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Subject: Project 2 peer review part 2

To Lisha Niha

From: Jordan

Overall, the project has an extraordinarily strong start. Installing Zuni language and history into
Zuni schools would be a wonderful way to get kids involved and make sure they remember.
Another Plan I have in mind is to reach out to the School District down at the Zuni Community.
The school district is my main audience to reach out to since they are the head people for each
of the schools down in the village. I plan to speak to them about wanting to implement more
Zuni language classes that teach about history and be able to encourage the youth to want
to speak the language and history. For my proposal I plan to make flyers that can be hung
around the village at places such as the post office, the tribal building, the schools, Halona
marketplace and within the Hospital. The reason for this is so parents or other community
members can be able to read any information about Protecting and Saving the Zuni History.
Implementing school field trips to where the Zuni people stayed would be great because
children like doing things instead of reading from textbooks. The work already had a map of
where they traveled to outlined so it would be beneficial to take the kids there and show them
history instead of reading about it. Whichever choice is decided, a little bit more research into
field trips and language classes will need to be done, considering the cost of them. The cost
of bringing in someone who is an expert on the Zuni language would be a great way to start and
then look at the cost of using buses to take field trips. All in all, this is a strong start with room
for expansion. As stated previously, bringing in Zuni language experts and the cost of field trips
to culturally significant Zuni locations would be great ways to get schools on board with your

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