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ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 1
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your family: ( tự giới thiệu bản thân )
-Tell me about your family?
-Where do you live?
-What do you like doing when you are with your family?

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes-3 points)

You are going to celebrate your birthday. Where are you going to organize the party: at
home, in a restaurant or in a park ? Why?
Bạn đang dự định tổ chức tiệc sinh nhật . Bạn sẽ tổ chức ở đâu ? ở nhà hay ở nhà hàng hay ở công
viên ? vì sao .?
- TL : People may throw themselves into dance music with lots of friends and multiphase
celebrations .However, I only want my special day to be quietly spent with my family at home. It’s
because birthday is an important occasion to enjoy the good quality time with my family who born
me, raise me, take care of me and it’s my motivation.
Part 3: Topic (3 minutes -4 points)
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic The most important inventions.
Your talk should focus on:
- What the most important inventions are.
- Which has changed the world most.
- What benefits we can get from these inventions.
TL : The name of this invention is called “computers” which has arguably has been considered as
the most successful and life-changing invention in the last 4 decades or so because of solving all
kinds of problems every minute of our life. From storing huge amounts of data and information in a
small piece of hardware to calculating very complex mathematical problems in a fraction of a
second to helping people communicate with one another in different parts of the world, there is
hardly any work, industry or office where computers are not used today. Besides, it is the computers
automated system that allows manufacturing companies to manufacture hundreds of vehicles in a
day which would have probably taken years to do. Not to mention, of course, a huge benefit it has
brought in making numerous new discoveries in the space as well as in the other planets. So,
anyway, computer indeed has changed our lives by not only making us more efficient at our homes,
works and offices but also offered a huge sense of mental relief to us. Besides, it has also helped us
to make new discoveries in order to bring many other new benefits for humanity.



ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 2
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your reading habit.
-What do you like to read the best?
- Do you often read newspaper?
- Why do you like to read?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making plan for your holiday. Where do you prefer to go: To the beach, to the mountain
or to a foreign country? Why? ->>> TL : I like going to the beach. Because the first is The large
variety of beaches. You can sunbathe and get plenty of vitamin D. The range of leisure activities on
offer is incredible and it’s as lively during the day as it is at night.

Part 3: Topic (3 minutes-4 points)

You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic Watching films.
You should include the following ideas in your talk:
- Whether you prefer seeing films on TV or DVD, or in the cinema
TL : Watching film on TV or DVD in the comfort of your own home is ideals but I like going to
the cinema . It makes me remember the film more, enjoy the experience itself and of course it’s
romantic if go with my girlfriend
- Whether you prefer seeing foreign films dubbed or with subtitles
TL : I prefer seeing with subtitles to seeing foreign films dubbed . To me, subtitles are the only
way to watch a movie as close as possible to what the director envisioned. You get to hear the
real voice of performers and sense their original emotions.

- Whether you prefer Vietnamese films or American films.

TL : nowadays, Film industry in Vietnam is developing but I like American films. I’m a huge
fan of it. I don’t know why but I used to see American films when I was a child and it’s very


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 3

Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)

Let’s talk about your study:

- what are you studying?

- What do you like about your studying?
- What do you like about learning English?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You have to make decision of the university you are going to apply. There are 3 groups of
people: Family, teachers and friends . Who do you think you could get the best advices? Why?
- TL : In my opinion, Teachers could get the best advices . because teachers know our own
learning capacity as well as their own abilities. In addition, teachers have an accurate source of
information thanks to industry relationships. And I don’t know nowadays teenagers have same
situation like me. I quite difficult to talk with my family. So I think teachers are my best choice

Part 3:Topic (3 minutes-4 points)

You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic A person you admire.
Your talk should focus on:
- His/her profile
TL : At the age of forties, my mother seems to be still young. She teaches at a primary school
- The reason why you admire him/her
TL : First of all, my mother is a caring woman. She has devoted all her life to taking care of me.
I still remember when I was six, I had to go to hospital for a surgery. When I first woke up, my
mother was still beside me. At that moment, I realized how much I love her
- His/her impact on you.
TL : She is always the first to listen to all my problems and give me some useful advice. Thanks
to her encouragement, I have overcome all difficulties


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 4
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about sport.
- Do you play any sport?
- What are the most popular sport in your country?
- Is it better to play sport or to watch TV? Why?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is visiting Hanoi. You are going to take him or her around Hanoi. Which means
of transport do you choose; motorbike, bus or car? Why?

