Growth of SrTiO3 Thin Film on a Glass Substrate by the Sol-gel-Assisted Hydrothermal Method 老師寄給我們看的

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Surfaces and Interfaces 40 (2023) 103026

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Growth of SrTiO3 thin film on a glass substrate by the sol-gel-assisted

hydrothermal method
Yulia Eka Putri *, Melvi Muharmi , Tio Putra Wendari , Diana Vanda Wellia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Andalas, Padang 25163, Indonesia


Keywords: In this study, SrTiO3 thin films underwent fabrication on glass substrates using the in-situ sol-gel-hydrothermal
SrTiO3 thin film method. The overall formation procedure comprised two primary stages. In this first, the TiO2 layer deposition
Perovskite on the glass substrates was performed using the sol-gel method. Next, diffusing the Sr2+ ions in the TiO2 layer for
obtaining SrTiO3 was performed via the hydrothermal method by modifying the amount of strontium ions within
Glass substrate
the solution. The crystal structure analysis shows that all the prepared SrTiO3 thin films are polycrystalline with a
perovskite structure. The surface morphology of SrTiO3 thin films demonstrates that the STF-50 sample has the
smallest average particle size of 147 nm with a thickness of 247 nm. The SrTiO3 thin layer interaction with the
glass substrate was observed in the FTIR spectrum with the presence of Ti-O and Si-O-strain vibrations of TiO6
octahedral in SrTiO3 the perovskite structure, and silanol and siloxane groups from the glass substrate. The UV-
DRS measurement spectrum suggests that the optical band gap energy value decreases when raising the thickness
of the thin film, indicating the dependence of optical properties on the thickness of the resulting film.

1. Introduction perovskite structure that has mixed ionic-electronic conductivity. A

strontium cation is coordinated with twelve oxygen ions and a titanium
The development of nanomaterials and nanotechnology has gener­ cation with six oxygen ions in a cubic unit cell. The TiO6 octahedron
ated rapid growth in the search for materials with leading-edge func­ building unit in the center of the cubic unit cell has a centrosymmetric
tions. The most attractive research work in this area is coming across position that allows for structural instability, causing distortions such as
challenging solutions to develop advanced materials that offer superior local tilt and rotation [8]. The structural features of perovskite are a
performance [1]. Thin-film materials have shown remarkably extensive promising platform for tuning and optimizing material properties.
properties over the corresponding bulk counterparts of the same Furthermore, the growth of SrTiO3 into thin layers is compositionally
chemical composition. Nano-thickness thin films show qualitative and chemically highly stable. The combination of SrTiO3 structure and
changes in their chemical and physical properties, attributable to the controllable properties enables this particular thin film to possess
large surface-to-volume ratio originating from the microstructure, thus excellent dielectric properties, high optical transparency, and incipient
influencing several unique phenomena such as optical interference [2], ferroelectricity [9–11]. In addition, the presence of dopants and va­
conductivity [3], diffusion and non-linear mass transport [4], optical cancies in the SrTiO3 thin layer structure has significantly changed the
absorption [5], and catalytic activity [6]. The use of thin solid films targeted properties such as electrical and thermal conductivity [12], as
covers the most common practice in many types of engineering systems well as electrocatalyst properties for the production of hydrogen from
and adapts with the development of the miniaturization of electronic the electrolysis of water [13].
devices. The interface structural features of thin films allow for the A series of effective methods have been applied to expand the SrTiO3
confinement of electric charges that cause changes in electronic prop­ thin films. Some examples are atomic layer deposition, plasma sputter­
erties. Additionally, the need for high-quality, reliable, and reproducible ing, molecular beam deposition, chemical vapor deposition, as well as
thin-film materials is the driving force for continuously developing electron-cyclotron-resonance (ECR). However, these techniques require
thin-film synthesis techniques [7]. advanced equipment and high cost [14]. Therefore, more simple and
Strontium titanate (SrTiO3/STO) is a class of ternary oxide with a cost-effective preparation techniques are needed to prepare SrTiO3 thin

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y.E. Putri).
Received 5 August 2022; Received in revised form 15 March 2023; Accepted 6 June 2023
Available online 24 June 2023
2468-0230/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.E. Putri et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 40 (2023) 103026

