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Name SS Gial Shaukar
Roll No B2o02?16e
Time: 2 Hours
Max. Marks: 30
Answer gll questions and NOstep marks will be given for the problems
1. a) What are the requirements of ldeal Traction System.
b) What is the maximum speed limit in kmph for urban,
suburban and main line service? (2)
2. a) Why dc-series motor is ideally preferred for traction applications rather
than dc shunt and compound
Write down the operation details of regenerative braking for DC traction application. (2)
3. Atrain is required to nun between two stations 1.5 km apart at a schedule speed of 36
kmh, the duration of
stops being 25 seconds. The braking retardation is 3 km/h/s. Assuming a trapezoidal speed/ time
calculate the acceleration if the ratio of iaximum spced to avcrage speed is to be 1.. (2)
4 Drawthe technical characteristic of clectric locomotive forf main line, urban and suburban services. (3)
)An clectric train has an average specd of 50 kmph on a level track between stops 2000 m apart. It is
accelerated at 1.9 kmphps and is braked at 2.5 kinphps. Draw the speed- time curve for the run. (2)
3, a)A suburban electric train bas a maximum speed of 80 kmph. The schedule speed
including a station stop of
35 seconds is 50 kmph. If the acceleration is 1.5 kmphps, find the value of retardation when the average
distance between stops is 5 km. (2)
the detailed practical block diagtam of Kando system used in modetn AC Electric Traction. (2)
aA train runs between two stations 1.6 km apart at an average speed of 36 km/h. If the maximum speed is to
be limited to 72 krm/h, acceleration to 2.7 km/h/s, coasting retardation to 0.18 km/b/s and braking retardation
to 3.2 km/h/s, compute the duration of acceleration, coasting and braking periods. Assume a simplified
speed/time curve. (2)
b)_What are the major issues faced by Indian Railways at present scenario and please discuss the solution at
your point of view. (4)
A15-*W, 220-V, single-phase resistance oven employs nickel-chrome wire for its heating elements. If the
wire temperature is not to exceed 1,000°C and the temperature of the charge is to be 600°C, calculate the
diameter and length of the wire. Assutne radiating efficiency to be 0.6 and emissivity as 0.9. For nickel
chrome resistivity is 1.016 x 10-m. (2)
8. A 50 kW, 400V resistance oven is to employ nickel-chrome strip 0.025 cm thick for the three phase star
connected heating element. If the wire temperature is to be 1000 degree centigrade and that of charge is to be
627 degree centigrade. Calculate a suitable width of the strip if heating elements are connected i) Y
conncction and i) Deltaconncction. Assume emissivity =0.9, radiation cficiency is 0.6 and resistivity of the
wire is 1.03e, (3)

F'oeus, Drdivation and Hurd work gives Mussive lirtory

NITC/EEN. K&AM/OS/12/2022 Namesrs GiLShanhal
Roll No 200A?1CE
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 50

Answer allquestions and NO step marks will be given for the problems

L Comapre DC and AC electric traction system. (2)

A. i Regenerative braking
(a) can be used for stopping a motor (b) cannot be easily applied to D.Cseries motors (c) can be easily
applied to DCshunt motors and (d) cannot be used when motor load has overhauling characteristics (1)
ii) Which of the following motors is preferred for traction work?
(a) Universalmotor (b) D.C. series motor (c) Synchronous motor (d) SRM motor ()

Anelectric train has a schedule speed of 25 kmph between stations 800 m apart. The duration of stop is
20 seconds, the maximum speed is 20 percent higher than the average running speed and the braking
retardation is 3kmphps. Calculate the rate of acceleration required to operate this service. (2)
Atrain runs at an average speed of 45 km per hour between stations 2.5 km apart. The train accelerates at
2 km/h/s and retards at 3 km/h/s. find its maxin:um speed assuming a trapezoidal speed/time curve.
Calculate also the distance travelled by it before the brakes are applied. (2)
An electrictrain is to have acceleration and braking retardation of 1.2 km/ hour/sec and 4.8 km/hour/sec
respectively. If the ratio of maximum to average speed is 1.6 and time for stops 35 seconds, find schedule
speed for a run of 3 km. Assume simplified trapezoidal speed time curve. (2)
6 AD insulating material 2cm thick and 200 cm² in area is to be heated by dielectric heating. The material
has relative permittivity of Sand power factor of 0.05. Power required is 400 Wand frequency of 40 MHz
is to be used. Determine the necessary voltage and the current that will flow through the material. If the
voltage were to be limited to 700 V, what will be the frequency to get the same loss? (3)
A30-kW, 3-0, 400-V resistance oven is toemploy nickel-chrome strip 0.254 mm thick for the three star
connected heating elements. If the wire temperature is to be 1,100°C and that of the charge to be 700°C,
estimate a suitable width for the strip. Assume emissivity = 0.9 and radiating efficiency to be 0.5 and
resistivity of the strip material is 101.6 x 102- m. What would be the temperature of the wire if the
charge were cold? (2)
8A slab of insulating material 150 cm² in area and I cm thick is to be heated by dielectric heating. The
power required is 400 W at 30 MHz. Material has relative permittivity of 5 and p.f. of 0.05. Determine
the necessary voltage. Absolute permittivity =8.854 x 10 - F/m. (2)
9. i)Write any four advantages of dielectric heating. (2)
ii) Drawthe schematicdiagram for direct core type induction furnace and mention its drawbacks. (3)
ii)Write down tic advantages otcuiclcu indu livn furnaces. ()
10,iWhat is the average luminous efficiency for incandescent and fluorescent lamps? (2)
i)Deline the following: Illumination and Luminous efticiency. (2)
ADA coridor is lighted by 4lanps spaced 10 mapart and suspended at aheight of Smabove the centre
line of the floor. If each lamp gives 200 CP. in all directions below the horizontal, find the illumination at
the point on the floor mid-way between the second and third lan1ps. (3)
)A lampof 100candela is placed I mbelow a plane mirror, which reflects 90% of lightfalling on it. The
lamp is hanging 4 m above ground. Find the illumination at apoint on the ground 3 m away from the point

vertically belowthe lamp. (2

Afootball pitch 120 mx60 mis to be illuminated for night play by similar banks of equal 1000 Wlamps
supported on twelve towers, which are distributed around the ground to provide approximately uniform
illumination of the pitch. Assuming that 40% of the total light emitted reaches the playing pitch and that
an illumination of 1000 Im/m² is necessary for television purposes, calculate the number eklamps on each
tower. The overall efficiency of the lamp is to be taken as 30 Im / W. (3)

13. )Wte three examples for the primary refrigerants. (1)

Ó Draw a neat schematic of solar vapour absoption refrigeration. (2)
i) How to minimize the energy consumption in domestic refrigerator. (2)
ii) Define dew point temperature and absolute humidity. (2)
EExplain the operation details of split type Air conditioner and write down its merits and demerits. (3)
short notes on various types of electric vehicles. (3)
ii) What are the research challenges in electric vehicles? (2)

Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself

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