TL : to be honest I don’t know how to drive car so of course I will take her around Hanoi by
motorbike. Because everyone loves the cold air of winter. Take her around the lake and eat ice
cream. It needs to try in the winter

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)

You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Reading books.
You should say:

The advantages of reading books

TL : When you read books with consistency, your muscles of concentration grow. That’s how
reading books improve your focus and concentration. Not only that reading book Improve
Vocabulary, improve your writing skill, fast – reading, and improve imagination too.

- The disadvantages of reading books

TL : the first absolutely is take us too much time to read. Secondly, it makes your eyesight
weaker. Truly reading for a long time cause short sightedness, run a risk of losing the ability
to see far object clearly
- Your reading habits.
TL : I like detective mystery sometimes like romance too. Not to say much about content of
detective and mystery The plot always revolves around a crime of sorts that must be solved
—or foiled—by the protagonists. I think it would bring you lots of emotion when you
reading that


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 5
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your name.
- What is the meaning of your given name?
- Does your name affect your personality?
- Who can give children’s name in your country?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are making an advertisement of a competition. There are three groups of advertising
methods: Poster, video clip and brochure. Which one do you choose ?/ why?
TL : I will choose the poster method because it is easy to make, popular and will be known by many
people. Not only that, the poster is also a type that is close to everyone and can be spread (pasted)
everywhere. That will attract readers and it stands out, attracts all eyes.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Sports.
- Kinds of sports you know
- Popular sport(s) for Vietnamese youth. (Why is it/are they popular?)
- Advantages of playing sport.
TL : nowadays there are two kind of sport : normal sports like volleyball , football , basketball ,…
esport : league of legend , dota ,…. .
Absolutely, football is the most popular sport for Vietnamese youth . because it force people to work
in pair with your teammate, have good strategic or maybe show some nice skill control the ball and
it have equal right that everyone could play it kid , boys, girls , middle age , ….
Sports provide a bunch of advantages and improve people’s lives significantly. With regular sports
activity, it is easy to keep a good shape, improve physical stamina and brain activity. In addition,
sports teach us how to work in a team and gain team goals easily. Sports are the foundation of a
healthy and strong nation that remains a strong coalition of clever and hardworking people



ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 6
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hometown.
- What part of your country do you come from?
- What’s the weather like in your hometown?

- Can you describe your hometown?

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
A friend is going to take a summer job where she can meet new people. a volunteer nurse, a
tour guide and a sale employee at bakery. Which one would be the best choice? Why?

TL : In my opinion, a tour guide would be the best choice for her to meet new people. One
of the reason is because she can visit many interesting places and at the same time she can meet a lot
of new people from around the world. In addition, being a tour guide means you have to at least
know how to speak English and this job is the best way for her to pratice speaking English with
people from other countries.

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)

You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Factors that make people happy.
-What factors that make people happy
- What factor is the most important one
- When is the happiest time of person’s life (when we are young or old?)
TL : in the lastest survey I know , there are 10 factor that make people happy : love, exercising,
relaxing, career , friends, family, sleep, hobbies, traveling, health. In my opinion The most
important one is Love. Everyone knows that love will bring us to the top of emotion , it makes us
have lots of feeling cant explain and happy is the one of that .in my opinion The happiest time of
person’s life is when we are young . That time we got lots of time to love , to exercising , to fail
from that we success , got lots of relationship cant forget . My father said when you get older your
wild heart will live for younger days that’s why I know when we’re young we are is the happiest
time of our life


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 7
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about shopping.
- How often do you go shopping?
- Do you prefer to go shopping alone? Why?/ Why not?.
- What do you find annoying about shopping? Why?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)

You have an evening free and you intend to watch a film. Where do you prefer to watch ; .at
home, at the cinema or at your friend’s house? Why?
TL: I prefer to watch a film at home. This is because I really like a quiet place where I can
do whatever I want. Not only that, I can pause the movie when I need to go to bathroom so I don't
missed any part of the film. Furthermore, I can prepare my snack before I watch the film thus it can
save my money.

