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Waterfall model

Requirement analysis What to be produces?


Implementation and unit testing

System testing
Operation & Maintenance
when we are Watter fall model and advantages
 Requirement is not changing
 when application is not complicated and not big project
 Requirement is clear
 project is short.

what are disadvantages

opposite of advantages
can’t go to back state.
Incremental model


when we are use increment model
 when requirement are clear
 big project
 when project has to lunch in market early
 The total cost is not lower .
 The task are divided into multiple modules
 Clients have a clear idea of the project.
 initial delivery cost is low
 customer interaction is max.
 The identification of errors is simple .

RAD model
Rad model is an incremental model that extremely short devlopment
cycle(60-90 days)
communication ---requirement collection
planning----task assign, project cost
then divided into module.
 divided into more small module
 short dev. cycle
 it’s is an adoption of watterfall model
 each module team are assign separate task
 those team are contribution in final project

prototype model
 prototype model isn't working model with limited functionality.
 after complect The model it’s handover to Customer for Use and
checking there is any problem or not.
 If the problem can find-out. then it's remove and then dev. Another
when use:
 Requirement is not clear
 big project.
 Unclear solution.

difference between waterfall model and incremental model

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