X’pert PRO), a Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray

(FlexSEM1000), a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (JEOL
JSM 6950), and a UV–Vis Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (Analytik
Jena Specord 210).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Crystal structure analysis using XRD

The SrTiO3 films were created using a two-stage deposition proced­

ure. The first stage involves TiO2 deposition on glass substrates. The
second stage involves strontium ions diffusion on the TiO2 layer in the
hydrothermal process, during calcination at a temperature of 600 ◦ C.
The thin film crystalline phase was identified by X-Ray Diffractometer
(Fig. 1). In diffractometer patterns of the SrTiO3 thin films, distinctive
peaks were observed at 2θ: 32.30◦ (110) for all of the prepared samples
with various concentrations of Sr2+ions in the solution. The arrange­
ment of the SrTiO3 patterns reveals the cubic perovskite crystallographic
phase with a space group Pm3m (ICSD-94573). The crystallite size of all
samples was calculated by applying Scherrer’s formula for the main XRD
peak, which corresponded to 31 nm, 29 nm, and 32 nm for SFT-25, STF-
Fig. 1. XRD patterns of SrTiO3 thin films. 50, and STF-75, respectively. There was no significant difference in
crystallite size with increasing concentration of Sr2+ ions in solution, so
the packing density in the crystal structure was approximately the same
for all samples.
films with high crystallinity, uniform morphology, and crack-free The formation of SrTiO3 thin films initiates with the preparation of a
behavior. Chemical solution deposition techniques offer a viable, thin layer of TiO2 deposited on a glass substrate in the form of a gel with
low-cost solution that can produce polycrystalline stoichiometric an amorphous structure. The TiO2 on the glass substrate was confirmed
ceramic thin films [15]. by XRD analysis, as shown in Supporting Information S1. Amorphous
We used a thin layer of SrTiO3 expanded on a glass substrate by the TiO2 thin film is more unstable compared to its crystalline structure, so
in-situ sol-gel-hydrothermal method. The TiO2 gel solid precursors were the process of breaking the Ti-O bonds in the amorphous structure is
used through the sol-gel method. Next, the deposition was performed on easier [17]. The loose binding inside the TiO2 structure makes the
the glass substrate using a dip-coating method. The reaction mechanism diffusion of Sr2+ ions toward the surface faster, thus accelerating the
during SrTiO3 film formation was explained through the hydrolysis of formation of polycrystalline SrTiO3.
TiCl4 precursors, condensation to form TiO2 gel, and Sr2+ions diffusion The reaction mechanism of the SrTiO3 thin film was initiated by the
along the thin layer of TiO2 gel framework to develop SrTiO3, these hydrolysis of TiCl4 in distilled water to produce a solution of titanium
mechanisms have succeeded in producing high purity and crystallinity oxychloride (TiOCl2). The TiOCl2 solution was further hydrolyzed in an
of SrTiO3 films in the nanometer range. The optical properties of SrTiO3 alkaline solution to release chloride ions, and the hydrolyzed species
thin films are discussed to study the interaction of thin films with light. will react with each other via a condensation process to form titanium
Crystal structure determination, morphological observations, and ab­ oxyhydroxide (TiO(OH)2) clusters. The presence of ammonium chloride
sorption characteristics were carried out to strengthen the analysis of the in the solution fused the TiO(OH)2 clusters to form the solid TiO2.xH2O
optical properties of SrTiO3 thin films. framework. The Ti-O bonds dissociation on the TiO2.xH2O framework
with peroxide formed peroxo titanic acid (Ti(OH)(OOH)), and then
2. Experimental procedures further condensed to form a TiO2 gel. The hydrothermal process assisted
in loosening the Ti-O bonds of TiO2 with amorphous structures on the
Glass substrates were prepared by rinsing and sonication using surface of the substrate so that the diffusion of Sr2+ ions into the TiO2
distilled water, isopropanol, acetone, and ethanol for five minutes for framework becomes faster to form SrTiO3 thin films. The sintering
every solvent. After that, the clean glass was heated to 500 ◦ C for 1 h The process of SrTiO3 thin films induced changes in crystal structure and
preparation of the TiO2 gel precursor on a glass substrate was adapted morphological evolution. The reaction equilibrium during the synthesis
from prior work [16]. The TiO2 gel precursor on the glass substrates was process is as follows;
dried in an oven at 120 ◦ C for 1 h. Confirmation of the TiO2 produced TiCl4(l)+H2O(l)→TiOCl2(I)+2HCl
using the sol-gel method was carried out by calcining the TiO2 gel
deposited on a glass substrate at a temperature of 500 ◦ C for 1 h. The TiOCl2+2NH4OH→TiO(OH)2(l)+2NH4Cl→TiO2. xH2O(s)
transformation from TiO2 to SrTiO3 was conducted after dissolving Sr
– – O + H2O2→–
– Ti– – Ti(OH)(OOH)(l)+H2O→–
– TiO2(s)+H2O
(OH)2⋅8H2O in distilled water with concentration values of 25, 50, and
75 mM, by stirring for 40 min. The solution was then loaded onto a SiO-TiO2(s)+Sr2+→SiO-SrTiO3(s)
Teflon-lined autoclave. Next, the TiO2 gel precursor was positioned
vertically. The hydrothermal procedure was then performed at a tem­
perature of 150 ◦ C for 6 hrs. After the hydrothermal procedure, the
substrate that was coated with SrTiO3 was extracted from the autoclave 3.2. Morphological observations
and dried at room temperature. Subsequently, the calcination procedure
was performed at 600 ◦ C for 30 min. The SrTiO3 thin film samples were Fig. 2 (a-c) illustrates the surface morphology SEM images for all of
then labeled STF-25, STF-50, and STF-75. The SrTiO3 thin films were the SrTiO3 thin films. The morphology of the films shows fine-grained
then characterized using an X-Ray Diffractometer (PAN Analytical particles with a spherical shape. They do not have any cracks on their