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)

You will be given 3 minutes to talk about the topic The Internet.
You should include the following ideas in your talk:
- What has changed because of the Internet
- What will happen with the Internet
- What you would do with the Internet.
TL : The Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized
communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of everyday
communication. In almost everything we do, we use the Internet. Ordering a pizza, buying a
television, sharing a moment with a friend, sending a picture over instant messaging.
I have no idea about that but I know the Internet will be developed faster, it could log in ,
contact everywhere.
I use the Internet to share picture , video with my friends and family, watch movie , visit art
museum without going there , build stuff on the internet ,…..

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 8
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your hobbies.
-Tell me about any hobbies you have now or had in the past.
-Do you feel you have enough free time for hobbies? Why? / Why not?
-If you had a chance to take up a new hobby, what would it be? Why?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend is going to England for a year and you want to buy her a present. Three items
are suggested: a camera, an English grammar book and a sweater. Which one would be the best
choice? And why?

TL: I think the best choice will be a sweater. Sweater has reasonable price rather than a
camera, which as a student we can't afford to buy it yet and I am sure my friend already have an
English grammar book so I won't choose it. Most of the time, English has cold weather so this
sweater can warm her body when she needs it.

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)

You will have 3 minutes to talk about the topic The wonders of modern world in the family.
Your talk should focus on:
- What is the wonder of the world in the your family (for example the equipment in the kitchen)
- What’s good about it.
- What troubles it brings about.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 9
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your friends.
- How important is friendship to you?
- Do you have friends who live in other countries?
- What kind of things do you like to do when you get together with your friends?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
A group of friends are going to celebrate the end of exams. Three locations are suggested: a
pool, a party club and a restaurant . Which place would be the best choice? Why?
TL: A pool will be the best choice to celebrate the end of exams. This is because we can do
a lot of activities with our friends such as water jousting, pool volleyball and more. In addition, you
can catch up things with your friend after weeks of studying and enjoy the day without thinking
about the exams anymore
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points)
You will talk in 3 minutes about the topic Describe the best day in your life.
Ideally, your talk should focus on the hints below:
- What happened on that day
- How it changed your life
- How you felt about that.
TL : The happiest day is the day of graduation from each stage of study. It is a day full of
mixed feelings that cannot be explained or separated. Despite the great joy of success and
graduation, the heart feels for a moment the great emptiness that will surround it after the

farewell of the friends of study, and at the same time, the joy remains the master of the
situation, there is no greater joy than the joy of graduation. But the joy on the faces of
parents is the most beautiful and most expensive at all.



ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 10
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the food.
- What kind of food do you like? Why?
- What kind of thing you don’t like to eat? Why not?
- Do you like cooking? Why?/ Why not?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are going to have a picnic with your family. Going to the beach, mountain hiking and
visiting hometown, which one might be the best choice? Why?
TL: - The best choice will be a beach. As a family, we can do a sunbathe where we will get the
vitamin D as well as we can bond with each other more. Not only that, we can spend more time by
swimming together in the sea and we can play more beach activites like volleyball. Furthermore, by
doing these things, we won't touch our phone since we will be busy spending time with our family.

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).

You are given 3 minutes to talk about the topic The biggest invention in modern life.
You should develop your talk based on the following clues:
- What the invention is
- Why you think it is the biggest invention
- How it has changed our life.
TL : The name of this invention is called “computers” which has arguably has been considered as the
most successful and life-changing invention in the last 4 decades or so because of solving all kinds of
problems every minute of our life. From storing huge amounts of data and information in a small
piece of hardware to calculating very complex mathematical problems in a fraction of a second to
helping people communicate with one another in different parts of the world, there is hardly any
work, industry or office where computers are not used today. Besides, it is the computers automated
system that allows manufacturing companies to manufacture hundreds of vehicles in a day which
would have probably taken years to do. Not to mention, of course, a huge benefit it has brought in
making numerous new discoveries in the space as well as in the other planets. So, anyway, computer
indeed has changed our lives by not only making us more efficient at our homes, works and offices

but also offered a huge sense of mental relief to us. Besides, it has also helped us to make new
discoveries in order to bring many other new benefits for humanity.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 11
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your favorite place.
- What place do you like to visit most?
- Why do you like it?
- Has it changed very much since you first went there? If yes, in what way?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your family is planning on an oversea trip this Christmas. However, you and your family are
still concerning about how long the trip would last. Between 3 days, 5 days and 1 week, which one
might be the best selection? Why?.

