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Mount Kenya 3) University — See eee acerca eeeeeceeeeneecee eee eee cece eeRCes cea 13 December, 2023 RESCHEDULED ONLINE EXAMINATIONS FOR BACHELORS / MASTERS VIRTUAL STUDENTS |The BUCU001/007 online examination has been rescheduled and will be available on 14** and 16 December 2023. Please note that students will only be allowed to take the Common Unit examination during the session scheduled for with no option for further rescheduling. [The Bachelors’ / Masters’ online examinations requested for have also been rescheduled to 14% & 16 December 2023. \The affected students are requested to log in to the virtual portal to view the rescheduled units and sessions for ithe online examinations; and to log in to the student portal to reschedule. MOUNT KENYA UNIVERSITY 1.0, Box 342 - 01000, THIKA REGISTRAR ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION istrar, Academic Administration Vice-Chancslor Principal, CC 61 Principal Technology Officer °* ea of Students Depuly Vie-Chancelors Director, Examinations Director, CSR ; eas of Departments Principal, C5 & C Director, Quality Assurance Director, Finance Webmaster Principal ODEL hie Security Ofer Directo, Student Recruitment, Admision and Registration Principal, SWAA Director, Teaching Programmes Deans of Schools Prinopal Finance Ofor Director of Campuses Manager, CCAS MRUSA MOUNT KENYA UNIVERSITY __ BACHELOR'S COMMON UNITS/POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES (ONLINE EXAMINATION RESCHEDULED UNIT FOR DECEMBER, 2023 EXAMINATIONS DISTANCE LEARNING MODE TATGHS ha a [azs/204 Fession 1 —fa-bee25__[ROMAM-[9Crzi06 [Suess And Suess Management fession [Ut Dee22—[ILVAM|SUCUWU7 Communication Ses and Academie WHUng [Sesion — [1 Dac.29 —[1LaMAM] (Communication Sts fep/ Del 2 ans fds /DeefSesion 1 [e-Dec-29—[ROVAN-[BAFILOI [Financial Accounting 3 [ates ep Dee Seon 1 —[1¢Dee-38 —[ROVAN|BAFZ2i6 [Principles of Rak Management ad Insurance [anos dsp /DecfSeion 1 [1e-Dee-25—[ROUAM-[oBNS112 Generation of Requements 3 [aos ade /DecfSesion 1 —[ecDee-29 —[RODAN]BM5116_[Entrepreneurship In Profs 6 [ates 20s De Sson 1 —[1eDec-23—[ROVAN|MBMSI(BGereral Management 7 [ans aSep/DeefSession 1 —|eDe23[NOVANE|BAFI201_— [Financial Accounting [2008 (aod / Des fSssion d —]1-De-28 [ROAR] dst psychology 3 [a00s /aodlsep/Dee Session | —]l-Dec-23 —[RODANC] velopment theory TD [aes adsep /DeefSesion 1 —[1-Dve23 —[WODANE fomation Insocey Ti — [ats /20Sp De Sion 11 Dac23— [eaNe [The Uso of Engh for Rendenie Papas 2 [Ds ode /Dee[ession T —[1-Dec-23 [a0ANE [Operations Research 13 [atts /adisep /Dac[Seion 1 [1 Dec23— [RODANE nih Saris Iforaion Stem And Management a |Bas 0p Dee Sesion 1 —[1-Dec23 — [UDANE ISecurly and Cryptography : DeefSesion'1 —|V-Dee 23 [SOAM|MITS102—[laformatin Communication Thick = Des De De fsesion3 [ie Dec23 [207M {Communication Sells and Academie Wing EmEeME iy 35 [auay Be: |Sssion 3 [1D —[30PM-[SUCUWI Communication Sle a launy Deefsession 4 [WeDee 23 |400PN-qSUCUIN7 [Communication Skils and Academie Writing 2 [aay Deseo 4—[1-Dee 23 — [$00PM-q0UCUWI —|Commniction SEs - a See ee ee eee eee nee 23 [ads a0 / De [Session 1 —[1-Da-d8 —[ROOAM-{MPHS216 [Principles Of Inferatonal ical And Deviapaent 2 atns /20dSep/Deeessiont [16 Dac28 JBOOAM-{ABCUWUI |Research Methodology 25 [ts /203Sep/ De Session t [16 Dae-23— [B00AN-[ BHMEAIS [Marketing Management 2523 [20% / Dee [Session 1 —|16:Dec25 |RDOAN ACFZIO4 —|Mulcultural Dinenstons Ta Counseling amos [Decfsssion 1 [16 Dec28 — [S00AN-{BTTEDOK E-Commerce 25 [aes /20dSep/ De [Session 1 16Dec23—_[s00AM- 59118 —|inroducton oO PUDIE Poly Development 29 aos [20d / De Session | [16 Dac23— JRODANE{DIS4235 [Forensic Accounting ‘3 [ates /a0dsep/Dec Session 1 —[16:Dec25 J RDOAN BPFI3108_—[legrated Dscase Survelance and Response SI [3105208 / De Session 1 —|16De23— ]RODAN-|EBCUOUI —[Reseatch Methodology 32 [atas aise /Der session 1 [16 Dac23 [RODAN-[OCPZI04 —[Mulcultral Dimensions Ta Coueling 33. [ats /208Sep/Dee[Sssiont [16 Dec23 [BOOANDTT«2O [E-Commerce 34 [ates /20dSep/ De [Session [16-Dec23 [Roa 7.1104 —|Inyoduction FADE Relations 35s ad sep / De Session | —[6:De23 [DOAN BAFZ2I7— [Management Accounting 35 ouns /audep Dee [ession t [1 Da-23_JS00AM-[BFIRZIOZ [Medical Demography in HealthCare 37 — [ates asp / De Session | [16 Dec23—[RMOAN-[BITIIOL — [Computer Arcuectue 38 [at2s/0dsep/Deeession 1 [16 Dac23 — |SO0AM-{ONLU1O4 troduction to Fuble Kelana Bay, Derfsesion?—[1GDee23 [11 Q0AMIBUCUWNT7 [Communication Skis an Academie Weng 0 [ats aisep/ Dac Session 2 —[1:De-25 —_[T-ODANSUCUTOL|Comrunication STs a famey /Deifsesion'3 —[1eDee23 —[20PM-[BUCUW7 [Communication Suis and Academie Weing fay "Dee |Sexon'3—[iDe.28 —[>00PM-[SUCUWL Communication Sis Bay Deifsession 4 [16Dee23 [0PM SUCUW7 | Communication Seis and Academie WEting a 05 Deccan 4 [16 Dec23— [ev0PN-qSCCUWL | Communication Sil PRINCIPAL ODEL, DATE T3240

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