Y.E. Putri et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 40 (2023) 103026

Fig. 2. (a-c) SEM micrograph of SrTiO3 thin films deposited on a glass substrate, (d-f) Grain size distribution, (g-i) SEM images for the cross-section of the SrTiO3 thin
films, and (j) Elemental mapping of the STF-50 sample.

Y.E. Putri et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 40 (2023) 103026

The weak absorption peak at 1056 cm− 1 indicates the presence of

stretching vibration of the silanol and siloxane group originating from
the glass substrate [20]. The FTIR results indicate that an interaction of
silanol and siloxane groups is present on the glass substrate with the
Ti-O-Ti network along the hexagonal sequence on the SrTiO3 thin film
perovskite structure [21].

3.4. UV-DRS analysis

The optical characteristics were identified by the DRS spectrum as

shown in Fig. 4.a. The absorption peaks of all samples were in the UV
absorption region with different absorption wavelengths. The shift to­
wards lower or higher absorption wavelength is related to the thickness
of the thin film and the particle size of the samples, thus affecting the
emission of the light beam. The determination of the absorption coef­
ficient (α) was carried out by using the DRS absorption spectrum, with
the formula as follows; α = 2,303A/l, where A is absorbance and l is film
thickness (nm), and the calculated absorption coefficient value was 5.06
× 104 cm− 1, 8.40 × 104 cm−, 1 and 5.44 × 104 cm− 1 for STF-25, STF-50,
and STF-75, respectively. The absorption coefficient for all samples has a
value of α >104 cm− 1, which leads to an increase in the probability of a
Fig. 3. FTIR spectrum of SrTiO3 thin films.
direct transition, where the absorption coefficient increases with a
decrease in thin film thickness.
The estimated reflectance spectra were transformed to the
surface. The particle size distribution was determined using Image-J computed optical band gap (Eg) by using the Tauc plot (Fig. 4b). After
software by selecting approximately 70 discrete particles. Particle size extrapolating the linear portion of the plot of (αhυ)2 as a photon energy
data were analyzed by determining the statistical quantities displayed in (hυ) function, the hυ-axis point exhibits the direct optical band gap (Eg)
the form of a bar chart of the particle size distribution. The mean of for all the samples. The measured Eg value was 3.04, 3.30, and 3.24 eV
particle size was calculated by summing all the particle sizes divided by for STF-25, STF-50, and STF-75, respectively. Fig. 4c shows the glass
the number of selected particles. Fig. 2 (d-f) shows that the particle size substrate with the thin films of SrTiO3, and all samples exhibit good
distribution for STF-25 is within the range of 75–375 nm, and is reduced transparency by visual observation. The transparent thin film will
to the range of 60–230 nm for STF-50, and 80–260 nm for STF-75. These poorly absorb light, which means there is more transmittance or
results conclude that the STF-50 sample has a smaller size and a nar­ reflection occurring and less absorption, thus absorption coefficient (α)
rower size distribution than the STF-25 and STF-75 samples. Subse­ becomes higher [6,22]. As the thickness of STF-25 increases by 452
quently, the cross-section morphology observation by SEM was nm, the light beam transmittance typically decreases and moves to­
conducted to determine the thickness of the film deposited on the glass wards the higher wavelength values. Consequently, the optical ab­
substrate. Fig. 2 (g-i) shows a cross-section of the samples with a dense sorption edge moves in the direction of the higher wavelength values
film, and an average thickness was found to be 452 nm for SFT-25, 247 with lower photon energy, as a result, the optical gap energy of the
