Valishaneha Project2 Review

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To: Valisha Neha

From: Jordan Begg

Subject: Peer review of Proposal 1

The project you have presented definitely has a strong start. I appreciate the concern for Zuni

history and can admire the goal of preserving and spreading it. Maybe explaining why Zuni

history is important to the Zuni youth would help leaders understand and sympathize with your

cause. Discussing the costs of implementing such a program in Zuni schools would help inform

the people who you are proposing to. Oftentimes people who have the capability to introduce

new programs don't like surprises so whenever they have all the information they put their trust

in you. The question that proposers should ask is why? Why should someone introduce Zuni

language classes? What is in it for the schools? Presenting what schools, the children, and the

parents have to gain by knowing Zuni history and Zuni language. My question is that other than

the schools who is the proposal directed to? Adding flyers to places like hospitals and post

offices would be a neat addition, but why? Why would they add these flyers to their locations?

Another question I have is, what is the point? Oftentimes people going to post offices or the

hospital have things that they need to get done and may not pay attention to them. If you need to

spread a message such as Zuni history and language the best way to do it would be by talking to

people in schools. Introducing classes with Zuni history and Zuni language would be a great way

to preserve it and spread it further. Another solution could be creating a website showcasing all

of Zuni history and a language dictionary similar to Spanish or French ones. I believe that

creating websites and a dictionary would be the easiest solution to spreading Zuni history.

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