TL :- 1 week of vacation is the best selection. This is because it takes time to go to the airport and
we need to adjust ourselves with jet lag which will hinder our activities later. Not only that, it will
give us a lot of time to visit more interesting place and we can spend more time together with our

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).

You will have a 3 -minute talk about the topic A really exciting sport event you saw.
You should say:
- Where and when it was
- What happened
- Why it was so exciting.
TL: The really exciting sport event I saw is the final Asian cup 2018 between U23 Vietnam vs
U23 Uzbekistan at Thuong Chau stadium. It’s the final it mean all eyes in the country was
watching that match. it organized on 27th January 2018 so The weather is very badly full fill by
snow. I remember it began at 4pm the teacher stopped teach and let us watch the match. The
headmaster knew that she didn’t complain us , she allowed all the school come to school yard
and saw that match together. although u23 vietnam lost that match at the end, I think it still the
best match in our heart


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 12

Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the music.
- What kind of music do you like best?
- Why do you like this kind of music?
- What are the benefits of listening to music?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You and your classmates are planning to have a farewell party to one of your classmates,
who is moving to a foreign country.Three places are suggested: in your classroom, in a karaoke or at
a camping site.Which place do you choose? Why?
TL: A camping site is the better choice to have farewell party. We can do a lot of activities
that will be an unforgettable memories for her. We also can spend more time to bond with each
other like enjoying the nights, sing campfire songs, exchanging gifts and more activties which I
think will make her happy
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic A film that you know or like.
You should say:
- What it is called
- Who are the main characters
- What it is about and why you like it
TL : The series includes content about endless battle between the two rivals is a house cat
called Tom and a mouse called Jerry. Often Tom rarely succeeds in catching Jerry by Jerry mouse
too smart, swift and lucky. Yet during the chase, Tom and Jerry has developed a close relationship
which is less seen in other animated series. Although the contents of the Tom and Jerry could see the
scenes of violence, it has still made up such wonderful childhood for many children all over the
world. Tom & Jerry is really impressive. First, it’ll introduce children to classical music. Second,
it’ll give them an appreciation for cartoons made at an earlier time. Third, since Tom always
provokes the fights, and yet since Jerry usually outsmarts Tom, kids are taught that the one who
provokes fights will usually lose. Last, but certainly not least, it’s entertaining. School-age children
will enjoy this.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 13
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the transportation.
- Can you say something about the transportation in your hometown?

- What is the common means of transport in your country?

- Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in your country? How to solve the problem?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your friend said that “you are too fat , you should lose weight” and they advise you to take
up three kinds of sport; doing morning exercise, going to the gym and jogging . Which one do you
choose to take up? Why?.
TL: I will choose to do the morning exercise. One of the reason is because I don't have
morning class during the weekdays, so I have free time to do it. Not only that, morning exercises is
the best way to burn the stored fat and it can help to reduce our stress. Furthermore, it also can boost
our metabolism which is good for my health
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Your ideal holiday.
You should say:
- What your ideal holiday is
- How you feel about it
- Where you are going for the next holiday.
TL : For me, the perfect holiday would be one spent with my parents, because I now live in a
different city and we don't get to see each other very often. I really miss spending time with
them, and that's why whenever we get the chance, we go on family holidays. For us, the
perfect holiday would be a relaxing beach holiday. Even though the summer tends to be the
busiest tourist season, we would most probably go to a beach resort to enjoy the beautiful
summer weather. We definitely like trying different activities as well as food. So, if we
decided to go to a beach resort, we would choose a place with plenty of family entertainment
on offer and we would do some water sports, like scuba diving, for example.

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 14
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the travel.
- Have you travelled outside your country?
- What do you think the best way to travel?
- If you were going on a long trip, who would you prefer to go with? Why?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Last week your teacher gave you an assignment on Science & Technology. You need to find
information to complete the assignment. Three are 3 sources that you can search the information
from: Internet, magazines and books . Which one do you choose? Why?