nm for SFT-50, and 375 nm for STF-75, respectively. The measurement STF-25 sample decreases. It is worth noting that the Eg value of SrTiO3
of the element distributions in the STF-50 sample illustrated in Fig. 2(j) thin film decreases when the thickness increases [23]. Additionally, the
was created from one view field after scanning the electron beam within refraction angle of the light beam in the thin film material decreases.
a grid pattern. The presence of all constituent elements of Sr, Ti, and O Therefore, the refractive index of the optical rays rises and the optical
was detected homogeneously and also supported by the EDX spectrum in band gap decreases [24,25].
Supporting Information S2, thus proving that the SrTiO3 were distrib­
uted throughout the thin layer surface. 4. Conclusion
The deposition of TiO2 thin films on the glass substrates significantly
impacts the formation of SrTiO3. TiO2 is required to deposit in a gel state SrTiO3 thin films were synthesized on glass substrates using a two-
during the early stage of the hydrothermal reaction. The Sr2+ ions are stage process. The TiO2 solution was first created by the sol-gel
consumed into the amorphous TiO2 structure on the self-organized method and then deposited on glass substrates using the dip-coating
surface so that it becomes a nearly stoichiometric SrTiO3 film during method. This was followed by the diffusion and the formation of
the growth procedure [18]. The heating and annealing of the thin films SrTiO3 by the hydrothermal method for a series of concentrations of
create the crystallization and lead to control of the film microstructures Sr2+ions. Next, XRD analysis revealed a densely packed structured
[19]. The TiO2 to SrTiO3 conversion fully takes place, so TiO2 is not perovskite SrTiO3 layer with a cubic crystal structure and a Pm3m
traced as proven by the unavailability of TiO2 peaks within the XRD space group. The FTIR spectrum exhibits the interaction between the
patterns. glass substrate and the SrTiO3 thin layer during several specific ab­
sorption processes. The thin film surface morphology shows the
spherical particles are homogeneously distributed across the glass
3.3. FTIR spectrum analysis substrate. The cross-section of all samples revealed a SrTiO3 layer with
a thickness value in the range of a few nanometers. The optical
Ion interaction in the SrTiO3 thin films with a perovskite structure on characteristics of the band gap energy demonstrated a correlation with
glass substrates was characterized using FTIR. Fig. 3 illustrates three the film thickness value, whereby a thicker SrTiO3 layer caused a
different vibration modes for the Ti-O bond at wavenumbers in the range lower band gap energy value. Using visual analysis, the thin film
of 400–900 cm− 1 for all available samples. The stretching vibration of transparency in the STF-50 samples demonstrated their implication as
the hydroxyl group of Ti-OH was shown at wave numbers of 1459 cm− 1. a smart window glass application.

Y.E. Putri et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 40 (2023) 103026

Fig.. 4. (a) DRS absorption region of the STF samples. (b) The plots of (αhυ)2 vs hυ for the determination of the optical band gap of SrTiO3 thin film. (c) Transparent
thin film specimen of the STF samples.

CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of Competing Interest

Yulia Eka Putri: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Writing – original draft. Melvi Muharmi: Investigation, Writing – interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
original draft. Tio Putra Wendari: Visualization, Writing – review & the work reported in this paper.
editing. Diana Vanda Wellia: Validation, Writing – review & editing.

Y.E. Putri et al. Surfaces and Interfaces 40 (2023) 103026

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