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Labor Law/Hukum ketenagakerjaan

Lecturer : Sujana Donandi S, S.H., M.H.

Member’s Name:
1. Fernando Yohanas (14202300040)
2. Maissy Athalia Resya Saragih (14202300174)
3. Fathimah Najmatul Ulya (14202300015)
4. Makesha Razka Shabira Romar Putri
5. Rainita Syifa Suardi (14202300010)
6. Aqeela Shafiqa Naila (14202300007)
7. Zou Yong Jie (14202300268)

The fundamental labor law is the arrangement in the field of work in a work relationship
based on the Agreement and the Law.
One in the labor of labor (Labor Law) is the labor day. Day laborers are also called
Mayday. Labor Day is a holiday in various countries that are annual, from the effort of the
union movement to celebrate economic and social success on workers. How does it be called
the laborean day? Here's his chas.

 History of the Labor Day

The history of the labor day itself was born of a variety of hard-struggle struggles to
achieve economic-political and industrial rights. The development of industrial capitalists
beguard on this abol 19 is due to the determination of discipline and the intendant of working
hours, the lack of wages, and the worsenment of working conditions at the factory level. This
is the birth of resistance from the working class.
Resistance from the working class worked first in 1806 by Cordwainers workers. In
the end the case was brought to the court table and lifted the fact that the working class in the
era worked from 19 to 20 hours a day. Since then, the struggle to demand the working-time
reduction into an agenda with the United States workers.
The idea of honoring workers derived from two people who are Petermcguire and
Matthew Maguire who are a worker engine from Paterson, New Jersey. In 1872 McGuire and
100,000 workers took a strike action to demand a working-time reduction. McGuire then
continued talks with workers and unemployment, lobbying the city government to provide
obscess and overtime and in the end he was called in a "timber buster of the community".
On September 5, 1882, the first labored day parade was held in New York City and
followed by 20,000 people with a banner written up 8th working, 8 hours of rest, 8 hours
recreation. In this incident Maguire and McGuire play an important role in this parade and in
the following year the year the idea is spreading and all the state celebrates.
In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make the parade as a public holiday. 1894,
the Gervever Presve Cleveland signed a law that made the first week of September as a
national holiday. In 1866, there was the first congress in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by
various organizational elements in the world of parties who set a demanding reduction of
working hours to 8 hours a day, previously also in the same year has the National Labor
Union in the US as representing the US demand class of American workers, the Congress
changed the demands of the general crops of the worldwide workers.
At Congress 1886 one may be designated as a world of worldwide class workers by
Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions. In addition to providing a moment of
demanding eight hours a day, also provides a new spirit of the working class struggle that is
complicating the massive point in the era. The 1st May was chosen due to 1884 Federation of
Organized Trades and Labor Unions inspired by the success of the Labor Action in Canada
In July 1889, the World Coconies Congress held in Paris sets events in the US on May
1 as the World Labor Day and issuing a resolution:
Sebuah aksi internasional besar harus terorganisir pada satu hari tertentu
dimana semua negara dan kota-kota pada waktu yang yang bersamaan, pada
satu hari yang disepakati Bersama, semua buruh menuntut agar pemerintahan
secara legal mengurangi jam kerja menjadi 8 jam per hari, dan melaksanakan
semua hasil kongres buruh internasional.
The resolution received a warm welcome from various countries. Since 1890, May 1, in the
term mayday, was observed by workers in various countries, despite severe pressure from
their government.

- History of Labor Day In Indonesia

In 1920 Indonesia also began to participate in the wake of labor day on May 1.
However, in the days of the new order, labor day was no longer viewed asa holiday, and from
then on, it was no longer a holiday to commemorate labor in society and economics. This is
because the labor movement is associated with the communist movement and consciousness
that since the 1965 g30s was laid down in Indonesia. While soeharto's leadership, this
commemoration of mayday day was in the subversive category because mayday was always
associated with the communists. It's clearly inaccurate because the world designated May 1 as
the labor day and the national holiday.
After the end of the New Order period, though not a holiday. May 1st remains
celebrated by the workers in Indonesia with the demonstrations in various cities. This
movement that was originally thought to make the riot it never proved. The facts that occur
even repressive actions of the security forces of the labor because they are inexperienced by
the old paradigm that assumes this action is being paid by the Communist.
In 1999 the laborean day was again commemorated in the early era of reform attended by
thousands of participants at the FKUI Salemba campus, Jakarta. In 2006 the Labor Day began
in commencies in various major cities of Indonesia such as Jakarta, Medan, Lampung,
Batam, Bandung, and other cities of the city. In Jakarta itself the rally followed by tens of
thousands of people at various points such as Hi Bundaran, Senayan with the main target of
the MPR / DPR building, the State Palace. From 2006 to 2013 the Labor Day is always in the
Commembran on May 1st in Indonesia. Even in 2013 the government will make this day
labore again to be a national holiday that began in 2014.
Labor day itself was again active as President b.j. habibie ratified the number 81 ilo
convention on the freedom of the unions. And over the years, May 1 has been an event for
workers to claim their rights, ranging from unpaid wages, working hours and decent wages,
maternity rights, menstrual rights, to the present benefits.
Hak-Hak buruh menurut undang-undang
- UU No.13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan mulai dari aturan kontrak
kerja,PHK,Gaji,dan lainnya.
- Pasal 88 ayat 1 UU ketenagakerjaan yang mengatur hak pekerja/buruh untuk
menerima upah yang layak
- Pasal 90 ayat 1 “ pengusaha dilarang membayar upah lebih rendah dari upah
minimum sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 89”
- 151 ayat 1 UU ketenagakerjaan disebutkan “ pengusaha ,pekerja/buruh,serikat
pekerja/serikat buruh, dan pemerintah , dengan segala Upaya harus mengusahakan
agar jangan terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja.”
Dalam mengalami PHK pekerja/buruh harus memperhatikan alasan dari PHK seperti
yang tertulis dalam pasal 153 UU ketenagakerjaan.
- Pasal 156 ayat 2 tentang perhitungan uang pesangon, ayat 3 perhitungan uang
penghargaan masa kerja, ayat 4 tentang penggantian hak.
- Hak karyawan mengenai hubungan kerja tercantum dalam pasal 56 ayat 2 dan pasal
60 UU ketenagakerjaan.

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