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Practice Exercises 7

I. Complete the passage with the words from the box

increase grains diet reduce good

nutrients sick necessary attention products
Having a good (1) _____ and take regular exercise will keep you healthy. Your
body needs the vitamins and (2)_____ found in vegetables and fruit. It also needs
enough exercise to strengthen muscles and bones and (3) _____ your chances of
getting (4) _____. Paying (5) _____ to diet and exercise isn't that hard. If you do
it, your life will be better.

You also need to eat (6) _____ such as rice, wheat, oats, or corn. Dairy (7) _____
in the form of milk and cheese provide your body with (8) _____ calcium. Protein
comes from meat and nuts. Don't eat too much meat, however. Eating too much
red meat, in particular, is not (9) _____ for your heart,and it might (10) _____
your chances of getting cancer.

II. Identify one mistake in each sentence and correct it

1. They are talking to financial problems.

2. Mathematics are my favourite subject.

3. Could you tell me how using this machine?

4. He arrived here ago five minutes.

5. He didn't met his girlfriend.

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