TL: I will choose the internet. This is because Internet has been used for a long time to search
information every since it was introduced to the world. It is easier way to find information through
internet and all you need to do is to type what information you need find.

Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).

You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic The typical dishes from your country.
You should say:
- What they are
- What differences between the typical dishes in your country with those from other countries
- Where and how they are popular in your country.
TL : There are so many dishes that are worth mentioning, but l’m gonna talk about ‘hủ tiếu”, a
type of rice noodles. It sounds a little confusing in English cuz ‘rice noodles’ could refer to ‘phở or
‘bún’ or ‘mì Quảng’ in Vietnamese, and many more, but what I’m talking about is ‘hủ tiếu’ noodles.
When you order this dish, you will be brought a bowl of this type of noodles together with its gravy,
which could be separated or served in the same bowl. The color of ‘hủ tiếu” noodles is white, or
opaque white to be exact, whereas its gravy is kinda yellowish or brownish, cuz the gravy is actually
some soup stewed with pork bones for quite some time, normally many hours. A portion of ‘hủ tiểu’
is normally served with vegetables, especially bean sprouts. Prices, however, vary. One bowl could
be as cheap as VND 20,000, or it could cost more or less than VND 100,000, depending on where
you eat or what kind of ‘hủ tiểu’ you order. Of course, many people cook it at home, and costs can
be significantly reduced


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 15

Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)

Let’s talk about your future plans.
- What are you planning to do after graduating from your university?
- What are you planning to do in the next 10 years?
- What are your plans about your own family in the future?.
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You are going to move to a new flat but you can’t afford to buy all furniture for it. There are
3 things: a TV, a dishwasher and a fridge. What do you think you will buy? Why?.
TL: I’d choose the fridge because I need to eat. I can wash dishes and easily do without a
dishwasher. I can watch on my phone or my laptop so I think I don’t need TV
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Your ideal jobs.

You should say:

- Which jobs you find most interesting
- What requirements of them
- What you like to do any of them.

TL : My dream career in the future is to be a lawyer. Someone will answer because this
profession is a noble profession. Some people say that this profession brings a stable income and a
prosperous life. With me , I choose it because I like it pretty simple. We are taught that the Law is
equal for all. Therefore, I consider whether rich or poor, powerful or weak, male or female, and
whether good or bad. In any case, they deserve what they deserve according to the law. And how to
become a lawyer? In my opinion the most important is must study hard and have a good
qualification . after that stand for the right , have integrity , exude confidence and enjoy the debate.
That’s all


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 16
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about yourself.
- Can you tell me about your typical working day?
- What do you like most about your studying/ your job?
- How do you spend your weekends?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your best friend is going to hold her birthday party next week. Which gift you are going to
bring her? Why? A book, a birthday cake or a bunch of flowers.
TL : I know my best friend love eating sweet cake so I decide to make a birthday cake instead of
buying a book or bunch of flower I knew her wont read book or let the the flower died.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Your favorite film star.
You should say:
- What film he/ she has been in
- What is the best role he/ she has ever played
- What he/ she is famous for.
TL : I like action film and I am a fan of marvel studio . Talk about that , I know every one will
love Robert Downey Jr .He played lots of film but the most film bring lots of excited , sadness is
Marvel : endgame . on the scenic , he is famous for a genius , billionaire, playboy , philanthropist
and who got the name ironman. he has evolved into one of the most respected actors in Hollywood.

With an amazing list of credits to his name, he has managed to stay new and fresh even after over
four decades in the business.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 17
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about keeping fit.
- What sorts of things do you do to keep healthy?
- How often do you play sport?
- How can we get young people to do more sport ?

Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)

If you did very well at your school/ organization ,your boss/ your headmaster would give a
bonus of a trip to Tokyo, New York or London for a week. Where would you choose to go? Why?
TL : I will choose London . Because I like the historic of England the Knights of the Round Table
or big ben tower . see the antique of old construction and finally see the england royal castle too.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Family.
You should say:
- What you know about nuclear and extended families
- Pros and cons of living in these kinds of families
- What size is perfect family. (Explain why?)
TL : Nuclear families are comprised of married partners and their offspring and The
extended family is the most common type of family in the world. Extended families include
at least three generations: grandparents, married offspring, and grandchildren.
- Pros and cons of nuclear family : nuclear families tend to have financial stability, the kids
have plenty of opportunities and luxuries in life from that kid and parent could improve
personality , individual responsibilities . Cons : However, sometimes you may face with
problems related work-life balances such as the child falling sick, working to meet a
deadline, or school/daycare declaring a holiday when it is a working day for the parents.
-Pros and cons of extended families : have more support from other family members ,
children develop strong relationships with adults other than parents, advice is close at hand.
Cons : lack of privacy and personal space, there may be disagreements about how to bring up
your children, a lot of conflicts between different generations .
To sum up , I like nuclear family because Ifeel more freedom and privacy. I’m free to
express their expectations of each other

