates messages suiting
to them.
>Develops communication strategies that align with the
organisations’ goals.
Sibusiso Moledi- Data and Audience Engagement Coordinator
>Responsible for collecting and analysing data in relation to audience
behaviour and engagement.
>Implements strategies to enhance user experience and satisfaction.
>Utilizing analytics tools to measure the success of content
and campaigns.
>Identifying opportunities for audience growth and

Kyla-Marie Mostert- Public Relations Specialist

>Manages crisis and handles negative publicity.

>Builds and maintains relationships with media outlets and journalists.
>Creates and distributes press releases and other promotional materials.

Thato Bosiu- Social Media Analyst

>Collaborates with marketing and content teams to create
engaging social media content.
>Staying updated on platform algorithms and industry
best practices.
> Monitors and analysis social media trends and
6.4 Comments and nature of sentiments

The comments in this post are of

encouragement and pride. Fellow students are wishing the other students who participated in
a chess competition well.
The comments in this post are of excitement. While there is most emojis than text, this shows
that it is a form of expression amongst students on social media. The organisation shares
content of activities that showcase the experience of student life.

The purple heart emoji is imminent in this post. Purple forms a part of the North-West
University’s identity. In such a case, where the post is of the NWU rugby team, The Eagles,
the heart emojis signify the love and pride that students express over the victory.
The organisation does not seem to engage with commenters or students on Instagram. They
only post content and are not responsive to the feedback they get from audiences. In this case,
there is a lack of relationship between the organisation and audiences.

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