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 18
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about studying English:
- Do you like learning English?
- What do you find most difficult about studying English?
- What is the best way for you to study English?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
If you could choose a job for your brother/sister, which one would you choose for him/her in
three following jobs? Why? A teacher, an engineer or a doctor.
TL Of course I want my brother to be a doctor. My father already a teacher , it would be
nice if my family had a doctor. We wont worry about which medicine is good or bad , the health of
whole family will be protected
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Collections.
You should say:
- What kinds of things people often collect
- Why people collect things
- Do you collect anything? Did you use to collect things when you were younger? What? Why?
TL : in my knowledge, I think people often collect the things old or rare or maybe simple they just
like it. Most of them collect it because of the high value or their passion. When I was a child I used
to collect marble I often call it Ceramic marble. At that time most of children will use it to play of
course I play it too , but I will collect the white marble with nice color detail on it. I didn’t want to
waste such a nice marble to play on the dirt ground.


ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 19
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about your free time
- Do you have much free time in your life?
- What do you like doing in your free time?
- How much free time do you think a person should have every day?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
Your parent’s weeding anniversary is coming. You would like to make them happy by
buying them a wedding cake, cooking them a delicious meal or giving them two tickets for holiday.
Which one will you do ? Why?
TL: in my opinion I will giving them two tickets for holiday. I want their weeding
anniversary have privacy and they deserve have holiday to rest to enjoy the life , not to bother about
the work , housework and me .
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3-minute talk about the topic Know about our world.
You should say:
- What man-made things on Earth can be seen from space
- Why women live longer than men
- What is the most terrible natural disaster to have hit the Earth.

ENGLISH 3 - Test number: 20
Part 1: Social Interaction ( 2 minutes- 3 points)
Let’s talk about the place you are living.
- Describe the house or flat/apartment in which you are living at the moment?
- Do you think it is better to live in a house or a flat/apartment?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a garden?
Part 2: Solution discussion (2 minutes- 3 points)
You and your family is going on a holiday to Sa pa ( in Lao Cai). You have three choices for
accommodation : A hotel, a guest house, a home-stay . Which one might be your best choice? Why?
TL : I will choose home-stay because I was be there . It’s safe when live with the people I’ll meet.
Not only are people cheerful and hardworking, but they also treat their guests with genuine care and
attention. My homestay host wants nothing more than for me to relax, explore, eat well and enjoy

myself. Not to talk about the food in homestays are famous for serving up fabulous, fresh and
delicious cooking three times a day or more.
Part 3: Topic ( 3 minutes-4 points).
You will have a 3 -minute talk about the topic Know about our world.
You should say:
- Animals have feelings .
TL : of course everything has feelings . I used to make sure my toys or my teddy bear warm
in the winter ( câu đùa thôi nói tạo ấn tượng cũng được ). not only having feelings animals have
thinking too. Example is the dog or dolphin we could find so much videos about this like , dogs save

the master or dolphin save the crews…. Most of us are still driven by the basic emotions of fear,
love, pain. Animals do feel pain the same way we do, we’re just better at expressing this pain. Any
mother, animal or human has the instinct to love and take care of her children. We have just built on
this basic concept of love and protection and again have made it far more complex
- What the Earth’s oldest are living things
TL : The oldest living land animal is a 187-year-old Aldabra giant tortoise named Jonathan.
He has lived on the island of St. Helena off the coast of West Africa since 1882, when he was given
to the island’s governor as a gift
- What is our life in the next century.
TL: To be honest , I have no idea about that but in my prediction it will have more robot
with AI technology , motorbike or care can fly on the sky , no more the poor maybe.

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